Really? I just randomly found it on Google. xD I should just stick to QuickdrawFlamvellEvolution...
...Jaden, you do know that Dark Gaia's ATK is still at 0, right? EDIT: Regardless: *Puts helmet on* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-
Morphing Jar forced the 2 Browws to be discarded. Hand: 4 Morphing Jar's effect gives you 5. Hand: 9 ...I think. Let's just assume you're right.
Easier. His Elemental Hero deck is better. This one just OTKs faster. I actually would've won had he not discarded two Sillvas. xD
Argh... -Main Phase 2- -End Phase- Hand: 0 Field: Sorry Jaden...
Aw man. I had a miracle play and everything... Ohwait, I mean: Damn you Supreme King! Give me back my friend! Chain Resolving Effects reduce my hand to 1. I activate Pot Of Greed! Hand: 2 Then, Monster Reborn! Be reborn, Scrap Dragon! Scrap Dragon's effect activates! Destroying Morphing Jar and one of your Sillvas! ... Now that a monster I control has been destroyed by a card effect and sent to the graveyard... ... Descend! Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity! This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except from your hand when a face-up monster you control is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to half of your Life Points. Once per turn, you can equip 1 face-up Synchro Monster your opponent controls to this card. This card gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of all Synchro Monsters equipped to this card by its own effect. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can select and Special Summon 1 Synchro Monster equipped to this card to your side of the field in face-up Defense Position. With his effect, Grannel's ATK and DEF become 3500! -Battle Phase- Go! Scrap Dragon! Attack one of those Browws! Grannel! Attack the only remaining Sillva! ... Necro Gardna? Because I recall it being in your Graveyard...
I recommend Gurren Lagann, if you haven't seen it.
I think I might have made him a little angry. Doesn't matter, I just barely survived anyway... -Draw Phase- D-Draw...! Hand: 2 -Standby Phase- -Main Phase 1- Here marks my Counterattack! ...Sorta. First, I set a monster. Then I activate Book Of Taiyou! Flipping Morphing Jar Face-Up! Now, I don't have any cards left in my hand, but you got your four from Mirage. So what'd you discard...?
WHOA THERE COWBOY By discarding Effect Veiler during your Main Phase: I negate Dark Gaia's effect, and since the ATK is continuous, it becomes 0! ...Right? /confused about the ruling If not, I'll just surrender. ...Hell, I might just surrender regardless. xD Also, wouldn't I have 500 LP left? inb4burncard
Nothing, because I activate it in response to Caius' summoning! inb4negate
Hero Medal's destruction nets me a card. Keep going.
... No. No Chains.
No, keep going.
...! LP: 7000 No chain...
Since you control a monster and I don't, I can Special Summon Cyber Dragon! Further, I summon the Tuner Monster, Scrap Goblin! Now, I'm tuning my Level 5 Cyber Dragon to my Level 3 Scrap Goblin! 5 + 3 = 8 Synchro Shokan! Come, Scrap Dragon! Now, I'll activate Graceful Charity... Discarding: Finally, I set two cards and end my turn. -End Phase- Hand: 1 Field: Cubia, the Rainbow Nuker.
I activate Giant Trunade! ...Chain? inb4wabokuorimperialthing
... Jaden sure uses alot of pictures when he's angry. o_O -Draw Phase- Draw! Hand: 6 -Standby Phase- Chain?
I don't mind. Let's just say, for this duel, we both went to the Darkside.
Scrap Emperors. Scraps and Machine Emperors in one deck.
Alrighty then, Jay. Go first.