You would know.
Oooh! you're so lucky! It never snows here in Florida!
HOW DO PPL KNOW THIS?! Now I have to go hide that body in another spot... Is.... in a closet.
=P There you are. I got 52 assassinations fer you today. But... I wonder, how do you give that?
Died of Corn desiese... Wtf?
Its her birthday?! Dammit! I forgot to get her something! XP Ah well, I'll go assassinate people as school fer ya. We're playing that today anyhow.
Wooooow..... My dogs do that.
Knows where they are as of now.
Seriously? Sounds like a terrible chemistry teacher joke.
I really am, man. Needs cake. Poisoned cake.
Become an angry Chuck Norris. Then stab him with a knife in my pocket. There is a poisoned cake and a poisoned pie. Which do you eat first?
Is an elite member of the C.A.K,E. Squad.
Plot: You are given a situation from the person above you and you have to get out of it. Rules: Just don't break any forum rules. ------- An easy one SITUATION: You are surrounded by 2000 Spongebobs and the only weapon you have is a large blunt shell and you have to fight your way out. How do you escape?
Is a Jr Assassin.
Really? I thought it was lilac. Is a zombie with a pipe bomb.
Is feeling the puprles. (If that's even an emotion)
you're my best friend. o.o Even though I have no clue who you are.
Well, what had happened was.... Is trying to eat a Holoholo bird
Can't handle the truth.