Woaaaaaah, that's a ton. I think you have about 500 hours of game time altogether. Good luck with that!
Busy with real life and online stuff, not bought much off steam. What you get?
jeez that went quick, ha. You alright?
Basically, was the story worth playing the game?
What can I say, i want you to keep up on that beauty sleep. Or to talk to me on Skype, one or the other. : p
I pay rent when i have full time employment. Otherwise, I pay for everything myself except food. So... yeah.
You're up late : p
I definitely do that first bit of repeating words said by people if i enjoyed it and just repeat it. Usually i'll end up do a YMCA parody of said phrase that is stuck in my head because, hey, Village People.
Put it this way, superhero/Sci Fi films have already dominated the charts this year with Iron Man, Star Trek: Into Darkness and Man of Steel all having Sci Fi concepts. People at this point in the year probably won't care about another Sci Fi-ish film considering the amount of ones already released this year. And before people start saying Superhero and Sci Fi genres are different, yes they can be, but superhero genres usually base themselves off of some other genres. Man of Steel is about an alien baby come to Earth to stop his alien arch nemesis. Iron Man 3 is about a man developing a powersuit to ward off rogue powersuits destroying the world. And Star Trek, nuff said. So, there's plenty of sc fi films, Pacific Rim is coming out at a bit of a rough time.
So always humid eh? I can get that, equator and all. But sandstorms? Do they happen? Do they cover cities like Phoenix?
Hello and welcome to the Mass Effect Summer Mini Series podcast. Before anything else, there are a number of MAJOR SPOILERS for all three entries in the series, so don’t listen if you plan on playing them. For those of you who either don’t care or have finished them, however, you’re in for a treat. Ars Nova (better known as Sforzato), Peace and War, libregkd, Misty and myself (Cat~) have come together to discuss a great trilogy of games. From paragon to renegade or male to female, we discuss our opinions on some of the most difficult decisions in gaming and have a couple of laughs along the way. Without further ado, click below to listen to us babble on about science fiction! [url]http://www.kh-vids.net/podcast/minicast4.mp3[/url] Your browser does not support the audio element. DownloadiTunes For more about the KH-Vids Mini Series this year HERE Spoiler Song Credits: Liara’s World ~ Mass Effect 1 OST Letherette ~ D&T Shepard’s Tango ~ Mass Effect 3 Citadel OST YouTube | Twitter | Tumblr | Facebook
Tell me, are your nights still really hot or does it get pretty darn cold? And do you ever have dust or sandstorms? Thanks in advance.
If you get a minute, maybe call her and talk to her about your thoughts? When people are fighting addiction, knowing someone is there caring about how you are and worried about you, it can give you the extra bit of strength to push through. If you have someone you can talk to now, give em a buzz. If not, give me a message if you want to talk, i'll be your ear. All the best, dear.
\Locked/ By the wish of the OP.
It depends on the games, that's why i said debatable. I can say i've only been interested in maybe 8 games for sure from the PS+ this last year. Really depends if you're willing to bargain the money to get random games for a time.
Because someone is thinking it (me): "That's one big pussy she's kissing."
Why do you need sleep if you can make music like this?
Welp, I would very much like this. Not going to move countries for it though, ha.
I've done mine a few days ago. Some rough personal stuff going on but will definitely get you something up.