Makes me hungry just thinking about this stuff. But: Human flesh requires extended exposure to 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit in order to ignite. The human body, which is 85 percent water, burns outside to inside in a rapid cycle of layer-by-layer dehydration and ignition. The heat dries out the skin; the dry skin ignites. That fire dries out the next layer of muscle and fat, which then ignites. And so on, until the internal organs are consumed. The average body gives off a modest 1,000 Btu per pound of meat (burning wood, by comparison, gives off 6,000 Btu). But an extremely obese person can run up to 17,000 Btu. Source : Besides, the smell is unbearable, however you might want to look into that :
I guess they could pull up yet another Metroid, but hopefully they won' t. Judging from the trailer each keyblade will have its own special moveset and I' d rather have them switch the progression on that. For instance we can see Sora shoot a few regular fire spells. Then he morphs his keyblade into dual guns and go all trigger happy, makes the regular fire spell look like a tiny wet firecracker in hindsight. So I guess they could give you the regular stuff from starters, then overshadow it with evolved moves in the long run. You know, have Sora go all Dante, so to speak. BBS was already like that to a degree. Of course that means the scope of the threats we' ll face has to be upped too, but hey, it' s the grand finale, it' s supposed to end with a bang.
Lol, it' s like a Superdupont and la vache qui rit crossover. This is definitely the frenchiest gift ever.
Could see that one coming as soon as I reread myself. I should have said "maybe you shouldn' t". I already adressed this. Like you said not everyone views the world from the same lens.[DOUBLEPOST=1390349157][/DOUBLEPOST] Could have picked the part saying you shouldn' t eat shellfish. When I said that they cherrypick it was a mere observation, not a criticism. I' m glad they do, it shows they can think for themselves. The bible is too self-contradicting anyway, you' re pretty much forced to try and spin it. I meant I sometimes saw some religious people react like that, I thought the word "some" was implicit enough to not state it out loud.
Some people here have a "Jesus is my savior bla bla bla copypaste in your sig if you agree" sig, their every post bring it up. Do you know how much problems I have with that ? Zero. And I think your exemple was ill chosen, the pledge is indoctrination 101 and I don' t look kindly to that at all. If you punch the other babies in kindergarten you' ll quickly figure out no one wants to play with you anymore, long before you can even read the freaking bible or whatever. (to be continued)
Or he' s acknowledging the fact that the book is no more sacred to him than a plate. If you' re free to express how sacred it is to you then other people should be allowed to express how trivial or despicable it is to them, can' t have it both ways. I guess what I' m trying to say is that there' s a difference between respect and obsequiousness. Warning : I' ll probably double post a lot, for some reason my PS3 caps the number of characters I can put in my posts.[DOUBLEPOST=1390342269][/DOUBLEPOST] Although I' m not naive enough to underestimate the power of symbols maybe we shouldn' t let symbols hold too much power over us. A lesson that, unfortunately, people sometimes don' t want to hear : Can' t seem to retrieve the article that explained that those were textbook demonstrations meant to spark a discussion about the power of symbols. Quite a bitterly ironic conclusion. Just like you said, don' t let them disempower you.
By nazis I pretty much meant Hitler, I' d say he qualified whether the word existed yet or not. Admitedly history has never been my strong suit....
"To think Hiroshima and Nagasaki was almost 70 years ago and My Lai was 56. Appalling events. I know everyone would say the Holocaust or such, but...
I' m glad you opened that discussion because it will allow me to tackle a lot of issues I' ve often felt I should talk about here. First, that picture. I' ve cracked a similar joke here, sort of, and apparently offended the person it was adressed to. I tried to explain to him why it shouldn' t offend him in a PM but I' m not sure I did a bang up job. Yes, I know that the Bible is sacred to you, but surely what' s sacred to you is the message you read in the bible, not the object itself ? That' s just a bunch of ink and paper. I could wipe my ass with torn bible pages all day long, it wouldn' t diminish or damage that message in any shape or form. Ideas don' t burn. Unless the bible in that picture was yours it shouldn' t be that hard to dismiss it as a joke. Not a funny one, even I agree on that, but whatever. It' s troll bait, do not feed the troll. As for the comments, well, I' ve watched dozens of vids about atheism on youtube but never left any comments. Three guesses why. Welcome to the internet.[DOUBLEPOST=1390320890][/DOUBLEPOST]Another thing, I' ve sometimes seen religious people feeling rejected by mere criticism of their religious texts, although the criticism was aimed at the bible, not them. The reason is quite simple, most religious people cherrypick their religious texts. How many christians are suggesting to stone adulterers ? Pretty much none. Their moral values come from a secular place, just like mine, when they read the bible they merely pick and chose what mirrors their own opinion. What they call God was really them all along, so when someone criticize God ...
Pamela Raintree and her stone are being celebrated by the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community of Shreveport, Louisiana, for their incredible parts in sustaining the city's LGBT non-discrimination ordinance, which was under threat of repeal. The transgender woman recently confronted Councilman Ron Webb, the single dissenting vote against the ordinance, which passed in December, and the mastermind behind a repeal of the law. Raintree brought the stone with her to the council meeting and stated, "Leviticus 20:13 states, 'If a man lie also with mankind as he lieth with a woman, they shall surely put him to death.' I brought the first stone Mr. Webb, in case that your Bible talk isn't just a smoke screen for personal prejudices." After Raintree gave her moving speech Webb moved to withdraw his proposal. His withdrawal motion was unanimously supported. Source : Faith in humanity restored.
I' m a homo sapiens neanderthalensis, will that do ?
His "kids shouldn' t be exposed to that" ticked me way more than the pervert stuff. I wouldn' t beat him over it too much though : it' s real TV, the bachelor at that, the guy was picked precisely for his single digit IQ.
Disney taught me a lot of valuable life lessons. Like it' s okay to kiss a girl while she' s asleep, the hunchback will never get the girl no matter how sympathetic he is, monkeys are always dubbed by blacks and you can walk around botomless in public if you' re a duck. *o* I' m not sure about their TV shows (especially the non-animated ones since most of them never reached my country) but Disney always seemed geared towards kids in general to me, not towards any gender in particular. The more consensual the better. And since the US is a veeeeeeery puritan country ...
The assertion that Org XIII members didn' t have a "heart" always seemed ludicrous to me. I think therefore I am, simple as that. As Noroz pointed out if longing for lost feelings isn' t a feeling I don' t know what is. All that exisistential turmoil can be felt by humans too, what makes us so different ? Coz I don' t see it. DDD established that Xemnas knew it was bullshit all along, which I see as a metaphor for religious indoctrination. Oh my poor friend, I' m afraid you have a made up illness. You were born a sinner, you' re damaged, you' re wrong somehow. But worry not ! I conveniently happen to have a cure ! Just follow MY guidelines and I promise your "heart" will be born anew !
I think the world that never was never was a world. In the French translation it' s named Illusiopolis (no need for me to translate there). No clue what its Japanese name is. Given its name and all the Dark City references scattered across KH2 as a whole I bet TWTNW is artificial somehow. Spoiler
I' ve played P3, the original. It felt super fresh at first, but it almost became a chore after a few in-game months. I usually don' t mind grinding and all that redundant jazz, but both the Tartarus and the social quests were a tad too redundant for me. I also have a huge gripe with stupid AI playing in my stead. At least FF XIII was in real time, what' s P3' s excuse ? It doesn' t have any. Luckily for me, although I didn' t use any walkthrough, the social link I chose to max happened to be the ones needed to create the über persona (the one that one shots even bosses).
They' re not amongst my favorite RPG this gen (well, last gen now I guess) but I had a great time with both.
It' s not. And going through the highest difficulty twice will give you the completion trophies for every difficulty at once. You find a little less materials, but then normal mode was giving too much materials anyway, it was overkill. The real difference is that you' re deprived of your hearing radar so you can' t play as rashly as before. I wouldn' t call it easy but I wouldn' t call it hard either. I have all the single player trophies, haven' t even tried multi yet. As for SO4 if memory serves it involved a ridiculous amount of replay (as if RPG weren' t time consuming enough already) but Infinite Undiscovery was even worse. Me I had a hard time getting the highest rank in MGS4. It' s just a trial and error process, but surviving that damn sidecar chase sequence was a nightmare (I literaly had zero pixels of health left).
If memory serves Lightning, who acted as a mama bear for her sister ever since she was 14, kept treating Serah like a child, claiming that her relation with Snow was just a puppy crush and that it wouldn' t last. Apparently she sucks at reverse psychology. Besides, when Snow made his proposal Serah thought she only had a few days left to live. It' s not as if marrying the wrong person could **** those few days up more than they already were. She eventually got rid of her terminal L'cancer, three years have passed and ... they' re still not engaged. Seems she knew all along that it was a rash decision.
I' m saying feel free to criticize Kubo' s skills either way. BTW, what' s with the sudden lack of capitalized characters, did your dog eat your shift key or something ? Just curious.