Varxus' Gummi Landed outside the castle, Varxus ran into the Hall Of The Cornerstone and saw that chaos had let loose.
Luxord sneezed and the Zexion replica became a card. "I'll take that." He said as he pocketed the card. "I can now start my Org.XIII card collection."
No I win, cause I said so
Zexion stood next to Marluxia. "Thanks Marly." He said. "Where's Xemnas got to anyway?" He then asked
Varxus found his Gummi Ship waiting outside the castle. "Come one." He said to Hack as he got in, he then found the other Gummi Ship on his radar at Disney Castle. Varxus set co-ordinates and the Gummi Ship took off.
Sure, i'll give credit to you of course.
That is hilarious, I think, would it be ok if I use that in a parody i'm making?
"I have a bad feeling about this in your pants."
19179 CtR made some
"Yes I realised." Zexion said as he threw the newspaper away. He then got a diet coke out of his pocket and started drinking it.
Ok I won't talk about it, so DBX doesn't feel bad.
OOC: Well Me and Hack had a practice fight. We're waiting for Wing before we go to the mage and fight the knights, so we're just doing some side-quests shall we say. That's all I know.
Someone who kills demons.
what do you win though?
19174 Ooh marshmallows.
This is going to go on forever ain't it?
19172 I dunno, but I feel like bouncing :bounce: :bounce::bounce: :bounce::bounce::bounce: I really gotta get that outta my system.
I win because I bounce :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
13thDarkness An unlucky heartless