Hm. I see. Well! I can't say much either! XD
OOC- 'Ello, there! Wat's up?!
"Actually, Yeah! I do! I saw her some where aroyund here with that extremist demon hunter...."
Suuurre. I's ups fer it.
Alright, I'm bored, you're bored. Let's find a ridiculous way to beat one another! :yelling: I don't really care how, JUST do something!
"You're looking at.." Myra suddenly covered her mouth and looked at Reaper quickly. "Whoops! Sorry! Just ignore me! Hahaha...."
Ah-haha! I see you like Charby, eh? ^^ He's been gaining popularity real fast-like lately!
Yah. I thought so. :D We all are nowadays, aren't we?
OOC- I's bored. Youse?
Such a nice girl.......... waaaait... since when did I care for people?! O.o
"Ok, I'll be sure to go see that concert of yours!"
" 'Full Moon'? Well, alright! I'm Dark Link."
OOC- her name. BIC- "Oh, sorry! What's your name?"
"Really now? That's great! Can't wait for it... uh...."
OOC- And now Charby sucks blood through a silly straw. o.O While his victim is ALIVE. XD XD BIC- "Oh, that's cool. I remeber when I was new."
OOC- And noooow...... RANDOM INTRUSION! BIC- Dark Link walked up to Mitsuki. "HEY! Are you new around here?"
OOC- Ah-hahaha! XD I, however, am reading a web comic thaaat..... is.... well, rather violent with crude remarks.
OOC- Teh staaaaiiiirrrs! What's up? XD
"Soul Eaters are often times the same way, but they kill for Human souls." "Boy, do they!" Myra sighed with a nervous grin. "They like us half-demons better..." Thank god Seth isn't the same way....
HEY THERE! Thanks for the random invite XD XD lol I love meeting new people!