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  1. Aelin
    Tinarah took the cloak and looked at it for a long time. "I haven't worn one of these since I got my keyblade back." She spoke quietly mostly to herself. It was true however, the last time she was close to the darkness and protected from it was when Stamatis pushed her to the limits, in a space a little too close to the darkness. Tinarah couldn't help but wonder how that darkness compared to the darkness that Torrin was trying to bring to Eventide when she had arrived there and trained there. She was in no such protection in that world, so she wondered how she would fair comparatively. It was a question that she wanted to ask, but a question that could wait. Tinarah honestly wasn't even sure if Torrin would have an answer for her, not when he didn't have any idea what the other Torrin did to the world, and what was happening in that universe.

    Slipping on the coat and gloves Tinarah tried to not think of the past, but instead the here and now. About the cloaked woman and the core of the world, the issues they would be facing. Flexing her fingers a bit, Tinarah slowed her breathing and cleared her mind, meditating a little bit to calm herself down. She knew that she was being stupid going into this and not agreeing to the rest, she was out of magic and she was worse for wear, but she didn't want to wait and see other people get hurt, so she was willing to pay the price. Pushing back a dull ache in her arm she looked over at the others.
    "Do you think he will actually give us anything more? Perhaps it is best if we just head out now?" She tried suggesting.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Aelin
    Walking close to the mayor, Thea's heart hammered. She thought she knew what she doing. Thought that she was going to save everyone, but now, more than anything, The found herself terrified. Her hands were shaking at her side as she slowly lifted her gaze, waiting for the mayor to let go of Maliel. She then heard Maliel scream out and Thea whipped around to see her new friend collapsing. "No!" Thea screamed, her magic echoing it. Those who knew anything about her magic could feel it growing, see it in her face, her cheeks becoming slightly red as the head of her own flames started to take its toll on her own body. Thea clenched her hands at her side, trying her best to keep the flames in control as she looked back to the group then the mayor, before the lady appeared and started to talk to them.

    Thea was frozen for a moment, not long, but long enough for the mayor to slip away, after handing over Maliel, but Selena was not free to go.
    "No! Stop!" Thea screamed and cried at the lady, listening to Selena scream, and seeing Izra slowly dying on the ground. Her pale blue and gold eyes seemed to dance with a blue flame as Thea stepped forward shooting of a flame towards the lady. At first it was a red arrow, but moments after leaving her body it was a ball of blue flame instead, lashing out at everything around it, uncontrollable wild fire. The same wildfire, that, unbeknownst to her, killed her own family. She was so focused on the lady doing this all she had not noticed the smaller spider that had crept up behind her. Thea let out a yelp of pain as the fangs sunk into her thy. Blue flames shot back out at the spider, incinerating it where it stood but Thea already found herself a bit dizzy as now blue flames danced around her, seeming ready to harm anyone near the child who was having a bit of a meltdown.

    As the water splashed the first of Everette's mirror clones faded away as the water hit it. Everette kept on the move though, he could see how much Conrad was hurting it, and he could see how annoyed that the creature was getting. Just a little more time, he needed just a little more if Conrad was going to do this. He couldn't keep up mirror clone trick forever, so instead he took up a fighting style he had seen someone else use before. If he kept changing the way he fought it would make him unpredictable. This style was more for damaging, and while Everette knew that wasn't his main goal. Maybe if he hurt the snake enough it would draw attention back to himself instead.

    Taking a step back, Everette channeled a large amount of his own magic into the sword as he held it with both hands. He wasn't very quick moving with this fighting style, but it was more meant for damage than anything else, and he was certain that with the amount of magic he had poured into his sword, damage would be fine. Waiting for an opening, Everette launched himself forward at the snake taking a few large swings at it, putting all the force he could behind each swing before praying that Conrad would finish the thing off quickly before he tired himself out too much.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Aelin
    Hedgrit nodded for a moment before staring at the girl for a bit longer. "I am sure she will be fine, with a brother like you to take care of 'er." There was some sense of compassion in his voice as he watched the two of them. Hedgrit then stood up and stretched. "You get first watch, I am going to get some sleep. Are ya sure you don't want help getting her up." Hedgrit looked to the top of the ladder where he had started to set it up for them to sleep. At the very least he would let Zelph go up first and wait right at the bottom just in case. Hedgrit still worried about having Tellia with them, but he would do his best to help care for her, he wasn't quite so heartless to let them struggle on their own.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 21, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Aelin
    As Reno glanced around the battle field, taking in those who had fallen, suddenly a sharp pain in his leg caused him to yip slightly as he was pulled off his feet. An involuntary snarl slipped from his lips as he stared the dog down, watching as his summoned eagle rushed behind to aid him. Reno was barely able to manage to get himself to his feet, much less attack at this time, the attacking had to be left to his companion that was there helping him. With it being nearly as dangerous to run, Reno was forced to stand his ground as he watched Freedom claw and bite at the hound that was previously trying to down him. With a few strikes in from the eagle the hound suddenly looked a little less willing to pick this fight, his master and one of his companions had already been dealt with, and he wasn't in good shape himself, the hound looked as though it was ready to do the smart thing and run. Reno let out a snarl of warning along with his eagles screech, warning the remaining to run.
    1+3+2(from flanking)= 6 to hit, miss the first talon Attack
    9+3+2(from flanking)= 14 to hit, hit on the second attack! 4 Damage
    13+3+2(from flanking)=18 to hit, hit on its bite attack! 2 Damage!
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 21, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Aelin
    Buying Ray of Light and obtaining White Mage Job
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 19, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  6. Aelin
    "It certainly is." Aislinn stated as she got slightly closer to the waterfall, looking from a distance at it. There was a smile across her face as she looked back at Smith.
    "You see this is why I love the adventure so much. It is so rewarding! So beautiful!" He exclaimed turning back to the group for a moment looking at them all. "Aren't you glad you came with me?"
    "Yes it is much better than going back to camp. This was so lovely, and not an Indian in sight." Aislinn pointed out more than a little relieved at that fact.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Aelin
    Hegridt sat there seeming stunned for a moment like he had no idea how to react to it, and well that was because he didn't. "Yer tellin' me that another whole entity lives within that tiny body?" Hedgrit knew that was what he had just said and still it didn't seem to sink in. "Would it ever be dangerous to us?" He then asked. He didn't necessarily plan to send them away, but he never paid much mind when the girl started to talk to herself, now he wondered if he should be on his guard. Right now she looked like she couldn't hurt a fly, but the thing that lay beneath, it was because they didn't know what it was that scared him the most about this entire thing.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 19, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Aelin
    "Oh you have mistaken me. I don't intend to hunt I am just checking things out. They move around a lot you see and they might be the first to attack if they decide they don't like us. It is just good to know if we should be on the look out." John Smith explained. He in himself was not a bad guy, but even Smith questioned some of the decisions of Radcliff and the company.
    "Why must you insist on calling them Savages then? Wouldn't Indians do just fine?" Aislinn pressed trying to get him to stop with what he was doing, it was, really annoying her at this point and it seemed like Luna and Kel were not a fan of it either.
    "I guess it is just ingrained in the brain." He shrugged seeming like it wasn't a big deal. From the sounds of it they were nearing a water fall and he smiled, and Aislinn smiled back.
    "Come on, lets check it out. I bet it is beautiful!" She exclaimed as she started to head towards the sound of water. It was still a ways away, but Aislinn picked up her pace in that direction.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Aelin
    To have Torrin not only acknowledge her, but compliment her, Tinarah found herself a little baffled and embarrassed. "Well... you know, Master Stamatis taught me a lot about magic, he was really good at it." She informed him, though she wouldn't say he taught her everything, not when she had caught on to Torrin's fighting style a whole lot easier. Tinarah crossed one arm over the other one, holding onto her arm to hide one of the more nasty scratches on her arm that she wasn't able to heal for herself.

    On the side there was a conversation with the enemies about the plan, but Tinarah couldn't find herself all that interested in it. It made little sense to her and she wasn't going to do much with the information anyhow. Instead she chose to pay attention to the conversation between Torrin and Boreas.
    "You... can head to the heart of a world?" The concept seemed very strange to her. She had fought heartless on the world but never in the core. It made her wonder how that would even turn out.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Aelin
    Cerdic stepped up behind Daeni and put a hand on her head for a moment before speaking up. "Woah, calm down." He warned her before removing his hand from her head but turning her to face him. "She never said she was throwing her daughter out to die. We are not welcome here, and we know that, it is fine. But Mora could use proper training with the keyblade if she ever wishes to succeed with it. She just has to leave to be able to learn, and once she is good and ready, I am sure she can come back and help stop things from going that badly again. But we can't stay and there is no way for her to learn here without someone like us with the skills of the keyblade. Yes it bothers me too that she just got back to see her village safe and is forced to leave again, but it isn't our place to fight it. There was nothing said about her despising Mora." Cerdic then pulled Daeni into a hug. "I know... I know it has been hard on you... on all of us. I know you are upset because of more than just this, but don't put other emotions that don't belong in this situation here. It doesn't help it at all, it just makes it worse." Letting go, Cerdic then stepped in front of Daeni and faced Mora's mother.

    "We are sorry for all the trouble we have caused. We will take Mora, make sure she is trained, so when she comes back she can protect you all, but we will not be returning. We have overstayed our welcome as it is. As soon as you are done your goodbyes, we will be on our way." Cerdic assured the woman, looking over at Mora hoping that she would be okay and understand. He hoped that Daeni's little display wouldn't upset her too much, because to him it seemed she made it sound worse than it was, and he didn't want that. He didn't want Mora to fear not being welcomed home, he wanted her to embrace the training. And while Cerdic wasn't confident in his skills to train her, maybe Alder could. Or if not that at least the master on his world might be of some help. He was sure she would never turn anyone down who needed help, she was too kind for that.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 18, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Aelin
    It caught Karina's attention when Arctus actually brought something up about his home world. She actually fell back a bit to talk to him. "What exactly is there to resolve on your home world? You have never mentioned it before." Karina pointed out hoping she could get something out of him, some shred of humanity past the man who could sometimes make her laugh and have fun, even though a part of her had believed that she lost those emotions long ago. She had seen several people grow in who they were, saw how things tended to not be what they seemed, so it left Karina wondering who Arctus really was because she was sure there was more too it than what she saw. Karina just didn't know if she would like it or not, so perhaps it was stupid to try and pry, but she couldn't help herself.

    As she was trying to talk to Arctus, Shiro's loud voice spoke up and Karina realized that they were back and standing before some kid claiming to be the composer. He was going to run her Mark of Mastery? This was sure to be interesting. The boy then looked at Arctus and told him that he wouldn't be able to come and Karina cringed. She knew that she joked about him following her like a lost puppy, but if he left, while there was still others around, there wasn't really anyone else that she really like, so it would feel rather alone.
    "I-I guess there is no escaping the others." She tried to joke to hide the discomfort of the idea of going into this essentially alone, as far as she was aware.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Aelin
    Hedgrit nodded as he listened before he finally spoke, offering up his own bit of information on his life. "I... uh... I was workin' in the mines at the time. Sometimes we stay up there for days. I was only gone for two, but when I came back down, most of my town that wasn't in the mines were crawlers... includin' my wife. I chose to put her down before she could do too much damage, but I couldn't take on the entire town so I fled." Hedgrit admitted as he pulled out a charm that he was wearing, hidden beneath his beard the entire time. "She was the most lovely thing I had ever met." After offering a little more about him however he still had another question for Zelph. Up until now he hadn't understood so he mocked it, hadn't wanted to understand. But how he described it in the story, curiosity had gotten the best of Hedgrit. "What exactly is this little friend? Is the wee one crazy, thinks she has other people in her?" He had heard of medical cases where people went insane and ended up believing they were several different people, but something told Hedgrit that it wasn't quite the same as that, not the way she seemed to fight against her own mind when things go too much.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 18, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Aelin
    Tinarah listened to everything that was being said, how it all happened. Tinarah had nothing to say about it for the time being, it wasn't her place to suggest how to handle the situation. She would leave the others to decide. That being said decisions didn't really get far, Torrin wanted to rest, and Take wanted to keep going. She could see where they were both coming from and Tinarah wasn't sure which one she actually sided with. Looking around the group however she thought she might be able to make a bit of a compromise. Holding her keyblade out she let the green light emit off of it before the glow mirrored on Take, Torrin, and Boreas. As it did all their scratches and bruises disappeared, leaving them clean and clear to go. "Perhaps not fully rested, but at least we are healthier now. And it might be best not to wait too long until the problem gets worse." Tinarah spoke softly, just a light suggestion that she half expected to be shot down, especially with her knowing her own state. She made sure everyone else was okay, and while she was not majorly hurting, she was not in as good of shape as everyone else, and her magic was nearly drained. It would be a waste however to have them worrying about her, when what was going on in this world was much more important.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    She wasn't sure about the whole family thing. She had a family, and she had just lost it. It felt like she was cheating on them by accepting his offer of being his daughter, but at the same time she feared being alone. She feared no one ever wanting her again and not having anywhere to go eventually. She very much wished that her brother could come with her, but he had a home and she feared that Onyx would say no and not take either of them, so instead Auburn nodded. She didn't look happy about it, like some might expect, but she was still hurting, she lost so much this was more of an alternative to help her get through life than a joyous occasion to her. She didn't know if she could smile if she wanted to, she had seen her parents die and nearly died herself, how could she be happy just because someone pitied her enough not to leave her alone?
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 18, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Aelin
    "At any given time, with or without the crawlers something could happen and you could die. Doesn't mean that you should not make the promise anyways. It means that she will not think anything is certain, and hope is a powerful thing in these times." Hedgrit warned Zelph as they sat around the fire. "So which parent do you share, and where are they now. Did you run ahead or are they... you know... uh... gone?" Hedgrit asked trying to coax out the entire story from Zelph even if he didn't want to talk about it.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 18, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Aelin
    "You clearly have never faced the Savages then. They are vicious creatures when you let them be. They don't like sharing their land most of the time." John Smith tried to clarify as they walked.
    "I think you are grouping them together a bit too much. If we meet any I wouldn't be too hasty to act." Aislinn warned as they continued on, eyeing the gun for a moment as they continued on, still wondering if he planned to use it.
    "You clearly don't know them like I do." John Smith tried to clarify, but got distracted by Kel's question. "Oh! The Virginia Company is the people who hired us for this expedition. They sent us to find gold to bring back to England." He explained to them like it was crazy that they never had heard of it before.
    "So they hired you to sail to the middle of nowhere and find gold. Why does the so called Savages have to be involved?" Aislinn asked
    "Oh they don't. Only if they get in the way." John Smith clarified.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Aelin
    Finally they were taking Mora back to her town, and Cerdic stood back as she was welcomed. They however, were less welcomed. It was them that started everything after all, and it was understandable. With his memories back, he knew that they were the cause of all of this crap that had happened and that they well deserved this. "Mora, it is okay, we should leave." He tried to convince her that it was okay, but she got defensive of them and summoned her keyblade. While he knew that she could do it, he looked to her mom to see how she would react.

    Cerdic was surprised by the reaction of her mom though. She wanted her daughter to leave? Sure it was to learn how to use the weapon that she had. Still Cerdic was not seeing the logic in it.
    "There is a keyblade master in my world that could teach her if you really wish, but are you sure that you want to send her away?" Cerdic asked a little concerned putting a hand on Mora's shoulder as he stepped forward to look at Mora's mom. He wanted to make sure that she actually wanted Mora to leave before they found a place to send her to train.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 18, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Aelin
    "Oh I definitely do. I have seen all parts of the earth. They don't call me the best for nothing!" John bragged as he jumped of the rock and kept striding forward. "But you have got it right little lady, nothing beats being out in nature like this, adventuring, finding new lands, and new treasures, fighting the savages."
    There was that word again. She knew that it was what John truly believed and she wasn't going to change his mind any time soon, but it still bothered her as Aislinn found herself trailing behind slightly, just taking in the nature around her, trying her best to enjoy it and not worry too much about the man that she was following around. It wasn't making her comfortable, but she couldn't walk away right yet, they still needed to see the truth behind these savages. Besides being around John Smith was far better than the Radcliff guy that they had met when they arrived. At least John Smith seemed like he could be reasoned with, unlike the other guy.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Aelin

    That will be 5 crowns +2 for counter point and 500 Munny for me
    And 3 crowns and 200 munny for Ananta
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 16, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  20. Aelin
    "You came all this way from a civilized country to new lands and you don't have a sense of adventure? You can't tell me you are like that stiff backed Radcliff, can you. Always in it for the gold. He thinks there is so much to be had on this new world, but I think there is so much more. Adventure and expiration, nothing to hold me down and definitely no stiff neck parties to attend." John jumped up onto a rock and started to look out over everything in the area. "We sail for Glory, God, and gold, and the Virginia company!" He continued as he marched on taking the lead this time.
    Aislinn rolled her eyes as she followed, but she couldn't help but smile at the mans passion. He was certainly different from the others he saw. He didn't seem to care that they were girls either. She watched as his golden locks waved in the wind. While he still had his gun up, he seemed less inclined to use it as he seemed more excited about just the adventure of it all. Perhaps they were getting worried for nothing. The wind picked up and Aislinn felt her hair flow behind her, and she found herself smiling.
    "I guess the adventure is always fun. You are lucky when you can. I don't think my sister would be able to do anything like this ever again, not with two little ones. And while I long to see them again, I am not tied to home to care for them. I should just enjoy my time here." She exclaimed.
    Post by: Aelin, Jun 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena