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  1. Aelin
    [​IMG] "I say we eat them first." A dark voice that was not quite Tellia's slipped from the small girls mouth, leaving her to quickly cover her mouth. It wasn't uncommon that he slipped out, but ever since she was able to speak she had always been warned to keep it suppressed and that she shouldn't let him control her like that. Whenever it happened it freaked Tellia out because she thought she might make someone mad. "Lets keep going." Tellia asked pulling on her brother. She agreed with him, she didn't want to get to close, not while the thing inside her was clearly awake.

    "I agree with the laddy. It is stupid to go marchin in there. I am always up for a fight but I would like to live another day thank ye very much." Hedgrit nodded at Zelph, agreeing for once. But then as he heard Tellia he shook his head. "Or we could send the lassie in to distract them while we get the people to safety." No matter how many times he was told Hedgrit didn't understand the "power" that Tellia had and just thought the desease was taking longer than normal to eat at her brain. He wouldn't force her away completely though, not when in some ways the dwarf pitied Zelph for what he must have been going through. "Or you could go yer self. Yer the tiniest of us. You might be able to warn em without drawing much attention."
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 4, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Aelin
    It has been voted on and decided that Open Road from the Goofy Movie is going to be our next chorus that we work on. It is sure to be a fun song and I look forward to working on it with everyone. Please claim your lines by June 10th, your lines will be do in by June 17th.

    Original | Karaoke

    [Do you need a break from modern living?
    Do you long to shed your weary load?] - 1
    [If your nerves are raw and your brain is fried just grab a friend
    and take a ride together upon the open road.]- 2

    ["Come on Maxie" ]- 2

    [All in all, I'd rather have detention.
    All in all I'd rather eat a toad.] -5
    [And my old man drives like such a cluts.
    That I'm about to hurl my guts directly
    Upon the open road.]-1

    [There's nothing can upset me cuz know we're on our way
    Our trusty map we'll guide us straight and true.]-5

    [Roxanne please don't forget me I will return some day.
    (Ahh)Though I may be in traction when I do.]-6

    [Me and Max relaxing like the old days.]-1
    [This is worse than dragon breath and acne.]-2
    [In a buddy-buddy kind of mode.]-6
    [I'm so mad I think I may explode.]-2
    [When I see that highway I could cry.]-5
    [You know that's funny so could I]-6
    [Just being out on the open road.]- 1,2

    [Howdy, boys is this the way to Nashville?]-5

    [Watch it Mack, or you'll be gettin' towed.]-1

    [I'm in no hurry to arrive cuz I'll be turning 65 the next
    time I sees the open road.]-5

    [Just a week of rest and relaxation.]-6

    [And the odd romantic episode.]-6
    [Very odd.]-5

    [It's Ca-la-for-ni-a or bust.]-1

    [Look out you dirtbags eat my dust. From now on I
    own the open road.]-2

    [It's me and little Maxie, my pipsqueek pioneer.]-6

    [They're partners forever westward ho yeeha.]-1

    [Could someone call a taxi and get me out of here to
    Beverly Hills 90210?]-5

    [Oh every day another new adventure.
    Every mile another new zip code.
    And the cares we've had are gone for good.]- Everyone

    [and I would go with them if I could.]-6

    [I got no strings on me.
    I'm feeling fancy free.
    How wonderful to be.
    On the open roooo oo oo oo oo ooo ooooad.]-Everyone

    Line Claim:
    2- Aelin
    5- Marushi
    6- Mish
    Thread by: Aelin, Jun 4, 2018, 6 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  3. Aelin
    [​IMG] "But I want it today." Tellia complained. He brought up the bacon and now he was trying to deny her the bacon, that was unfair. "If mom was here, she would let me have the bacon. I miss mommy. When is she meeting up with us?" The last thing that Tellia remembered of her mother was telling them that they had to go, and she would catch up further down the road. It had been nearly a month and they still hadn't seen any sign of either of their parents.

    Sitting in her brothers lap she let him continue braiding her hair as she grabbed a bit of her hair in the front and braided it as well. As she calmed down the demon inside also calmed slightly with her. It was a blessing that it calmed down and let her rest for a moment, cuddling with her brother, her main source of comfort.

    "Being lazy now are ya. You should be keepin an eye out laddy. The lass can take care of her self." Hedrgrit tried to tell the Zelph in order to get him to do something, and by that he meant just not sitting on his *ss. Slinging his axe over his shoulder Hedgrit started to pace looking from the ground while Iridia kept an eye from on top. Rubbing his hand on his pants, Hedgrit only spread the glitter more and frowned up at Iridia. "Stupid fairy and her sparkly *ss dust. That stuff belong in the mines not in the *ss of some pixie." He grumbled as he paced around.
    From her vantage point Iridia was able to see a couple of what might have seemed to be crawlers. They were in the distance still, not seeming to have noticed the group. They were heading towards a near by house, seeming to be in search of their next meal.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 4, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Aelin

    "I'm trying. He won't listen to me."
    Tellia whined softly as she let the feeling of Zelph braiding her hair calm her slightly. Sometimes her friend could be hard to deal with and while she was mostly able to keep him at bay, when he decided to act up it could be difficult. "Can I have bacon later? I want bacon." It seemed like a luxury to have it. They had been rationing most of their food and the good stuff was eaten on rare occasions so they had more for later.

    As she talked with her brother starting to calm down, another voice popped up as a small fairy creature popped up.
    "I am not a baby!" Tellia retorted a little louder than she meant. She soon found herself clamping her hands over her mouth. "Sorry Zelph." She mumbled quietly.

    "If you want to fly ahead go right ahead. I'll watch the kiddies for ya." Hadgrit agreed. It made sense to scout ahead but he didn't really trust the little ones, so he decided it was better to stay behind with them. Iridia decided it was a good idea to sprinkle him with dust and he frowned trying to rub the glitter off, only to get it all on his hand instead. "Stop it. Stop it I said. Don't make me swat ya!" He threatened the fairy creature waving his ax around for emphasis.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 4, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Aelin
    Sickness ravages the land, driving people mad, to breaking point. It is slow at first, effecting the body first showing signs of flu and illness. Then the magic if you are blessed to have it flowing through your veins. Once it devours your magic then it moves to your brain, taking the life out of you in some ways. It destroys your brain but leaves you functioning, a shell that relies on the basic instincts of eating and fighting. Anything that they can find is food, although generally for most races meat it the preferred meal. Thick hides of animals and brute strength generally make them hard to kill when you don't have mind enough to pick up weapons. However humanoids, they can be easy targets, especially those of a smaller race than you. An incurable illness that drives people to cannibalism, that is what these people we now refer to as zombies have. They were once our friends, neighbours... even parents, but once the illness takes hold there is no going back. You are better to die before it takes you fully.

    Over the past year the illness has spread rapidly. All it takes is it getting into your blood system, one scratch from one of the creatures could cause you to fall ill, but for those who are hardy, it sometimes takes more. There is only a few safe havens left now, only so many places people can flee to, and even then they are picky about who they will take. The elves are seen as a superior race, they are almost always guaranteed refuge in one of these havens if they can make it. However if you are not one of them, you might be out of luck, left to fend for yourself in a world that is trying to kill you. Every city that falls leave refugees fighting for their lives, trying to find their way to a new town that will accept you before the disease could spread to you. The world is a hard place, food becoming more and more scarce, but there are people still wandering around, fighting, surviving, in search of a new home.

    "No! You can't come out and play now. We don't want to draw more attention to ourselves. Hadgrit said he saw some of those creatures up ahead. We need to sneak around them. No! We don't need to kill them, we just have to get around them. Go away. No!" Standing behind Hadgrit, but in front of Zelph, Tellia was arguing with herself or so it seemed. By the end she was holding her head, struggling a bit, seeming to fight whatever was within herself as she walked.

