Username is easy to pronounce.
Actually....... I might have done that already....
Thaaannnks.... -_- Is Spiderman.
Has far more rep than me.
Reaper: "Uh.... Were we supposed to understand that?" Myra: "Not at all."
Is not a member.
Is known for corrupting the world with 5 year old vampires.
Does not know of Keyblades.
Knows own location. D: Uh, MAYBE! XD jk
Fails at protecting.
The scary thing is that it's true.
No, that's an illusion brought on by hunger and a random mention of cinnimon toast.
Oh darn, you found me out. Except about the Sailor Moon thing. Hate that show.
^Having a terrible username.
For being in superjail.
Hmm... True. The chimp does like to eat kittens....
Known as the river in Hades. (Guessing)
I.......... Disapprove of that last statement. No one's as afraid of Bruce Lee as Barney.
Known for liking Three Days Grace
Known fer being..... Hardly known???