Hi I' m ... *watches the vid* ... smiling awkwardly, slowly backing away ...
Three hours in line ? Jesus christ ! You' d have to pay me a pretty penny to endure this. Anyway, I don' t even pay attention to the French equivalent of Black Friday, even though it' s not nearly as agitated and doesn' t overlap with any familial holyday. See, the fact that it' s black might be the reason the rest of the year is red. Local little shop owners don' t sprout those price cuts out of their ass. I' d rather allow them to make a decent margin, sort of an economy karma thing I got going.
I' ll probably get a copy eventually but I' m in no hurry. I don' t even own a 3DS yet. From what I' ve heard you can complete the dungeons in any order you see fit, which is awesome in my book, but unfortunately the game is insanely short and easy. Granted, retrospectively ALttP wasn' t particularly long or hard either, but still. What does piss me off is that Nintendo thought of adding a hard mode but ... you have to spoil yourself the entire game in normal to unlock it ! Seriously Nintendo, why do you keep doing this ?
That would make them bisexuals in my book but whatever. More importantly that "article" mentions no source whatsoever, not even an author, and sounds completely trollish. If that wasn' t the final nail in the coffin for you here' s another quality piece of news linked on the same page : http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/...nded-to-promote-shopping-frenzy-2013112981548
Since gender issues seem to be somewhat of a hot topic lately, not just on this forum but across medias in general, I figured I should post this trailer. This movie, written by its main actor and largely autobiographical, is currently receiving high praise, both by the critics and the public. Haven' t seen it myself yet.
I' m not an expert but I' d rather avoid finding out the answer empirically. All I know for sure is that smoking in gas stations is forbidden in my country.
So ... you were at a gas station ... with a lit cigarette in your hand and a crackpot shaking you around? Sounds potentially heartwarming indeed.
Apparently Ichiro Hazama (Dissidia producer) let it slip in an interview with Famitsu that he' d like to make a third Dissidia, but I wouldn' t expect anything but FF characters.
To be fair my sample wasn' t extensive, but I hope for their sake that it wasn' t representative. It really was that terrible.
I refuse Brit food period, but that' s because of the week I spent there.
Oh wow, I actually agree with the Pope on something ? I' m liking this guy more and more. I can' t help but notice that the catholic church isn' t exactly poor though, far from it (I would know, my uncle managed their properties for a living). It also loves to evade taxes. But then I' m not sure the Pope has much control, if any, over the way the Vatican uses its money.
Quite a raw personality, but I guess all that warmongering got her cooked in the end.
The only reason she feels central despite barely being there is that she' s both a Living MacGuffin/Princess of Heart and a love interest, with a Phlebotinum Girl (possibly Barrier Maiden) layer lampshaded on top of that. She' s a plot device. A living, breathing spoiler alert. Now that the plot is coming to a close she' s actually required to be there, it' s spill the beans o' clock.
At least they mentioned she was going to train, unlike Sora who sprouted Ragnaroks, Ars Arcanums and stuff out of nowhere.
I think I should point out that, if they want to be taken seriously, wording it like this really doesn' t help. I mean think about it, what if someone was to tell you "I' m a slim person born in a fat body" or "I' m a big breasted girl born in a flat chested body", isn' t it bound to bring up a smile ? My first reaction would be to wonder if (s)he believes in reincarnated souls or something. If you ask me unless you' re hermaphrodite (or have YY genes etc ...) you' re either a man/born with XY genes or a woman/born with XX genes, that' s not about to change anytime soon. You just wish you were *insert gender* or had a different body. The fact that I think it' s a rather funny way to put it doesn' t mean I don' t understand that their pain is very real, I do, defiance of expectations just happens to be one of humor' s basic principles. Problem is smiling over that way to word it probably sends mixed signals at best.
Drama, apparently. Groundbreaking huh ?
Out of the top of my head I can think of this one. It' s in French so I guess you won' t understand a word of it (pitty, it' s freaking hilarious), but the music and pictures alone make it pretty clear they' re having a field day mocking mainstream rap.
Kinda makes you wonder what might or might not be slithering in his pants right ?
Other : Aha ! And there was light ! I have no idea what you are, are you amnesic or something ? *waits for an answer to try and locate its source while looking for anything that could be used as a blunt weapon*
Beware, legend says he split his soul into seven DLCs.