    "Are ya sure she ain't sick. It would be a mercy to kill her now laddy. Why do you let her suffer like that? She is clearly losing her mind." Hadgrit had only found the pair traveling a couple days ago, he himself had been displaced from the dwarven mining town of Freymead, now traveling looking for safety. Having two kids with him, especially elvish children, was not ideal but at least it was another set of eyes to keep watch while he rested.
    Thread by: Aelin, Jun 4, 2018, 112 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Aelin
    "So what are you saying. Because I have a keyblade I can't return home. Heartless come and go anyways. There are likely to be far less with Ria gone. But either way heartless exist. If they were to come, wouldn't the town be safer with someone who had the ability to protect it than left on their own." Cerdic tried to argue with Daeni. Yes having a keyblade was a burden but it didn't meant that you had to take the person away from home. You learn to live with it. Perhaps even becoming a local hero with it. One didn't just run away the moment they found out they had a keyblade. She didn't. The master from his world that he quite admired. Why should he encourage Mora to run away?

    Cerdic then gave Daeni a warm smile
    . "And thank you for stick by our side. Come on Daeni, Mora, lets meet up with the others, then Mora can decide what she wants to do. But I see no reason that she shouldn't go home if she wanted to." Cerdic continued as he put one hand on Daeni's back to lead her out, while the other hand was around Mora, helping stabilize the girl.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 3, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Aelin
    The sound of the first box being hit, followed by the shouting of Boreas was all that Tinarah needed. As things started to go down, the hero's started to rush out, Tinarah let herself unleash her drive form, music swirling around her as she smiled at the familiar melody of violin entwined with piano. She was strong, Stamatis had shown her that. It was time to live that out and not let five years worth of work go to waste. As she listened to the music, she willed it to change, into something softer, slower, and willed the music to reach out from beyond her own area towards those rushing from the building. A soft lullaby to put them to sleep as flames danced from her finger tips. Surveying the area around she gave Darkwing and Boreas one last glance as they kept the hero's attention, then let five blasts of flame burst from her figure tips, all aimed that the hats each one was wearing. Tinarah didn't stick around to see the result though, she was already ducking back into the ally, trying to switch positions since she now gave away her hiding spot. The music following her would be a clear indication but it was still lulling, so hopefully it would weaken or put to sleep anyone who attempted to follow her. Hopefully the blasts of fire worked, and the other group could start in. If not the three of them could be in huge trouble.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Aelin
    Thea watched as her flames caused the spider to shriek in pain. She shuttered and back off from the sound as Izra added to it with her flute. It in the end helped kill the spider, but as her flame wall faded Thea was crouched on the ground covering her ears trying to drown out the noise. A few blue flames rippled off of her, but over all she managed to keep things in check as she sat there breathing heavy for a moment. Everyone else seemed ready to keep moving however, so Thea eventually stood up straight and straightened herself out, holding her head high like nothing was wrong at all. Nodding her head she looked over at everyone else, her eyes still bright and happy despite everything. "Alright I am ready to go!" She agreed, dousing the last bit of blue flames dancing between her figures, fully regaining control of herself.
    Distract it. He supposed he could do that. Everette did not possess magic that was beneficial to offensive combat, he was an illusionist at best, and even that was barely. At the very least he had picked up a few fighting styles using his magic to mirror what he saw others do. Plus he could at the very least channel his magic into his sword, make it worth something. With that in mind he prepared himself, sword in hand, clones at his side. He took on a stance ready to fight, just waiting for the moment that Samuel blinded the creature to jump in and try and take out the eyes if he could. Hopefully even if the creature was not completely blinded, his clones would be distraction enough for him to get a hit in before it realized which one was actually him.

    Holding his sword in front of him, Everette glanced over at Samuel, barely taking looking away from the creature.
    "Okay ready whenever you are." He told Samuel preparing to go on his signal. It felt like a while since he had gone on a mission like this, had to fight. Everette just hoped he hadn't lost his edge. He was sure he hadn't, years of training didn't go away in a matter of months, but still it felt a little nerve wracking. Turning his thoughts away from doubt, he focused on the snake. He was an S-class, he could and would do this.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Aelin
    It was almost a comfort having the part of his heart that was taken from him back, even if that part of his heart was fill with darkness. He supposed that pure light just wasn't for him, he needed a balance in order to survive properly. Staring at where the portal had been, Cerdic heard a voice from behind him and spun around to see Mora struggling to her feet. As she stumbled, Cerdic rushed over and helped steady her. "Woah there, take it easy. No rush anymore. It is done with.... We... we did it. It is gone. That creature is gone. Alder and Chrono... Aevum was able to fix the machine, and get it working. They saved us. I don't think we could have held out much longer against Ria without them." Cerdic turned around and gave both men a slight smile. Sure he was still pissed with Aevum, but now he could see that he was doing everything to make it right again, so it was hard to stay pissed at him forever. "What do you say we get you home?" He asked Mora figuring she would like to see her village again now that everything was fixed.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 3, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Aelin
    Listening to how things were going, Tinarah was actually quite surprised that they seemed to overall be agreeing to her plan. It might not work, but that was why she had back up, she was not going into this alone. Boreas, even though she wasn't a fan of her, she recognized him as valuable back up. He would know how to handle things if something went wrong better than anyone. And while Tinarah didn't know what Darkwing could do, she had no choice but to trust him to some extent at least.

    As they began to split off into their teams, Tinarah turned to Take, but then eyed her brother as well. She couldn't help but think of what Take had said to her earlier, so taking a deep breath she addressed both of them.
    "Good luck. Stay safe you two." She told them, glancing at Torrin momentarily before glancing away. "You as well." She tagged on a little forced but at least she was trying. Turning back to her own group though she thought of everything that needed done. She turned to Boreas who had already showed his ranged weapon. "Watch for me to get down their and ready, then do you think you can shoot the crates to get their attention and draw the hero's out while I prepare to try and put them to sleep. Once I have the song going I should be able to assist destroying the hats, but I can't have too much attention on me until after the effect starts." If she was swarmed the moment she destroyed the creates the entire plan would be out the window.

    After Boreas responded Tinarah started down towards the streets, quickly landing on the ground a few streets away and slipping threw allies until she was near the place, cloaked in shadows but ready to start her drive the moment that the moment she noticed Boreas shooting for the create. In the shadows she could only hope he noticed the slight nod of her head, telling him that she was ready to do this.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Aelin
  12. Aelin
    There are ways for you to earn munny back on top of the mile stones. Posting, creating threads, having your post liked etc will count towards it. As we work through this project and see where the flaws are and how things are working, we will be working to update things like how to get munny. Perhaps we can look into implementing munny rewards for participating in events as well. We do plan to post a thread introducing all of it, just no one has quite had time to create the thread yet. And there is no plans for you to spend any of your own money to get munny on KHV, it will be earned completely through activity on the site.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 1, 2018 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  13. Aelin
    "Funny. It seems since I got back a proper weapon I have been of less use. But I do think I might have a solution for you." Karina glanced back at the way that she came. "I am the only one with a keyblade, and I might know someone, nearly as obnoxious and brash as I am, but I think he might be able to help you out. I don't think working with that group of people was his thing anyways. Agree to come with us and I will introduce you." Karina didn't know why Arctus came to mind, didn't know why he was the one she was suggesting trusting, but here she was with that out in the open. No going back now. Lin then informed them someone was watching and Karina got a little tense, summoning her keyblade. Of course there would be more problems. Always more problems.
    Post by: Aelin, May 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    Before anymore conversation could be had, Torrin called out that he could see the warehouse up ahead. They had be be getting close then. As they grouped up more and observed what was going on below, they started planning. It seemed like the heroes were mind controlled, meaning they had to destroy the hats. But they didn't want to run in their and try and destroy the hats until the heroes were freed because heroes are trained to deal with numerous targets and it could get dangerous. So then the suggestion came of luring them out, but as far as Tinarah was aware they had very few ways of doing that safely either. Thinking about everything that they could do, Tinarah thought for a moment on her own as well.

    "How many of you can attack from a range?" Tinarah found herself asking as she looked around at the others She had a few things she could do from a range, but she could also give them the upper hand. "If I can get close enough I might be able to lull the enemies enough to make shots on them easier. If we spread out it will be hard to tell who is where. I can maybe even take out all the hats if I am lucky enough with a little bit of magic. All I would need is you guys to cover me while I got close enough and to be ready to jump in when the time is right." Tinarah even seemed to surprise herself speaking up with a plan, but Stamatis had always encouraged her to think for herself, claiming it was the best source of self defense.
    Post by: Aelin, May 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena