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  1. Peace and War
    Spam zone is just meh to me. Not really ever been entertaining for me, but I like it for being able to just talk to other members when I can. Apart from that it's just messy.

    I hated the spam zone back in the day. It was like watching cheerleaders at school acting bitchy and trying to one up each other with profanity and insults. Cyber bullying at its best. Thank god that died down when I left for a bit, place feels more calm now.

    And you have a lovely singing voice at that, darling! : D
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 4, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Peace and War
    Oh Scotland, you keep Jeremy Kyle in a job.

    No, not for me. I picked good people who I got on with a lot and we've been through **** and have come out together, still. We picked up stragglers along the way, sure, some stayed and I couldn't imagine our group without them but some were gone, but they left us not the other way around. We don't meet all the time because of Uni and distance, but Summer is magnificently fun.

    Depends on how much time you invest in the friendship, much like any relationship.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Peace and War
    To reiterate the video posted before and stay on topic, listen to this podcast from 46:20 till 57:

    They talk about at the core, Mattrick being a cocky businessman who cares about games, is good at his job as a CEO, terrible as a spokesperson, and ultimately didn't give a **** about defending Xbox decisions because he was ultimately a guy leaving his job because he had a better position with more money for him. And when you leave your job, you rarely give a **** about your last days there, which is why he was acting apathetic, and uncaring, like was said in the last vid I posted.

    I agree with them completely, so please have a listen.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 3, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. Peace and War
    I'm only thinking about Rockstar North's games being almost exclusively developed for consoles. It's other Rockstar studios that port them to the PC, like Rockstar Toronto did with GTAIV and Episodes of Liberty City DLC.
    It's never a guarantee to get a PC port, especially at the moment with their non committal yes or no ports to the next gen consoles, we may not get one at all. It's a matter of where they want to put the resources. I think they'll be a port, eventually, just not sure when.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 3, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  5. Peace and War
    Rockstar love pushing the console capabilities of the current gen systems beyond what they can handle. I can only hope that this really means their promise of content and scale is as grand as they make it out to be. Really looking forward to this beast of a send lf game.

    I think that's Rockstar being their console loving selves, they sporadicly release their games on the PC if ever.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  6. Peace and War
    I could sustain an Xbox One. same as you or any other user on this forum, because we have internet. Anyone with an internet provider can. They said you needed to log in ONCE every 24 hours, AND could b done using a mobile phone connection as well if your internet wasn't working properly. It's not difficult, as much as MS made it sound like Always Online meant it literally, which it meant in the sense that they were moving to a primarily online console.
    I still don't see this whole military issue being brought up, since it's clear cut that they wouldn't have been able to use an XboxO when it was always online, then they still had the choice of the PS4 to buy. It's not like they were unable to play games, or that their 360 was going to be confiscated or that they couldn't buy a PS4. If I didn't have internet I would've moved to the PS4, simple. Why people discuss this as a point of insulting patriotism I just don't get.
    If you had a computer and no internet, you'd miss out on almost all the features available from it. The PC market has gradually moved from physical copies to digital download now, because internet is readily available to people with computers. Most people who own game consoles now have internet, though not everyone uses the capability (specifically on the Xbox because of the paying to play online multiplayer) but with this they would be made to finally make that transition.
    And you say people have bad internet, well that's not MS's fault, that's our internet providers, who should be improving our service with the amount we pay, especially with the size of downloads and uploads improving by a staggering amount that they will have to keep up with the times.

    And, again, I said the policies currently aren't perfect, but over time, like with Steam and Origin and Uplay, things can change and evolve from where they began. Looking at the 360 and PS3, the online services they provided at launch compared to this day is vastly different and improved, with most all of the problems of both ironed out as much as possible. I expected the same with the XboxO.

    We don't know this, nor never will, because we never got the chance to experience the product they intended to sell. I'm not 'defending' them for their actions, i'm stating that to every argument there are two sides, pros and cons, goods and bads. Everyone saying the product is terrible because of this or that feature is only seeing the cons and not the pros, which is all i'm trying to do. Inform of both sides and reach an equality for people to come to a more knowledgeable conclusion of their own.

    MS picked the 'worser' of two evils as many people would put it, but it was the 'lesser' of two evils that people demanded. MS are not perfect and like they've said, they purposefully designed the console to be an Always Online device, which means getting rid of that has pros and cons to it.
    All I know is, people demanded a better hardware Xbox 360 and not the new generation of console Xbox wanted to put forward. And we now have a race between two machines that work almost exactly the same, with little to distinguish between them. That's not how innovation works, homogenous goods lead to a stagnation in development, and it's why I don't respect MS for back pedalling and caving in to the demands of the public, because the public weren't well informed enough about the console (MS's fault admittedly) and really gamers are complainers to the point they curse and swear and hate and throw dung without looking with some degree of objectivity or attempt to see the product more. NeoGaf is ripe with this. It's a shame this new generation now bores me incredibly.

