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  1. Peace and War


    Is beautiful.

    Incense kindling with whisking smoke escaping out of the window. Cuban beats tremble an echo in the bedroom. Garden green grandeur within my view.

    Effing lovely, I say.
    Thread by: Peace and War, Jun 22, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Peace and War
    I may not have liked the whole DRM and other always online features, but i am really disappointed in MS for not believing in their console, in what they envisioned. Their PR was terrible and no one knew what was going on, but the console was using a Steam based model, which was not bad by in many ways, along with the sharing features, but now all the really intriguing unique features are dead. Shame MS, stick to your word, stick to your dream. This isn't satisfying people enough.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 19, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Peace and War
    If this is an academy like the school I worked in, where the budget is basically all lumped to the school to be placed where they see fit and not by a governing body, means they've probably got money flow situations. It's when the school becomes more a business and less a place of education, where you are dependent on money, which is appalling for a free education system and shows the arrogance of management rule over educators rule.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 19, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  4. Peace and War
    Another Shaggy song is beckoning me!

    Welp, we'll see what this list of Mish can give me.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  5. Peace and War
    I worked as a Teaching Assistant last year at a school that had gone into this sort of thing with paying for lunches.
    It's an automated system, which obviously has its problems and I can't say I take either side, a lot of misunderstandings, bad payment systems, and bad communication. Bit drastic to move school over it, and to be news worthy, but oh well.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  6. Peace and War
    To quote wikipedia:

    It has the chemical compound in it to cause hallucinations, and i've read it can cause schizophrenia, or at least schizophrenic like symptoms with enough regular usage (multiple consumptions each day). And you're right about predisposed schizophrenic people, it makes them more likely than a non-predisposed people for it to develop fully. I will add wht was said right after in the wiki article:

    So obviously taking one smoke of marijuana won't obviously cause you to turn schizophrenic, however the repeated build up of the THC in your system creates the hallucinations. Of course, not to the same extent as other, harder drugs like magic mushrooms.

    I studied Schizophrenia 4 years ago ofr Psychology, just trying to remember how drugs can cause it, so my wires are a bit crossed at times.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  7. Peace and War
    Should I state now that it's not Mel Gibson? Because it's not, apparently.

    Still, the guys who made Just Cause game will make something beautiful looking and fun.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  8. Peace and War

    I'm saying there is biased for both sides of the argument, and the legality of the drug doesn't change the effects of it. I'm also saying it's not as healthy as people may make it out to be, it's a bad behavioural and health choice akin to over eating, under eating. smoking, regularly eating fatty foods, over gaming, staying up late, and lots more. People will still do it, sure, but it shouldn't be ignored that cannabis is still a harmful substance no matter what.

    And when people say 'increase the risk' they mean that the stimuli in question is either what makes you more susceptible to it, or that it is partly the cause of the response but without exact evidence to prove it. Marijuana falls into both categories, depending on what the effect we're talking about is. Marijuana can cause schizophrenia, since the delusions and the hallucinations created by smoking it means the chance of further effects occurring again, even when not smoking it. Increased usage means more chance of it to become permanent. I would say that's more of a cause than an susceptibility, but maybe that's just me.

    I'm more at risk to get hypothermia in colder weather. I minimise that risk by dressing warm, not avoiding going out at all, nor accepting that everything has the chance to make me ill so why bother, but instead to prepare myself, and tip the odds as much as I can in my favour, of not getting hypothermia.

    Also, a link for a few health risks to do with marijuana usage here.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. Peace and War

    Welcome guys, once again, to a KHV coverage and talk about E3 2013, with gamers Peace and War, libregkd, Kites and special gaming guest Hayabusa!

    For those of you who don't know, E3 is a yearly event held in Los Angeles, USA, where the biggest gaming companies come together to reveal, announce and broadcast their latest games, with the hottest and most anticipated releases shown. This includes the mega ultra fabulous reveal of KINGDOM HEARTS 3! So it's a big deal! : P

    Since E3 is such a huge event, with many new things to talk about including the finally detailed next-gen consoles, so we've split our talk between two separate orderly fashioned podcasts. Hopefully, that has come across, then again the recording took over 3 hours, so parts of it actually got corrupted!
    : O
    Thankfully most all of it is intact so you've not missed much apart from the whiff whaff talk we had pre and post podcast.

    Remember to subscribe and keep on top of the Podcast! Stay tuned and I hope you enjoy!



    Intro: Hikari Orchestral
    Outro: Halo Theme by Lindsey Stirling
    Have suggestions or questions for the members of the KH-Vids Podcast? Let Peace and War know, or bring it to our attention in the posts below! Just be sure to follow the rules and guidelines here.

