"Good. I didn't feel like digging a hole for ya. I mean I would but I don't want to." Hedgrit was rather blunt with his thoughts. He didn't try and pretend that he was perfectly willing to do the work that she wanted tone usually. He personally had no problem leaving the body in the house and just walking away. "Where are the children we should get going. If there was two of em, I don't think it will be long before more show up." Hedgrit warned as he lifted his ax again, just in case something tried to sneak up on them. "You won't have to, I can hold my own stuff." Tellia insisted. She didn't want him to carry the bear anyways. It would be something for her to hold onto when she was fighting with her friend. He was asleep for now, but it still was nice to have something around for comfort. Turning back to the bedroom she looked at the clothes laid out on the bed, then down to her own dirty outfit. Sure they were cleaner and they would probably fit her, but it felt wrong to Tellia to wear someone else's clothing. Taking a toy was one thing, but taking their wardrobe made her squirm a little bit. Tellia tried not to think of what might have happened to the people who lived here before. Looking at the shape of the room it looked more like the people were still preparing to leave, but hadn't left yet. She knew perfectly well what happened but didn't want to admit to it. Reaching up she grabbed onto her brothers hand. "Can we leave now?" She asked wanting to stop feeling like she was invading another persons privacy even though no one was there.
Hedgrit was just finishing his ale when a dead body was dropped at his feet, and Hedgrit spit out what was in his mouth. "What the bloody hell?" Before he could really ask about it, Zelph ran away back towards the house. "What are you- Oh never mind." Looking down at the body he could see that it was purified likely by Iridia. "So I suppose you want me to bury this thing?" He asked staring at the body not too fond of the work that he had to put into doing things for Iridia. That being said she gave him ale, so she supposed that he had to do her a favour too. Tellia walked out of the bedroom holding a teddy bear that she had found inside. "I found this.... Do you think I can keep it?" Tellia asked her brother. Normally she knew better than to take things from other people, but as far as she was aware everyone was gone from this house and she had lost teddy during their travels. It was one of the times the demon took over and when Zelph had caught up to her, they were far enough away and had drawn enough attention that they weren't going to go back. It wasn't that she needed a doll anymore, she had outgrown that a few years before, but in hard times especially when her friend was acting up, she found it a good thing to focus on, just nice having something to hold and care for, even if it wasn't real.
Auburn looked shocked and unsure about what was being offered. She just looked at him for a long moment, it not quite sinking in fully. "What?" She finally asked, blinking at him for the moment before finally seeming to gain her composer. "You adopted me? Why?" She asked him. He was clearly experienced at dealing with the grimm, probably a huntsman, why would he want to adopt her? She didn't understand, not when she was just the daughter of a family that barely dealt with other people. Why would anyone want to adopt her. She had already seen she wasn't all that wanted given there was no where for her to go, someone took her brother but not her. Tears pricked her eyes as she watched him for a long moment more. "You really want me?"
Aislinn chuckled a little bit listening to how enthusiastic that Luna seemed about the forest and relaxing. "I don't know, given everything that has been going on, I am finding it hard to relax. I would like to sort out this savage thing first, you know? Make sure that it isn't anything dangerous. Once we know maybe I can relax a little more." Even though she thought something sounded wrong with calling them savages, she still wasn't entirely sure. She tried not to think on it too much though as she just breathed for a moment. "Sleeping under the stars sounds like it would be nice. I think that is a great idea." Once they knew everything was safe of course.
Letting out a breath, Aislinn tried to breath and just take in the woods, tried to relax. Looking around she finally managed to let go the stresses of everything around her and focus on the world. "I guess... Yeah it is really pretty. I don't spend a lot of time in nature like this. It is... calming, refreshing." Aislinn admitted as she looked around listening to the chirping of the birds letting her shoulders relax. "Most area's outside of my town have been crawling with heartless for a long time. There is no going out into woods like this, and I worked so much I didn't know how to relax." Aislinn admitted something she hadn't even realized until recently.
Aislinn was a little surprised that Luna came over to talk to her about just the general world. "It is interesting. A nice world but I am not sure what is going on with these people. I am not a fan of them so far." Aislinn admitted looking towards the camp that was there, besides them being sexist, she wondered who they thought of as Savages, she didn't trust that they were what they seemed to believe. Aislinn moved a little bit away from John Smith. "We should just be careful and not let our new status get to our head."
"That boy can't hold his liquor worth a damn, but hey he is just a kid. What do ya expect from him?" Hedgrit laughed as his mug was filled and Iridia took her own tiny portion out of his cup. Hedgrit started chugging his ale, finishing it rather quickly. "Another if ya would." One Ale was never enough, he was a heavy drinker, this was barely a start. "But we have seen people turned and the only sign of injury was nothing more than a scratch." Tellia pointed out to him. Those first weeks of the outbreak, before it was an all out pandemic, signs of people turning were still vague. No one thought that the small cut someone gave himself while working on his farm equipment would get infected and turn him into a crawler. Tellia's mother was gifted healer, she would go with her every now and then when she went to help this man as he slowly got sick and lost his mind. It was after he fully turned that her mother started packing her and Zelph up as the man escaped his home and attacked several people of the town already. So Tellia knew how small something had to be to turn someone and it worried her when she looked at her brothers hand. Taking her mind off of that Zelph reminded her of the three knock rule. "I know, I know. We go over this any time we go anywhere." She huffed clearly not a fan of the reminder. Given it though, she assumed that she was to help check out the house, so she walked over to the door om the left, knocking and waiting three seconds before walking into a childs bedroom.
Hedgrit perked up right away as Iridia mentioned Ale. "I would love some ale. Fill me up. I knew we kept ya around for something." Hedgrit commented as he shuffled through his bag and found himself a tankard that he always carried with him, holding it up to the small fairy for her to fill it up for him. Tellia stared at the cut palm for a moment. "You know you really shouldn't do that. I mean what if you get something into one of those cuts it could be bad and I don't want to lose you." Tellia tried not to sound too upset about the idea, but she was staring at it for a moment thinking about it before finally getting over it and following her brother inside as he tried to light the room. Approaching beside him she used the little bit of innate magic she had to create a dancing light shaped like a woman that illuminated the area. Her magic was limited due to the fact the demon living in her seemed to feed off her magic and use it for himself, but she could still do the occasional small utility magic like lighting area's, starting campfires, and mending stuff. "There you go!" She said cheerfully.
Okay this man was going to be a thorn in her side, Aislinn could already tell. First correcting how she said things, then suggesting that woman belong in the kitchen. Though she smiled at the comment about Kel being weak. "You know I wouldn't test the "boy" if I were you." She suggested before putting a hand on Luna's shoulder to try and calm her down a bit. "And we can hold our own. Don't worry about finding a place for us woman." She tried her best to keep any other comments at bay and simply be polite with this entire thing. There was no use in getting too worked up over it. As John Smith got ready to go, Aislinn turned to him and asked. "So what exactly are we looking for, what are these savages that you speak of? You mistook us for them so they must be at least somewhat similar to you and I. Are thy dangerous? Why are you so worried about them?" Just some basic information to get them ready to head off. She didn't like the idea of walking into this blind lead by someone that she wasn't particularly fond of.
Hedgrit scoffed a laugh as he thought of Iridia trying to take out a crawler.. "It would be a sight to see, that would." He joked not actually encouraging her to do it, but enjoying the joke anyhow. Despite everything around him, Hedgrit tried to keep a light spirit, or as light of a spirit as a dwarf could have, cracking jokes every now and then. "Should we give the kids some space so they can... you know." Disregarding the fact that they were siblings. After all elves were weird, who knew what they did with family. As Zelph came over, Tellia followed him over to the door. "You're back." She said softly as she began to scan him for any signs of injury during combat. The smallest thing could mean trouble for them, so she was always careful when it came to her brother. He was checking the door, which seemed to be unlocked, a little stiff to open, getting caught as he tried, but not purposefully held shut. Tellia stood a step back just watching her brother for the time being.
"Ah so you noticed. No little ones for me. My lovely lassie wanted one but I put it off, now with all this it isn't possible. And yet still I got stuck with children." Hedgrit flailed his arms like it was a big deal traveling with them, and yet he didn't really want to leave. He then laughed as Iridia flew up and Zelph freaked out for a moment. "Someone is rather jumpy for being so confident with his last kill." He taunted Zelph a little bit before Iridia addressed the goliath on the ground. "HEY! You shut your gabber. I didn't see you takin anything out! I removed it's head too. Just think of it as safety measures to keep the kid safe while I got a good shot on it. Couldn't trust it not to turn around and attack Zelph now could I?" Hedgrit tried desperately to defend himself.
Wait so no one was going with them? That was unsettling. Why did Qrow have to return? Why couldn't he lead them, or her father be there, or something? She didn't like the idea of having to go on this adventure on her own. Well she had her team with her, but they were as inexperience as she was with this and to be doing stuff on their own when there was so much on the line, she didn't feel comfortable going on their own. Still there was no one else around to guide them and she couldn't possibly ask Noire to forgo helping the other team to help them instead. Glancing to her teammates, she nervously followed behind them as they started to head down the path that they were supposed to go. As they walked down the path, Auburn started to hear noise in the bushes. Drawing her weapons she prepared herself for whatever might come. It could just be a small animal or something, but she could never be too careful. There were grimm around, they had seen that grimm were in the town earlier. They could really be anywhere. She kept her eyes peeled, slowing down and glancing around. "Be careful there might be something out there." She warned her party, falling back into training her father had given her. So Noire was to join them. He didn't particularly get along with the woman, but Arian didn't grumble but instead putting on a cocky grin as he walked forward. "I knew that you couldn't resist being around me." He winked at Noire lightening the mood slightly, or at least attempting to, really hoping that Noire wouldn't turn around and try to murder him. He started marching forward his tail swooshing behind him happily as they started moving forward down the path. As they were walking Noire got on edge, warning them that they were not alone. Arian's ears perked up as he scanned around and listened for whatever might be around. It didn't take long before a faunus stepped out of the bushes warning them to turn around. The White Fang, why did they have to be here? Arian let out a long sigh and while he knew he would have been better to put up his hood and sink into the background, he was not going to back down. "That is not going to happen. I suggest that you back down instead." He warned holding his head high. He didn't know if they would recognize him, but he would not dare speak his name here, instead hoping they thought of him as just a, as they would put it, tame faunus. Slowly be brought out his bow, but being closer to the faunus he had it split into it's blade form as he stared them down sighing a bit. "I would rather not kill one of my own." But still he looked like he was ready to fight if the other faunus didn't back down.
"And you said to skip the arms. I would have never done it without taken them out unless you want me to become one of em." Hedgrit pointed out just as Zelph was nearly eaten himself and Hedgrit rolled his eyes at the pointy eared elf. "Sure ya did. just don't go leavin' me with the little one." The both knew that that would not go over well, not when Hedgrit wasn't sure what Tellia was, much less what to do with her. "But there was fighting over there. What if there are still enemies around? I don't want him to wake up again." Tellia expressed her concerns. "Can I wait here while you get them? It might be better that way?" She tried to suggest. She didn't know how much Iridia understood about... well her in general, but she hoped she understood enough to go along with it.
"Oh aim for the head. Aim for the head he says. That thing is like Eight heads higher than me and he wants me to aim for the bloody head. What does he think I am one of those fancy pants elvish snobs?" Spitting on the ground as he spoke those last words, Hedgrit wound up for another hit and it the goliath at about head height for him, right in the knee. He watched the goliath stumble a bit and took another swing for the knee trying to drop the damn thing down to his level while being careful to avoid getting scratched by the damn thing. The goliath let out a mightly cry as he hit it again, finally dropping it to it's knees where Hedgrit proceeded to take a swipe at the other arm, cutting it off before finally taking off it's head once it was safe enough to climb up a little bit on him. "there happy knife ears?" As the fighting started to fade, Tellia heard the sound of Iridia's whistling and she got up, following the sound, but making sure to take a wide loop around where there had been combat moments before. She didn't know what was happening with that and didn't want to know. She just wanted to hear Zelph being back safe, until then she would see what Iridia was up to. Slowly she approached where she spotted the small fairy and just stood there, waiting to see what was happening. She wasn't even sure if she should have followed the whistling so she didn't want to cross any boundaries.
Speak of the devil. Karina rolled her eyes as she saw Arctus come out starting to speak. "Aren't you supposed to be working on a way of getting yourself back to the realm of light. Why were you following me?" Karina seemed none too impress with Arctus at this moment. She just huffed and rolled her eyes at him. He then actually clued in who it was that Karina was talking to and got rather defensive. "Cool it stalker boy." Karina warned looking between Lima and Arctus for a moment wondering how she should explain things. "She might not be our enemy anymore. And no we are not turning to a villian. Turns out this one has a twin and that twin was killed by Nequa since this one fled from our battle. She wants vengeance and knows about the inner workings of Nequa's society and we, or at least I want Nequa dead. So we share a common goal it seems and she has something to offer us, and we have help to offer her, mostly people like you, without a keyblade." Karina pointedly looked at Arctus's sword. She wasn't being condescending, no they needed people who didn't have a keyblade, at this moment it was important. "So what do you say we get something worked out and go. I don't want to waste too much time here."
As they landed in where seemed like the middle of nowhere, it seemed that there was actually people in the area. She could hear some sort of ranting followed by men cheering. Well that was good she supposed perhaps these men could help them figure out just where they were. Though the way these men were talking, it made Aislinn a little uneasy. Savages? Were there really savages? When the fatter of them men motioned to them being savages, Aislinn felt she had her answer. Straightening her back she wasn't going to take any crap from these guys. "I speak perfectly fine English, thank you very much. What make you think otherwise?" She pressed hoping to fix these people's view on them. "My name is Aislinn." She then stepped aside to let her companions introduce themselves if they so felt like it.
"Shut ye geggie!" Hedgrit yelled at Zelph shortly before he disappeared. He then shook his head and looked towards the goliath that loomed ahead of him. "Come at me ya Howlin Hackit Bampot!" Hegrit charged forward ax in hand to face the goliath, nimbly able to knock the hand swiping for him aside in order to get in a hit of his own on the creature. "Is that all ya got my ma could fight betta." Hedgrit continued to insult the thing a wicked smile on his face as he swung for the arm and cut it off completely before being forced on the defense for a moment. Tellia kept her head down and her ears covered as she heard Hedgrit yelling followed by the screech of what she assumed was a crawler. She had to keep calm. She had to make sure her friend kept calm. She could hear the near sleeping demon talking to her but she did her best to ignore it, silently begging it to go away. The child seemed unresponsive to the prayer, and didn't seem to be moving at all. **Shut ye geggie- Shut your mouth Howlin - Smelly Hackit - Ugly Bampot- Idiot.
Tellia tried to follow behind her brother, but she was not nearly as stealthy or as fast as he was. After a short distance Tellia gave up and just slipped behind a tree, watching from a distance. If danger came she knew that her friend would get excited and that could lead to bad things happening. If she kept them away from that danger she could keep him in check, but at the same time she wouldn't be able to help her brother if he got in trouble. Deciding that she didn't even want to watch, Tellia turned around and rested her back against the tree, looking away from the crawlers, trying to hide from them instead as she worked on soothing the demon once more until he slumbered deep within her. "Ah Laddie so you have heard of the reputation of Hedgrit the Mighty. I can take anyone down in a drinking contest, even those big lugs. They are weak. Nothing compared to me, nothing!" Hedgrit boasted before realizing that he got very off track of the real question. "Besides that well... No. But nothing can defeat Hedgrit the great. I will take down this foe with my hands tied behind my back if I had to." Hedgrit continued to boast rather loudly before he heard rumbling footsteps. "Shit. shitshitshitshit. Time to fight laddie." Knocking on the window there was no response from inside. As Iridia peered inside she could perhaps gain what was a body of a child, torn into. There was no sign of the parents, and the blood seemed long dried. The house was quiet it seems that help had come perhaps a week too late for the child who never made it from her own house.
"It don't look like you plan on letting 'er die Lad." Hedgrit spun his hammer around in his hand. "I guess I could use with letting off some steam and smashin' some crawler heads in." Hedgrit rested the hammer on his shoulder and start to march ahead. "The little one is annoying but we can't leave 'er to die." Hedgrit pointed out, especially since she was one of the more competent ones on this journey. If she died and he was stuck with the children alone, just the thought was scary. "I won't let him." Tellia whispered in response as she put a lot of her focus on keeping him at bay, though looking towards the way that Iridia had flown off in. "We are going to help her right? Like Hedgrit said, we can't let her die. She is my friend." That may or may not have been true, but Tellia liked to believe it, especially since she never had many friends and the closest one she had often tried to take control of her. "I will stay back this time and hide. I promise. Just don't let her get hurt." She begged of her brother, without the help of her friend she wasn't much help in combat, but she knew that she wasn't allowed to let her friend play, meaning the only good thing that she could do was to sit back and hide, keep herself out of trouble. Meanwhile the crawlers had reached the house, tearing through the gardens at the moment and looking around. These ones seemed to be a mammoth of a man, perhaps a Goliath, but he was accompanied by a smaller figure, what appeared to be a human child. The child was eating whatever she could muster in the garden, but the goliath like man had his eyes still set on the house ahead, slowly making his way towards it.
Around another corner, Tinarah stopped running and slipped down another ally on the corner of the area around the warehouse, looking on what she had done. From what she could see there was still Frozone, but between Darkwing and Boreas, they could deal with him. The others seemed dazed but she saw no sign of the hats left on them, so she started to sneak forward, heading for the confused heroes. While the music around her didn't make sneaking easy, there was enough going on that it would be a sufficient distraction. Approaching them Tinarah kept her keyblade on hand in case she was wrong but she hoped not. "Hey, are you guys okay? We should get out of here, regroup, then we need to help my friends." Tinarah tried to tell them as she looked towards the ally she originally struck from.