Zexion - The Cloaked Schemer of Organization XIII
Ayumi Ito - Tifa's JP voice actor(I think)
Banned for having Nono in your sig.
Uswitch adverts Every single loan/mortgage etc. advert and this advert which has people climbing all over houses making monkey noises.
Captain Jack Sparrow, he made me laugh alot.
Varxus saw Xardius' attack and saw heartless scatter around the battleground. He then saw Wyverns attack from the sky, Varxus jumped up onto one and stabbed it with both Spear and Scythe and then kept jumping to others and stabbing them.
"Yea i'll come. Better than being on my own."
I wish this was in the game, I would prefer it as an optional so it could be stronger, well i'm hoping it's in the next KH.
Riku is still running and catches up with Sora and Kairi. "Hey guys." He said as he was catching his breath.
Xemnas - Leader of Organization XIII
Water - Demyx's element
Sorax Banned for having your sig by /D/J/_!DaNgEr_*MOU5E* Kairi_and_sora_forever Banned for having a Naminé avvy and sig
Underworld - Hades' Domain
Demyx, the melodious nocturne
Setzer, a struggle player
Auron - the guest in Olympus Coliseum
"Ok, i'll meet you there." Riku then hung up and ran towards mgm studios.
Thanks, you're great at doing this.
London Underground, Jube sounds like Tube to me
Banned for being somewhere in Queens