    Thread by: Peace and War, Jun 17, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  10. Peace and War

    And I just realised I forgot to add participants names to the OP! XD

    Welp edited and added, thanks again for taking part guys, it was quite a long podcast session, I appreciate the time you spent with me.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 17, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  11. Peace and War
    For people saying there are little to no harmful effects, please re read over the thread.

    Addiction, higher chance of developing mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and depression, degradation of memory, and other life altering effects to me tells me a skewered idea of marijuana by both users and those who oppose it.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 16, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. Peace and War

    Welcome guys, once again, to a KHV coverage and talk about E3 2013, with gamers Peace and War, libregkd, Kites and special gaming guest Hayabusa!

    For those of you who don't know, E3 is a yearly event held in Los Angeles, USA, where the biggest gaming companies come together to reveal, announce and broadcast their latest games, with the hottest and most anticipated releases shown. This includes the mega ultra fabulous reveal of KINGDOM HEARTS 3! So it's a big deal! : P

    Since E3 is such a huge event, with many new things to talk about including the finally detailed next-gen consoles, so we've split our talk between two separate orderly fashioned podcasts. Hopefully, that has come across, then again the recording took over 3 hours, so parts of it actually got corrupted!
    : O
    Thankfully most all of it is intact so you've not missed much apart from the whiff whaff talk we had pre and post podcast.

    Part 2 shall be released soon, after I finish editing it altogether. Remember to subscribe and keep on top of the Podcast! Stay tuned and I hope you enjoy!



    Intro: Sins of the Father by Donna Burke
    Outro: Zelda Theme Song by Lindsey Stirling
    Have suggestions or questions for the members of the KH-Vids Podcast? Let Peace and War know, or bring it to our attention in the posts below! Just be sure to follow the rules and guidelines here.

    Thread by: Peace and War, Jun 16, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  13. Peace and War
    Oh I know, students i know with a bit of cash buy their own to smoke whatever fits into it, but yeah, the saliva of the user drips down the tube and you inhale particles from any saliva in the tube. Honestly, i never thought i'd see the day i'd promote cigarettes as the healthiest way of smoking. Though, actually, personal pipes are probably the best I believe.

    Smoking in general is just too much of a chore with little fleeting moments of fake niceness. Chew the tobacco, be a real man!
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Peace and War
    Higher chance of pregnancy of course.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Peace and War
    You think sharing needles are bad, you should see the amount of germs and diseases passed by a communal hookah.

    Cheaper and nicer to burn incense.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Peace and War
    What makes us similar and different is our growth, or lack thereof. Like different ages, we are all at different stages of growth as people, characters, mentality and so on, it's rare for people to keep one mind set for a lifetime and we commonly shift and adapt, as is part of human nature to do so in order to survive an ever changing world.

    Everyone is different, something we should all have been taught or picked up and learnt. Is being different any different between sexes? No. At best there is just a different majority and minority in each, like women being more common care givers and men on average being more violent. But it's not like there are exclusions to either one, that men can't be care givers or women can't be violent. So don't worry about it, treat people the same, with an open mind.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  17. Peace and War
    Optional: Sephiroth - KH1

    Required: hmmmm, Persona 4 Yukiko 's Shadow, my god I quit that game twice from it.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Peace and War
    I am... not looking forward to this but really excited about this, strangely.

    I like it, it's got a lot of addition I never would've thought of yet fit perfectly. The earlier in the Arkham timeline is a nice addition and this being Bats first proper outing, lovely! I probably will get more excited the closer it comes around.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  19. Peace and War

    Nintendo has no true innovation in games, their conference showed this with one new IP introduced for the system and the rest continued games in series that are old, rehashed, reintroduced, remastered, HD-ified games. If you want some nostalgic fun, get a WiiU, you'll have the same games you loved in new forms. But honestly, I couldn't live on nostalgia forever, i'd enjoy it, but it has no depth and no innovation.

    Think of what they announced, Mario Kart 8, the new features being you can drive on walls and ceilings. Zelda Wind Waker HD has been HD remade, with some new content and features. Super Smash Bros, a new set of techniques and characters. Just.... I want more from Nintendo, more new IPs and characters instead of additions to current series. It's one of the reasons I still don't care to buy a WiiU, it's got no support by others, and without other developers making games for it, it's not a challenger. If developers don't support it, gamers won't, which further puts off developers if no one will buy anything. Nintendo make themselves a float, which gives them a lot of control over their console and direction, but it means they keep themselves in their Nintendo niche, and Nintendo fans are the only ones going to buy them, really.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  20. Peace and War