You card/sleight number has to be higher than your opponent' s.Since Riku' s hand can' t be changed at all it can' t really be planned efficiently, unless you' re somehow able to pay attention to your cards, to your opponent' s cards and to the battle at the same time. Good luck with that. You could skip low value cards to improve your odds, but you' d have to reload your deck more often so ... Oh and zero cards can break your opponents randomly. Calling them ? cards would have been more fitting since that' s what they really are, a random number.
It happened to me often back when my laptop was still (barely) working. I assumed it was because my laptop was clearly at the end of its rope, it was overheating fast and crashed everytime I worked the CPU too hard too long, so I didn' t look any further. To counter it I ended up saving after every little step. Try to google it, and if you come up empty handed or couldn' t be bothered to search just try installing a different version, maybe it' s a conflict issue.
It' s not just Colorado. The USA as a whole are famous, or rather infamous, for their shootings. The ones in the news are just the tip of the iceberg, if they were to cover them all you wouldn' t hear the end of it.
Yup, and they automatically add ads to the vid, whether you want ads on your vids or not.
Yes, sadly I don' t see it happening anytime soon. Besides, youtube is a private place, not part of the public sphere. Ultimately they can kick out any user or content they wish without having to justify it in any shape or form. Same as KHV. Same as my house. I heard Dailymotion and every other alternative platform behaves just like youtube.
Like Sara pointed out (thanks) those laws might slightly change between countries. And I' m certainly not a lawyer. I' d argue let' s plays or walkthroughs showing you the whole game can hurt the product (they ensure I won' t touch "games" like, say, Beyond Two Souls with a ten foot pole). Also, the law explanation you posted doesn' t bother drawing a clear line between fair and unfair on many of its finer points, it is left blurry and entirely to the judge' s appreciation. Which I' d wager is the reason my teachers gave me "don' t even, or hide it well" as a rule of thumb. It' s the safe route. I think the rise of the internet does call for clear cut definitions of what' s fair and what isn' t, the current laws are obviously outdated, but unfortunately every such attempt so far tried to screw us in the same breath.
Yeah. Again, that' s no loophole, like it or not (I sure don' t), that' s what the law always said. Whether you make big or little money out of it is quite irrelevant. As I understand it youtube won' t take down videos using copyrighted material if their uploaders aren' t making any money out of it; and they won' t take down reviews that do make money but don' t show the game/movie at all. Sure, in practice most copyright holders just let it go, but what if they didn' t and sued ? They' d win. If I was a big youtube name I' d rather play it safe than risk a hypothetical lawsuit I' d have zero chance to win. Never heard of such a lawsuit but it' s bound to happen sooner or later, if it hasn' t already. Youtube itself might be targeted by such a lawsuit, I' m not sure, but maybe that' s why they' re getting cautious.
Honnestly I' m surprised it took them so long to catch up, that' s what the law always said to begin with, SOPA or not. It only qualifies as free speech if you don' t make money out of it, otherwise it does qualify as copyright infringement. I mean SE just cannot use Disney characters any way they want just because "dude, free speech", that' s not how it works. Back when I was studying CG all the teachers warned us against using copyrighted material in non-personnal projects, if its rightful owner sees it and complains you' re screwed.
It' s not a bad thing. I wouldn' t even call it stereotyping, it' s inductive reasoning. Non-heterosexuals just happen to be a minority. Look, I' m gonna ask you to immagine how my dad looks like. Got it ? Now let me ask you ... Spoiler Was he a dwarf ? Was he stuck in a wheelchair ? As imperfect a tool as it is, pragmatically we have to rely on inductive reasoning all the time in our daily lives, it cuts corners and saves time. If we guessed wrong then just say so, it' s that simple.
Maybe you just trust your intuition more than I do ? I don' t think it' s supposed to make sense. We can rule pheromones out on this one but still, we are predisposed to be attracted to certain kinds of people, both genetically and out of conditioning. There' s a lot going on behind the curtain that we' re not aware of on a conscious level. If it helps I' m mind boggling to myself. There are things (let' s leave it at that) I fantasize on, but the idea of actually doing them is disgusting to me. Make of that what you will.
Bingo, c' est Patman. ^^
En ce moment juste celui d' FFDream, mais depuis FFXIII son activité a bien décliné. Dire qu' il y a des gens qui disent que KHV est mort, ah bah...
Au moins t' as persévéré, pas comme moi. T' as le temps de voir venir, effectivement. ^^ Lol ouais je m' en rappelle, mais vu les circonstances...
Bah je sais pas encore. L' informatique semble un choix évident vu qu' il me reste quelques acquis (j' avais loupé mon BTS d' un cheveu), mais je...
J' avais compris que tu plaisantais, t' inquiètes. Nanmého ! Chuis dans le centre, pas au nord ! Ceci dit c' est vrai que, pour un Perpignanais,...
Comment ça va toi au fait ? Les études, la famille, les amis, ça boome ? Moi j' en ai ma claque des petits boulots, je suis en train de faire des...
Houla, j' en suis pas aussi sur que toi. Quand j' étais ado quasiment toutes mes amies confessaient avoir le béguin pour untel ou untel. XD
Basically what Fork said. People have to grow on me first, in a very direct way (I suspect it would be impossible for me to fall in love on the internet). I' ve never understood how people could get a crush over someone they know so little of. I mean, fantasizing, sure, but actually getting feelings ? Mind boggling to me.
Disney just released a cover album in France, which is the first I ever heard of. This thread reminded me to give it a go on youtube. Turns out it' s not that bad, I actually like a lot of them. The thing is, France doesn' t really do pop songs, we mostly sing variety. That' s why we have such trouble exporting our songs. Variety is a better match than pop music when it comes to Disney songs if you ask me. Here' s a few of them : L' histoire de la vie (Lion King) Tout le monde veut devenir un cat (Aristocats) Etre un homme comme vous (Jungle Book) Je suis ton meilleur ami (Aladin) The only song in the album that isn' t a cover is the one from Frozen, it' s just the French theatrical version. If you feel like comparing : Libérée délivrée[DOUBLEPOST=1386589130][/DOUBLEPOST]I just googled variety to make sure and came up empty handed, apparently the English term for "variété" is "middle of the road" and it' s mostly used as a pejorative term.