    MS was in disarray from bad PR and explanations, Mattick was part of the problem, but he by himself didn't create the disarray in question jsut because he simply was leaving.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  7. Peace and War
    I disagree. MS wasn't being stubborn with its policies for always online, they were trying to shift the market into the eventual reliance and dependence of digital sales, much like iTunes did for music and Netflix has done for Tvs/Movies in terms of spearheading mainstream consumers to online sales and services. It's the gamers who have been stubborn and don't want this to occur, some still want a physical copy, and many have said always online is impossible for them, which for people who post on twitter, forums, FB and play online multiplayer is just total rubbish. They obviously have access to internet and wouldn't have been affected by this. You only needed internet once 24 hours and you could even do it on your phone reception. It's not perfect by any means, but for an emerging new service, it wasn't going to be perfect at all, over time it would've changed and altered to be better and more accessible. Steam's service at launch was hated by gamers for needing to be online, to download the games and unable to trade them in, etc. Yet it's grown into a service loved by gamers, when initially it was a terrible services in gamer's eyes, yet now we accept it as on e of the best. Sony WILL go down the digital and online route eventually, it's an inevitable piece of tech advancement that we will always be online, since today in developed countries, we already are.

    MS was just not explaining thing right, and that's what led to the backlash, because it sounded exploitative and difficult, however by all accounts it was fairly simple and easy to use. I never heard them blaming us particularly, but they are right, we are what caused the always online and features to go away. We, as consumers, demanded a product that wasn't online, and received that, yet were still not happy with the service given to them. Basic economics, we demand a product and it will be supplied.

    Now, on to Mattrick, since this topic is about him leaving. I don't usually link videos but I think this is very poignant to people who hate Mattrick, and will give you something to think about.

    It's true, leaving a company for a higher up isn't instant, it's a LONG process and isn't like working as a cashier or in an office as an admin, where you can pack your bags after a few weeks. It's like Matt says, it's surprising that it comes at such a time when Mattrick is getting a lot of fire, and him leaving leaves MS in a stronger position than before, because he's likely the scapegoat for things. Whether it was an overarching plan or one of opportunity is hard to fathom, but it's clear that Mattrick was leaving before we even knew about the Xbox One's official features. He left because he wanted to.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  8. Peace and War
    It relies mainly on the execution and deliverance, both failed by this individual. I doubt he was even trying to be funny but was back pedalling after he thought he was going to far with his comment. True anything can be funny, but it takes certain individual's skill to properly do so. This teen was not that kind of comedian.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jul 1, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  9. Peace and War
    It's not a joke. A joke relies on an inevitable use of wit and/or set up to lead the audience expecting something and receiving the opposite. This is just a statement with an lol and jk added after because the hands move faster than the brain, and before he can recover the situation and not post it, he has to reassert that his thoughts weren't true and were a 'joke'.

    So this statement was stupid but not a crime nor a violation of any known law as far as i'm aware. School shootings have never been for terrorist attacks as far as i'm aware, at least not made by teenagers. It'll get thrown out, because like a lot of arrests in America after shootings or bombings, any mention of said events, even in jest or by accident, makes them a criminal before anything else. I'm thinking back to the arrests of Muslim men who were jailed without trial for being suspects in 9/11 when no evidence was found. Brutality in society is not gone.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 30, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  10. Peace and War
    I've not heard of these other songs before (apart from Rick, of course) I really should've picked a better song suite for me but I jut enjoyed listening to the song too much! : P

    Anyway, 2, love you are magnificent, if I didn't know better I would say your a professional recording artist, everything is almost on point perfect. Thanks for singing as usual.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 28, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  11. Peace and War
    Working on this issue, will repair it ASAP. Thanks!
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 27, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Peace and War

    Hi guys and welcome to our first episode of the KH-VIds Podcast Summer Mini Series 2!

    This episode comes to you from our recently new affiliate, PROJECT: Magic Kingdom Hearts hosted by member Cutsceneaddict, featuring Sonja Taylor, Lilyaccidentaladventurer and Infernolefland. They have a project in place (you can read in the link below for more detail) where they're gathering together over 75 KH fans at Disney World, Florida, where "[Their] mission is to raise Disney’s awareness of the Kingdom Hearts fanbase at the Magic Kingdom by hosting a night where fans attend one of Disney’s Halloween events dressed in cosplay or Kingdom Hearts clothing."

    The podcast discusses the project in more detail, their thoughts of how Disney can include KH into the parks, and some of their favourite characters, along with how the recent KH installment could influence future Disney themes and trends at the theme parks in relation to the KH series

    SPOILER WARNING: This Podcast contains spoilers to do with Dream Drop Distance ending and light Final Fantasy spoilers



    Enjoy and you still have your chance to join the Summer Mini Series, where you the members can put out your own podcasts for KHV!

    For more about PROJECT: Magic Kingdom Hearts HERE

    For more about the KH-Vids Mini Series this year HERE

    1. Hikari - PLANITb Remix (Short Edit)
    2. Dearly Beloved (Kingdom Hearts 2 version)
    3. Lazy Afternoons
    4. Riku
    5. Musique pou la tristesse de Xion
    6. The XIII Order
    7. Roxas
    8. Working Together
    9. Destiny Islands
    10. Mickey Mouse Club March
    11. It's a Small World
    12. Dearly Beloved (Birth by Sleep version)
    13. It Began with a Letter
    14. Kairi I
    15. Traverse Town
    16. Dive into the Heart
    17. Always on my Mind
    18. Friends in my Heart
    19. Dearly Beloved Reprise
    20. Missing You
    21. A Twinkle in the Sky
    22. Dearly Beloved (Dream Drop Distance)
    23. Hikari KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental
    24. Hikari - PLANITb Remix (short edit)
    Thread by: Peace and War, Jun 26, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  13. Peace and War
    I suppose I go for the high powered poses more often than not, these days anyway. Really it depends my situation, i'm on the train, I try and keep myself tightly packed from other people, our legs touch I try and move them, but if i'm at the pub I will put my leg against my mates and be more outlandish with expressions. My mood is also a great factor, along with many others like how tired I am, for example.

    I do that thing where I stretch out my legs and lean my arm on another chai when there is space. Honestly, since i'm so tall and usually I am close by people, I don't try and spread myself out because it's not possible or rude if I do. In those situations I keep to the low powered positions.

    It can help, sure, but everyone reacts differently to things.
    It reminds me a lot of 'pumping yourself up' like in sports or to gain a confidence boost. You get a pat on your shoulder, you feel more confident because someone cares and believes in you. You pant and puff and shout out loud to release some energy and build up the feeling of confidence to win and succeed. It's not a new idea, but seems to be in some way provable now with continued research.

    There is a big difference between your perception and reaction and others though. Just because you feel dominate in a social situation, doesn't mean you are, especially since to me taciturn speakers who are calm and collected usually have greater power, it's just not as well displayed and hidden instead. So you might be able to stand arms in the air like a winner, but perception and reality are separate things.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 25, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  14. Peace and War


    Seems interesting, like Dead Space, but scary! : P
    Actually what it really reminds me of is Amnesia: Dark Descent, but seems a bit more basic than that and perhaps.... not that scary? Looks lovely, but the enemies didn't make me feel fear or the need to run. Hope maybe there is some eerie random sounds that make a good immersive horror game, or a creepy music track that builds with the fear.

    Still, interesting.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 25, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Peace and War


    I never have, not even when I was a Teaching Assistant, in those situations I would just remind them i'm the teacher if they needed a reminder, especially if they were not working. But no, never a boast, never felt age mattered much on that front, to be flaunted and it's frustrating to understand why others cared about it. Oh well.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 25, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  16. Peace and War
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Peace and War
    It's hard to tell whether this was planted by Muslim extremists who see this Mosque as a problem or just as bad racist xenophobes. Neither is good, but i'm glad people were observant and looking out for each other that it could be avoided.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  18. Peace and War
    I've never really cared or thought about him. The trend of arse teenage pop star is nothing new, nor stupid teens, nor will he be the worst or last. So i don't really pay attention to him. He's at least self made i'll give him that.

    And if you're offended or call him an arsehole for comments or actions he's made, you should meet my friends, they are more offensive than anything this boy can come up with or conceive. Are my friends arseholes? Well yes, at times, but it isn't all the time, and i enjoy meeting up with them, living with them is debatable. At any rate, my point is that arseholes make stupid comments, but few people act like that 24/7 and i doubt Bieber is any different.

    So I don't care, like I don't for any celebrities, they're people so why I should care about what their lives are like compared to mine, my friends?
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  19. Peace and War
    The town of Freudian.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Peace and War


    Ha, well it's also obvious that the painfully obvious passes us by all the time.
    It's always nice to remind others that the world is beautiful when they can only see the ugly parts.
    Post by: Peace and War, Jun 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone