Basically this. I don' t know how to run a nuclear plant and probably never will, but it doesn' t mean I shouldn' t be allowed to call what happened in Fukushima for what it is, a cluster****. Not that I think Bleach is a cluster**** but whatever. But then Below had to go and say he does think he could do a better job ...
And here I thought what almost killed FF was Spirits Within. I don' t know who or what to blame for the development hell FF XII went through. It' s a his word versus theirs kind of deal so, yeah, not a big fan of picking a side based on chinese whispers. What I do know though is that many people in the FF community I joined (myself included) can' t help but wonder how better or worse the game would be had Matsuno not left. For instance Vaan and Penelo seemed completely out of place, they feel like daft teenagers shoehorned as main characters at the last minute just because the marketing department thinks it' s mandatory if your main target is daft teenagers. Well anyway, even if Matsuno was the one to blame on that one I wouldn' t worry just yet about his ability to direct a game period. Management is management, but managing the local basketball team doesn' t exactly require as much skills as managing the freaking NBA, if you see where I' m going with this.
I don' t think you can unlearn that either so that works too. ^^ Forgot to mention that nowadays I' m training to roll Rs while I' m whistling so that I sound like a bird.
Yup, took me a while though. I spent months trying every now and then, to no avail. I ended up randomly spotting the right position and I spent half an hour playing with it to memorize it. Once the sweet spot is found it' s just like riding a bicycle, you can' t unlearn it. What puzzles me is that I can' t reach high pitched notes, for instance the highest note of the X-Files theme eludes me. Haven' t figured out how to whistle loudly by sticking fingers in my mouth either, but I don' t miss it. I can snap my fingers in theory, but in practice I almost never do it. And I can roll my tongue but it' s genetic, no training involved there.
Is the HxH series that much of a classic ? I mean it' s been on French TV but that was a few years ago, not back in 99. And btw, 1999 ? I feel so old right now. I' ve never read/watched YYH but back in the Dragon Ball days it was said to be the second tier. So yeah, he' s probably super wealthy. Japan is kinda weird that way, it' s the only (?) country where drawing comics can get you in the top ten wealthier people list, but you' ll barely be given holidays so all you can do with all that green paper you earned is hoard it. Awesome. The Franco-Belgian comics time constraints and formats would probably suit him much better.
Or maybe he just uses that time to sail a few naughty moons. From what I' ve heard the guy is pretty much in a position to work only when he actually feels like it. Not sure it helps his creativity that much, but I sure wish I could do the same. XD
It' s more like both are inspired from Dragon Ball (99% of shonens are). Kishimoto himself openly admits it, he says his main inspiration sources are Dragon Ball and Akira. What I like about HxH is all the games and the rules it throws at us, no wonder Gon literally landed on a video game. But although it' a strength it can be a weakness at the same time : jumping back into it after a long hiatus can be quite confusing if you don' t first remind yourself what the current game is about.
Ragnarok ? Interesting. I mean Jesus told us his dad would rid the world of evil and yet there' s still evil everywhere. Odin on the other hand told us he' d rid the world of ice giants, and I don' t see any ice giant around.
I just bought Xillia but haven' t played it yet, I' m hung on Ni No Kuni right now. I first noticed the Tales Of series when Eternia came around, it looked gorgeous and its side-scroll battles seemed intriguing. Unfortunately back then the series wasn' t being localized in Europe yet. Symphonia was the first released here, I bought it immediately. I had already played Phantasia back then, praise the Gods of emulation, but couldn' t finish it 'cause of the infamous chicken bug that hadn' t been fixed yet (watching a particular cutscene near the end of the game turned every single item you collected into chicken, including key items). Symphonia is a direct sequel to Phantasia btw. I liked both. Thanks to emulation I also got my mits on Destiny and Eternia. Destiny was meh, but Eternia was good and remains the prettiest to this day for me (I love handrawn backgrounds). Can' t remember if I played them before or after Symphonia though. I also played Vesperia and it' s my favorite gameplay-wise.
Money was often tight at the end of the month this year. Especially last 29 days of the month. Oh well, I am still here. Happy new year guys !
If memory serves (although I' m quite sure it' s blurry on that one) it was in French magazines trying to describe the difference between RPG and A-RPG. So probably around the time either Zelda 3 or Secret of Mana got released. As PaW pointed out the term RPG was first used to describe table top games, which combined mathematicized strategy battles and adaptive storytelling. Problem is the only thing that could survive the computerization of RPGs was the strategy/gestion/grinding half of them. By their very nature video games have to rely on pre-established rails, they can' t make stuff up on the fly like a human gamemaster can. Seems rather unfitting to still call them RPGs, but we did. On a side note, have you ever said to someone "this film has a great moviewatch ?" or "that song has a great musiclisten ?" Anyway back on topic. Saying that a game has RPGs elements, as you pointed out, means it has number crunching dealies. Which, congratulations, applies to every single freaking video game ever.
Ever watched Who Wants to Frame Roger Rabbit ? I guess it would look sorta like Toontown. So yes, dysfonctionnal is putting it lightly, but hey, it' d be fun ! ^^
Just so you know where I' m coming from, it seems crony capitalists often throw us low peasants a few crumbles in the hopes it will help us forget/not notice that they rigged the entire system against us.The right hand of the magician pops up a present while his left hand is picking your pockets, oldest trick in the world. Not sure how much WestJet fits that profile though. Besides, even if that' s what they' re doing the problem would be the left hand, not the right one, which is why I dropped it when TWTNW pointed that out in her own way. Shortsighted or not, if seeing people smile is enough for her I can live with that.
That' s ... just blatant marketing. Consumerism in all its glory. Sorry to rain on your parade. I' m sure they are lots of feel good stories out there if you need one, I just don' t think this is one of them.
Probably the basic premise at least. If I had to take a wild guess I' d say our merry bunch of children of hope (possibly descendants/reincarnations of the children who created the KH world as we know it) will reach Kingdom Hearts somehow, make a Triforce-style wish and restore the world as it was before the keyblade war. Meaning one big unified world. Bye bye hubs, gummi ships and corridors. Hello open-world and wielders-a-palooza.
Mind over matter, or matter over mind ?
One of my English teacher was the bigest grammar nazi I' ve ever met, everyone called her the *****. The kind that would sob over not being...
"Because I know how appreciative you are of grammar corrections ..." Don' t know if that was sarcasm or not but I actually am you know ? I' m...
Joel ... Dat face ... Was that ... no ...Was that Community' s Joel Mc Hale ? Did his bank lose his entire life savings or something ? Not sure how much respect I have left for the guy.