I don't know if I should lol at that or not. God. Royal Oppression. So many shenanigans... So evil...
Wait, how did you discard the Batteryman? What card effect? EDIT: Crap, what did you discard for Graceful Charity? o_o Also I activate Waboku in response to it's own destruction:
Tsk! No chains...
Smart move indeed. That card pisses me off so much in WC10... sometimes, I feel like turning into Berserk Gorilla. Or some other monster that's...
Chain to Standby Phase: Yusei: 7000 LP Drill Warrior's ATK returns to normal (I think. I'm not entirely sure) Ra's ATK drops to 0.
Suddenly, I'm terrified... -Main Phase 2- I'm gonna set these two cards here and end my turn before something bad happens. -End Phase- Yusei: 8000 LP Marik: 6800 LP Hand: 0 Field:
Thank you. xD Konami was just asking for it though. Drill Warrior's monster effect will cut his own ATK in half to 1200, which allows him to attack directly. -Battle Phase- Go! Drill Warrior! Direct Attack! GIGA... DRILL... BRRRREEEAAAAKKKK- WAIT A MINUTE. DAMN IT! I MEAN: DRILL SHOOT! (1200 ATK) Chain?
Ah, okay. I'm tuning my last Flamvell, Level 1 Poun to my Level 5 Quickdraw Synchron. Screw the chant, I'm lazy. PIERCE THE HEAVENS. GURREN LA- er DRILL WARRIOR Chain?
... I gave a link to the card if you couldn't read it... "Reveal the top 5 cards of your Deck. Shuffle them back in, and this card's maximum number of attacks this turn is equal to the number of Tuner monsters revealed in Deck." It's the number of times I can attack with him. Also, by discarding Shield Warrior... I can Special Summon Quickdraw Synchron from my hand! ... Chain? ...Do you even chain this turn?
Finally... I can do this without getting Super Poly'd... I'm tuning my Level 8 Synchro Monster, Stardust Dragon, to my Level 2 Synchro Tuner, Formula Synchron! Clustering crystal dreams open the door to a new evolution! Become the path its light shines upon! Accel Synchro!! (Due to lack of Clear Mind pictures, I can't post anything that would fit. D: ) Be born, Shooting Star Dragon! (Due to the fact that the text couldn't fit, I linked to the Wikia Page.) ...Chain?
Good. Maybe this'll actually work... I'll tune one of my Level 1 Pouns to my Level 1 Flamvell Baby: Clustering wishes will call out a new speed's horizon! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! The Power of Hope, Synchro Tuner, Formula Synchron! Due to his effect, I'll draw an extra card! Hand: 4 Chain?
Then I'm tuning my Level 4 Firedog to my Level 4 Trap Eater! 4 + 4 = 8 Clustering hopes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Take flight, Stardust Dragon! Chain?
I don't really know.
I know exactly how you feel. I remember going back on different forums and looking at my first posts... then I just feel like getting off of the computer and crawling into bed. That way, I can go to sleep and forget about what I saw.
I do? o_O I'm sure, I'm good. xD Must feel good with it, eh?
I'm using the Anime Polar Gods though. xD Thanks for the suggestion. But I have another idea.
If their ATK was equal. D:
Which is why the second possibility is there. I might just go with DNA Surgery>Declare LIGHT>Honest Or something else.
Two hints for two different possible monsters: 4 + 1 + 1 + 4(Tuner) = 10 1 + 1(Tuner) = 2(Tuner) 4 + 4(Tuner) = 8 8 + 2(Tuner) = 10 To be...
Then I'll just leave you with this and you can confirm if you have any chains or not in the morning. I activate Rekindling! Reviving: