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  1. Aelin
    Profile Post


    Status Update by Aelin, Jun 15, 2018
  2. Aelin
    Tinarah takes White Wizard
    Tinarah will put 3 points in AP and 1 in HP
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 15, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  3. Aelin
    Tinarah watched as Torrin helped finish off the hat, thinking about how her own style echoed his in some ways, even with younger Torrin. That didn't even bother her this time, not as the creature that they were fighting was finally down, the heroes stepping in to help. Tinarah turned and walked over to Take and Chrono, looking towards them. "Here. Feel better." Tinarah said as she used a little more of her magic to heal them both before finally just relaxing and breathing slowly, trying to catch her breath. She put away her keyblade and looked over to Torrin. Did he notice her fighting as she did his? That being said she knew what she was looking for, he probably didn't even want to look in her direction, not that it was a bad thing. It was a lot easier to not deal with him than to actually deal him.

    Mr. Incredible walked up to compliment them but Tinarah just looked at him for a long moment.
    "We do what we have to in order to help people." She stated again, backing off examining her outfit that was more torn again, then looking around for Nini, to make sure that she was okay. "Is that everyone? Is the town safe or is there more of them?" Tinarah asked, too tired to look for herself. She was feeling the fight now, she had forgotten how out of shape she was. The adrenaline was wearing off so she was feeling a bit tired, but she would keep going if need be.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin
    "A boat ride? Where do you live? Did another country settle here already?" John asked seeming really confused.
    "Oh no, no, not at all. We um... we traveled a long way and we were just resting here in this land, we had no idea anyone else was in these lands. They seemed rather empty. We were just looking for different places to... um... trade with." Aislinn desperately tried to cover for her friends. Luna then asked him to put away his gun and John laughed.
    "Put this away? You have never dealt with the savages have you? They are a sneaky bunch it would prove you well to stay armed at all time. They have no mercy for us." He told them before turning to Kel to answer his question. "I am here for the adventure of it all. Seeing the new world, battling the savages, being out in the open sea, it is just wonderful. A new adventure around every corner. I suppose the money is nice too, but I am in it for the adventure!" He stated.
    "I can agree with that. The adventure is so much nicer than being stuck on guard duty in town, but I had a purpose so that was enough." Aislinn told him carefully trying to guide the conversation away from why they were there.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Aelin
    Luna followed, and then soon after John Smith followed. "Are you sure that it is this way?" John Smith asked as he caught up to them finally, adjusting his helmet before bending down slightly trying to be stealthy.
    "Well I have been following the evidence. They at least hunt in this area." Aislinn explained calmly as she walked forward with everyone else in tow. It was a lie, but Aislinn managed to keep her voice even enough to hide it.
    "So you have had experience with savages before?" He asked almost sounding impress with her but Aislinn shook her head in response.
    "Just city guard, but if they have any sense of organization, which it seems that they do, then there is pretty simple things to look out for. I am sure you understand."
    "Of course I have dealt with savages plenty in the past. Killed more than anyone else in our crew. That isn't saying much though." John chuckled and looked back like he could see all the way to the camp. "Saw what bring you all out here?"
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Aelin
    "We can at least try, and if he decides not to follow us then we just follow him, claiming that it would be safest if we didn't split up." Aislinn suggested before finding another marking. She motioned to it for Kel and Luna to see before walking over to another tree going the other direction. "I think I see one over here. They must be in this direction." Aislinn said a little more loudly as she began making a path near the random tree she claimed was marked, hoping that everyone would just follow and not question.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Aelin
    "So what exactly is yer story. Ya don't seem to be telling her everything." Hedgrit pointed out, ever more curious about his traveling companions. "And I don't think you'd be givin' her false hopes with the promise unless ya intend to leave, but the kid is psycho enough as it is. I don't think ya should leave 'er." Hedgrit warned as he looked over at Tellia, his face actually softening a little bit as he watched the girl sleep, like he didn't actually mind the two kids completely, and maybe his tone with them was often just an act.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Aelin
    Aislinn nodded her agreement, as she slowly lead Kel and Luna further away from John Smith so she could speak to them without him hearing. Of course Aislinn was still looking for more markings. If anything it would be good if they knew what was out there, but as they walked around Aislinn finally said what was on her mind. "I don't know if we want to actually find these Indians... or Savages, or whatever they are. I am worried about what these "civilized" " Aislinn made the air brackets around the word as she spoke "people might do. Look at his weapon, he could do serious damage to someone with that, and if he plans to use it just because they don't live the same way? I am not saying turn on John Smith or anything, we don't know enough for that yet, but part of me hopes that we don't run into these Indians. Perhaps... maybe we can lead him away from them if that is okay with you two? Just if we find more symbols, go the opposite direction instead." It might not have been the best idea but at this point she was just spitballing idea's, trying to figure out how to handle the situation.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Aelin
    Tellia shifted a bit uncomfortably as silence fell, she didn't like when Zelph avoided conversations like this. She knew it didn't mean anything good, knew that he had to be right that her parents weren't coming back, but she didn't want to believe it still. Taking the bacon she was given, Tellia ate it silently, still leaning against Zelph as she ate it. "You aren't going to leave me right?" Tellia asked as she yawned again while eating. She was terrified to lose her entire family, she wanted to at least keep her brother with her.

    Finishing her bacon and little bit of potato, Tellia moved to lay her head in Zelph's lap, quickly passing out again, in the comfort of having her brother around with her. When Tellia was asleep, Hedgrit finally sat down and took some food for himself eating it.

    "You gonna be able to carry her up there now?" He asked almost sounding like he was offering to help this time.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Aelin
    [​IMG] Tellia couldn't even begin to grip the idea that her parents might be dead. She had been told days before she left that it was possible that they might eventually have to flee, and if that happened to go with Zelph and they would catch up later. Now Zelph was telling her that she might never see her parents again. Tellia began to sniffle. "No. We will see them again. They will come for us. Momma would never leave me for that long, she will find us." Tellia argued as tears ran down her face. "They have to find us, then we can all be a family again." Tellia never saw how not a part of the family Zelph was. He was her older brother, of course he was a part of the family.
    "I would never say no to meat." Hedgrit stated, climbing down the ladder after dropping off another load of bricks. He turned to see Tellia crying and suddenly decided that he hadn't brought up enough bricks. "But if giving it to the little one will keep her quiet, I will take more potatoes. As long as she don't keep us up all night crying."
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Aelin
    [​IMG] The crackling and smell of bacon stirred Tellia from her slumber as she slowly looked over to where Zelph had a fire going and cooking bacon like he promised her. Rubbing her eyes, she got up and walked over to where Zelph was and sat next to him staring intently at the bacon while holding her teddy, trying hard not to yawn too much. "You kept your promise." It wasn't that Zelph often broke his promises, he just sometimes held out with the food to make it last longer. Still tired she leaned against her brother. "Do you think mom and dad will be waiting for us when we finally get to the city? I miss them."
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Aelin
    Well at least Luna ended up waiting up for them and they continued to head out together, walking through the forest keeping more vigilant for anyone who might be stalking the woods. Luna didn't run off again and Aislinn was thankful for that. Thankfully, there also no more dead animals in their path, so no more distractions with that. And while everyone was being vigilant, it seemed that Kel was a bit more so than Luna or her as he spotted a small marking on a tree. Walking over and peering at the marking, Aislinn thought for a moment. "Perhaps it is their way of marking a trail? Or marking certain important area's to them? I am not a hundred percent sure, but it could be possible." Aislinn spit fired idea's as she looked at the marking. "We pare probably getting close though."
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Aelin
  14. Aelin
    "Thanks for understanding." Aislinn smiled at Luna as she walked faster in order to keep up with Luna. She glanced around and back at John Smith for a moment wondering what he thought of the whole thing with the deer. It was less his thoughts on animal killing that she wondered about but more about the people who were clearly in the area somewhere. Looking at the weapon that he had, it was clear that it could do some major damage, and she had no doubt he had killed animals with it. She just hoped he hadn't killed people with it. The thought didn't sit well in her stomach as she turned her gaze away from him and forced her feet forward instead, trying not to think about their companion in a negative light, even though he didn't give her a reason to trust him.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    Alright I did a new thing. My newest obsession Final Fantasy XV is what I used to edit. I have been wanting to use this song forever but haven't gotten around to it yet, but finally I just sat down and made myself do it and I am so happy I did. I am really satisfied with how it turned out, especially the end.

    Thread by: Aelin, Jun 13, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  16. Aelin
    "Luna. Look, someone killed it. They are probably going to come back for it. I might be someones food, I am sorry but I don't think we can bury it. That wouldn't be right to take away someone else's food. Maybe the person just went to get someone to help them bring the deer back." Aislinn kept her voice low and back to John Smith so that he couldn't hear her. "We should just take the arrow out and go. You understand right?" Aislinn felt like she was talking to a little kid, not a grown woman who should know this for herself. Although it did make Aislinn smile a bit, it seemed that Luna really was a fairy tale princess.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Aelin
    After the spectacular fail which was his attempt to attack last time, Reno decided that he didn't want to fight on his own and could use some help. His eagle from earlier seemed to be of use, so wanting some help he decided to summon it back to his aid. Appearing beside Velvet, the eagle screeched before going ahead to attack the hound that was in front of it. Between the three of them, there was a solid wall blocking the hounds and guard from the civilians in the street behind them. And while Reno's leg was sore from the hound and he was not a huge fan of getting bitten, and he didn't know if he could hold this for long, he would hold it for however long he could though, and hopefully have a little fun while he was at it. For now he watched as the eagle mauled the hound, leaving it quite bloodied, and he smiled, oh this definitely was fun.
    Talon Attack 1
    14+3 = 17 Hit!
    1d4= 1 Damage!

    Talon Attack 2
    12+3= 15 Hit!
    1d4= 1 Damage!

    Bite Attack
    12+3= 15 Hit!
    1d4= 4 Damage!
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 12, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Aelin
    The creature wasn't laying off either her or Take. Tinarah cringed, not at her own pain, but at how much Take was getting hurt and her inability to help him as much as she wanted to. Gritting her teeth she looked to the creature and then back to Take. "Hold on!" Tinarah called out to Take as she readied another cure spell, the same effect that guided it before, repeating as the green light shot into the air and then divided itself between her and Take. She was not doing much better than Take, but at least it was a little better in some ways. "Please don't get yourself killed like that." Tinarah muttered under her breath before she turned back to the guy on the giant hat like thing. Having already used a gift she liked to believe was from Stamatis, Tinarah turned and used something from Choma as well. "Grant me your strength." She whispered before there was a slight orange-ish glow around her for a moment as she connected with Choma. With the new power flowing through her, she put her all into the attacks again, doing as much as she could to the monster before it had a chance to do any more damage to her.
    Tinarah cast Cure on herself and Take
    Tinarah used D-link with Choma
    Tinarah attacked for 52 + 10 (Inspiring Rage) + 20 (D-link) = 82 Damage

    HP: 48/75
    AP: 0/52
    MP: 15/30
    DP: 0/3

    Take used Provoke to protect Tinarah and Chrono
    Take holds Bad Karma

    HP: 52/110
    AP: 28/38
    MP: 30/30
    DP: 3/3​
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Aelin
    "I can carry some bricks ya nitwit. I just didn't want to be movin bricks all night by myself." Hedgrit snapped back as he started to collect some bricks himself, finding some old fabric laying around to make a pouch out of the carry the bricks up in. Looking back he watched Zelph struggle a bit and chuckled. "Know what. I will move the rest, just make the fire yer self before ya hurt yerself. I don't want to be left takin' care of the young one." Hedgrit waited for Zelph to be off the ladder before he started to climb with his load of bricks. He was a bit slower than usual, getting a little tired, but he didn't find himself struggling too much as he climbed the ladder and dumped his sack of bricks before descending to find another set.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 12, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Aelin
    This was not going to go down easily and the creature was beating on Take quite badly. Tinarah held up her keyblade to defend an attack from herself but that didn't help much as she was macked backwards and fell on her back, knocking the wind out of her for a moment. Soon Tinarah managed to barely get up, taking a few deep breaths trying to get air back in her lunges before she stood tall again watching Take take a new form in order to deal with this thing. "I've got your back!" Tinarah called to him wanting to make sure that he was alright. No more death, that is what she promised herself. She had to hold herself to it, and that included with herself. Holding her keyblade out a green light shot into the sky then divided itself into two before falling on her, then on Take.

    Once they were both doing a little better health wise and Take started to pull attention to himself. While the creature was distracted she would need to make sure she dealt with the creature quickly. Take could only hold out for so long, and she didn't want to see him in too much danger. Tinarah ran in and began a full combo using all her strength into fighting as music swirled around her.
    "Look at me now Master Stamatis... Uncle Fost... What you did was not for nothing. And I will prove it to the yous in this realm too." She sent her thoughts out even though she knew that no one would be able to hear them. She still had to get it out there, for her own sake.
    Tinarah use Cure on herself and Take: +20 HP to self +35 to Take
    HP: 57/75
    AP: 0/52
    MP: 25/30
    DP: 0/3
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena