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  1. Patman

    Post by: Patman, Dec 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Patman
    View attachment 37085
    Post by: Patman, Dec 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Patman
    The yearly budget spent on advertising is around $500 billion. A study from the OUN estimates that 10% of it would suffice to cut worldwide hunger by half. Both Sony and Microsoft are amongst the 36 brands that spend over $1 billion yearly in advertising, mind you.

    According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report published in October 2007, the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost US taxpayers a total of $2.4 trillion by 2017.

    Vote Patman for president.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 7, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Patman
    That' s how my dad got my mum though. I' m his carbon copy, I don' t even try, I take for granted that all I' ll get is friendship but sometimes people bite anyway. Surprises me every time. Guess you don' t have to be a hunter to be hunted.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 6, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Patman
    At such an early point in the game mindlessly whacking away was enough for me, even in proud mode, but if you' re having such a hard time here' s a few tips that you might not have figured out yet :

    - Always cure yourself right before you kill the last ennemy, that way if the next fight takes you by surprise you won' t start it with a handicap.

    - Concentrate on the roaming ennemies and ignore treasure hunting as long as the room isn' t clear, unless you' re in dire need of HP. Expect them to pop up and hit them as soon as they do, that way they' ll be stunned when the battle begins, giving you a field day to whack them away for a few seconds.

    - Every time you win a fight don' t engage the next one just yet. Instead just backtrack, exit the room you' re in and enter it again. That way the battle you just won is won for good, if you lose the next fight and use continue it won' t bring back the previous ennemies. In other words doors are auto-checkpoints.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 6, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Patman
    Yeah, I was trolling. Well, half, when your main cast can' t emote much more than my vacuum cleaner that' s quite a handicap to get around as a writer.

    Given how utterly uninteresting the human characters were compared to Fringe I' d bet on executives meddling indeed.

    Post by: Patman, Dec 5, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Patman
    Meh, you could give Transformers to ****ing Shakespeare, it' d still be Transformers. ^^

    Kurtzman and Orci also wrote Fringe : hairpulled science (and logic in general), but very engaging on an emotional level. A niche success, but a huge one.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 5, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Patman
    I heard they don' t even have speed limits in Germany, but they' ll sure wonder how fast you were driving if you have an accident.

    I suppose phones are emphasized on because of all the stuff they can do that require much more attention than drinking or smoking, like texting. Also, a phone call could distract you for several hours straight.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 5, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Patman


    Bravely Default might make me buy a 3DS sooner than expected.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 5, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Patman
    It' s not exactly legal in my country but it' s often overlooked (depends which cop you stumbled upon), at least for now. There are talks to make them illegal period, for the same reasons it' s forbidden to talk to a bus driver while he' s driving.

    However passengers can still talk to you and cops have no way to check that, so ...

    I don' t phone while I' m driving either, unless I' m lost or something (and even then I' ll stop the car if I can). Had too many accidents to taunt death more than I should.

    I heard recently that a US state, don' t remember which one, wanted to pass legislation to fine those who call someone who' s driving. Genius.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 5, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Patman
    Besides I' d say it' d be a good thing not to reveal too much too soon. If they release a trailer every three months from starters by the time the game is released most of it will be spoiled already.

    SE has been so guilty of that in its trailers lately (FF XIII-2 and Lightning Returns giving away their whole stories minus their ending in a connect the dots fashion, FFX HD outright showing bits of its ending CG) that I think I' ll quickly refrain from watching KH3 trailers at all.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 5, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Patman
    And here I thought we were talking about werewolves issues.
    I am disapoint.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 5, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Patman
    I did, but I misunderstood the term. Took it as wired in the broad sense, didn' t know it was a type of financial transaction. The quick google search I made was foggy on the details, but from what you said I gather that the recepient cannot be tracked. I' m sorry to hear that.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 4, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Patman
    Can' t her bank and the police help her ? Shouldn' t be that hard to track down the transactions and I assume you can' t open an account without giving some sort of credential ? Unless she sent cash.
    Or unless you' re the scammer. XD
    Just joking. If needed I' m pretty sure I can bore people to death.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 4, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Patman
    Every time Mystique cries someone kicks a puppy.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 4, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Patman
    Naked in summer, nested in winter, various in-betweens. I just click What' s New unless I' ve been off for days, in which case I also check the Discussion section.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Patman
    I wear L shirts but I don' t have a clue what my pants size is. I just ask an employee if they have my size and they pick it up for me.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Patman
    Just saw that on the news. Domino' s Pizza have similar plans (Pizza Hut too if memory serves) and a restaurant in the UK already use them to replace waiters. They' re more ecological and they still need employees to pilot them (for now) so I guess it' s cool ?

    Post by: Patman, Dec 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Patman

    I feel

    Get a ticket and join the line. XD

    Serously though, I don' t worry much about my own death anymore. I' m much more scared about the death of family and friends, but even then I don' t obsess about it either. If time is all I have then I might a well be an epicurean and enjoy the now rather than waste any of it overthinking future maybes. I do have hopes for the future but it' s more about not screwing up big time than about "leaving a mark" (I' m no dog and I already left one anyway), being part of a grand master plan or anything like this.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Patman
    Happened to me once in every place I' ve lived in so far. It looks good at first, but after a year or two I know from experience what sucks and why. It usually strikes me in the middle of a cleaning frenzy. I' ll freeze, give it a good long thought and swap everything around.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone