Hi would it be possible if you can make hold a scythe in his other hand? Thanks.
"Hi Sora, it's Riku, I just got off my ride, it was awesome where are you and Kairi?"
Recently, I made a Paper Keyblade and threw it at my brother, trying to do Strike Raid.
Varxus took a small group out, but he heard Jecht and moved.
Save The King, Goofy's best weapon
Banned for having a clock in your avatar.
Banned for having 444 posts.
OOC: I'm making an OC to play as during lessons. Name: Revus Age: 16 Weapon: Twin Swords Power: Water Description: Medium sized, wears blue jeans and a white jacket. Has brown hair and blue eyes. Personality: Fun-loving, willing to make friends, enjoys most things, except boring lectures. BIC: Revus walked into the school and started looking for the principal's office. He found it after searching for 5 minutes and knocked on the door. Xemnas heard the knock on the door and opened it. "Yes?" He asked "I'm Revus. Sir." Revus told Xemnas "I'm a new student and was told to see you."He explained. "Come in." He said After they had talked Revus walked to the music class. He walked in and everyone looked at him. "I'm Revus, a new student." He told Demyx.
Can I be Leon please?
"That was awesome." Riku shouted as he got off the ride. He turns his phone back on and phones Sora.
Varxus saw the battle in the distance, he sprinted towards the battle ground and tried using his powers over fire, however, he was unable to. What's happened? he thought. He put his spear away and pulled out the Scythe and started hacking at the heartless. OOC: Here's the theme song for Varxus http://youtube.com/watch?v=bGFXKYvH39I When I listen to the lyrics it reminds me of Varxus' anger.
Hi everyone :roll::bounce: how's everyone?
These are the ones I've got out of your list: Cloud(Ally) Replaces Donald 6F4A-ENGD-C53U6 JMYJ-5K5E-N120B Xaldin Replaces Donald 4FBG-GKNA-KBZZJ 3HVC-W1RY-ZKTK5 Xaldin Replaces Goofy NCV6-425F-ZJ19D P8VM-7XKM-6X5XJ Saix Replaces Donald 29YQ-825T-1R6CM 8U2H-E772-AP3Y5 Saix Replaces Goofy 8XMY-2NG5-BVNHF DE81-0RVG-HHFC1 EDIT: Has anyone got the digit for an empty slot. EG so it can only be Sora and Donald, no Goofy.
Varxus fell back down to the floor, he fell unconcious...
Riku got his phone out and read the text from Sora. I don't believe I forgot that. He thought as he got his pass out and jumped over the railing to the front of the queue, he came upto a guard who told him to get to the back. "I have this." Riku told the guard as he showed him the pass. The guard let him pass and Riku sat in his seat ready to go.Finally. He thought.
"There's your prey." Zexion told Larxene "And i'm not emo!"
Riku had made a bit more progress in the queue, he had been waiting there for about 15 minutes. This is ridiculous. He thought to himself.
Varxus looked towards Wing. "W..what shall w..we do no..w?" He asked him
OOC: What's happening is that all the nobodies in the area have been hit by this lightning that has drained our powers. BIC: Varxus managed to get back up, the flames on the spear had died. Varxus had blood slowly coming out of his sleeve, his right arm was bleeding.
"Let me guess." Zexion said to Larxene "Out of old people to kill?" he asked her