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  1. Peace and War
  2. Peace and War
    True enough, but I like diversity in play styles is all, various weapon categories, weapon styles, weapon forms, and so on because it allows you to try new things without having to start a new game all over again to spec to it. Good to hear there probably will be more happening, but we'll see more in the future.

    Oh yeah, they've got to be programmed to be accurate, can't make a shield cause bleeding (unless it has a spike or something) so as long as it's perfectly balanced, be happy with whatever is included.

    Maybe the menus in Dark Souls was alright, but my biggest problem was the lack of explanation for everything, like the menus and all that's on there. You're dumped into the world with no explanation with how to grow or what you've been given. I can cope with no explanation of plot or characters but a lack of labels or obvious menus really didn't help and so on. One concept for example, Humanity, wtf that was when I started, I had no clue, and the game gave me no real way to know what it does. I don't want the menus to pause time, I like that feature as part of the whole sense of danger, however, I feel it punishing to find specific equipment and not even a rewarding punishment, just a general annoyance.

    When they say they want to make things more accessible, it better be that damned kind of thing, be clearer menus, knock down the lists, I don't want to dedicate an hour watching a video explanation to learn how to play a game.
    Just explain the whole system better is my thing.

    Just a little rant.... pay no heed : P
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Peace and War
    I found the lack of picking up ammo on the go and the slightly basic bow shot useless to rely on the bow as a main weapon. One of the things I want is to see people being encouraged to use more diverse playstyles, instead of the basic blade weapon or magic. Like, the selection of bows is fairly limited and they all function the same. Looking at other gams like, Dragons Dogma which feature multiple bow styles and the ability to charge shots, rapidly fire or snipe from a distance. Just something to allow gamers a more diverse playstyle choice, since many of the class types focused on close combat styles.

    I've seen some interesting builds, like double shields an so on, would be great for the base system to encourage and reqard players using more exotic play styles, like double shields, swords, spears and so on, instead of the always superior blade and shield combo.

    So many lists, nothing was properly labelled and some of the button allocations like equipping and unequipping items as ell as selecting items need to be more streamlined.
    This a special need for a game where pause doesn't stop time for a fair system to select things quicker. I should be fighting enemies, not the menu system. I shouldn't get a challenge form a menu system in a fighting game.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. Peace and War
  5. Peace and War
    I'm interested now this has turned into an action RPG much like Kingdom Hearts, meaning fun, fun, fun!

    I've not really kept up with FF stories, but i hear they do them well, so i'll believe that, in many ways i'm looking for to this so i can get into a series i'v elong known but never got to grips with. Lovely.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  6. Peace and War
    Looks lovely and I really want it. Like that they are ADDING instead of rehashing it all. The faster boat speeds are a god send, ha. Hope for sure they've added loads more, though the remade Zelda games reliably add more whilst looking beautiful so I am comfortable in that.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  7. Peace and War
    I think they've probably fixed the gameplay problems, the fairly useless use of the bow seems to now work better, along with fully realised dual wielding blades and a better countering system (and perhaps magically imbued blades?).

    Looks like fun for sure, same great enemy design, with the same scale and play style. Should be like Dark Souls but with better improvements.

    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  8. Peace and War
    Not really much of a surprise considering the sales of the 360 in Asia was abysmal. Now there is market in action. Don't want the product, don't buy it, the won't supply it.

    Definitely claiming this as the reason for the multimedia box aim, because America and Europe were the only countries buying 360s.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  9. Peace and War
    Mike, i've been following and loving your commitment to reporting and creating the dubs for years. You made the site better and relevant. Thank you so much for it all and all the best for all your work in the future. Love it all mate, thanks so much for everything.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 13, 2013 in forum: Departure Hall
  10. Peace and War
    Not exactly. Don specifically countered Geoff's point of not getting and XboxO if you don't have internet by saying if you want an offline service, go to the 360. He's still promoting the Xbox brand, which MS are supporting still with things such as World of Tanks and two games free per month till the XboxO launch. A lot of the games released in the next year will still be available on PS4 and 360, and the consoles are now both fairly cheap, getting cheaper when the next gen launches hit.

    If marketed right, 360 will still be a viable platform for everyone.

    Honestly, if you're against the XboxO, then be happy it can't be used by the military, it means more support for the PS4 since it's what they'll have to buy as an alternative. XboxO is more marketed towards home entertainment these days anyway, not really the environment of a nuclear submarine mess room I imagine.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  11. Peace and War
    Profile Post Comment

    I'll be ready and waiting.

    I'll be ready and waiting.
    Profile Post Comment by Peace and War, Jun 12, 2013
  12. Peace and War
  13. Peace and War
    If that's not you, fin me as KamSage.
    Profile Post Comment by Peace and War, Jun 12, 2013
  14. Peace and War
  15. Peace and War
    I read this elsewhere and I thought '....oh come on, give a pardon to a deserving guy' but, well, it is a flawed law system isn't it?
    Hope appeals and outcry from the public will shape up a slap on the wrist for this.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  16. Peace and War
    I don't see this as insulting?
    He just made an accurate comment, a nuclear sub would not likely have a wi fi connection or any real reception that would make a XboxO a viable platform for an underwater serviceman.

    Most armed forces serving abroad have access to wi fi, albeit, maybe not the best quality. Wi fi is too integral for the military not to have access to it on bases as a way to share information and keep in contact. Anyone serving above sea level is likely to have access to it.

    I don't see there to be any reason to hate the Xbox One, some people love it, and rightly so should people have the opinion and option to pick the company they wish to support and the console they want to play on. All I know is I don't want it. I loved the Xbox360 over the PS3, a personal choice even if a lot of people thought I picked the 'wrong' one. It's the market, discussion and community outcry that will change things.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  17. Peace and War
  18. Peace and War
  19. Peace and War
    It's just like....strangely mesmerising.... hmmm
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Peace and War
    What am I even watching?

    Like... naked anime style wrestling? What the...
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone