There was something a little more pleasant about this battle, something almost enjoyable being able to work alongside her teammates and feel a part of the team. It was something that she was missing the last time she had fought the grimm alongside these guys. At that point she just wanted to get the battle over with and was not really watching for her teammates like she should have been., Now looking over her shoulder she noticed a grimm sneaking up behind Lazuli. "Duck!" She called to him as one of her swords suddenly flipped over, transforming into it's gun form. Taking a shot at the grimm, knocking it clear out. She then turned her gun back into sword mode and began to swing it towards the grim that were trying to corner her. The motions were fluid and easy. Any hesitations she had in her fighting ability earlier had vanished as she forgot about her lack of confidence and just fell into the familiar rhythms of what her father had taught her for all those years. His training was not for nothing, and while she no longer was really attending the school like she originally planned, Auburn still planned to excel as she fought her way though this. She would survive and make she others did too. She would be strong like her father. It was no longer a question of can and can't, there were some things in life you just do. HP: 14/20 BP: 0/7 Bullets: 2/3 Defeated Beowolves: 3 Beowolves remaining: 4 Clearly these guys were not taking the hint that Arian tried to give them. If they were so intent on dying, then he would grant them their wish. There was no use in trying to save those who didn't want to be saved, they were only going to bring more destruction anyways. He didn't trust any of these guys, and he found himself worrying about his family and how they may be involved in all of this. When he had left home they were pretty high up in the white fang. If he had more time he might have stopped them and made one of the White Fang members talk before killing them, but a glance at Noire told him that that wasn't going to happen. He also knew that if he did such things it might raise even more suspicion about him and his motives, and while Arian was true to his word and what he told them before, he hadn't known anyone long enough to gain their full trust. Only one of the White Fang members even dared to try and hurt Arian, and when they did, they received it back ten fold. Being too close in to use his bow, he had it in the form of two swords, whipping around as he slashed at the faunus in front of him, moving towards the next one ready to attack it as well. It bothered Arian, he realized having to do this, but he had no choice, it was for everyone's safety. The faunus already were not the most populated of groups in the world, there was only so many, and to see them turn to this, to be essentially asking for death in such a manner, it didn't sit well with the faunus boy. Closing his eyes and trying to block out the thought, he pushed through the battle the best he could. HP: 17/20 BP: 0/7 Arrows: 2/3 White Fang Defeated: 2 White Fang Remaining: 7 White Fang Injured 2/3 BP
"What?" Tellia instantly started to panic a bit, worried about her brother? "Is he alright? Zelph should sleep then" Tellia insisted. She didn't want Zelph to get any more sick than he actually were. "I can watch the place for the day. We will be fine." Hedgrit then sighed "And I will watch the little one." "I don't need you to watch me! I am fine! And I am not little!" Tellia protested. When her brother said it, it didn't bother her so much, but when Hedgrit said it, she wasn't too fond of it. "Sure ya are. You're just a wee child. Now go take a nap." Hedigrit attempted to tell her what to do, but clearly that wasn't going over well as Tellia stood her ground and stuck her tongue out at Hedgrit.
"Stop it. Please." Tellia could see that Zelph was getting angry and she didn't like it. She didn't want to admit that she asked Iridia to do it. She didn't want her brother to be mad at her, she didn't want him to yell or anything, so she just kept quiet and back as Zelph stormed off to lay down. It was a matter of minutes before Zelph was complaining that he was laying down and not sleeping. Tellia just backed up and sat down, she didn't want to argue with her brother on this. She knew if she did she would get upset and stressed and that is what worried her most. "Ya know it takes more than a few seconds, and for ya not to be so full of ****!" Hedgrit called out Zelph for being so angry about everything. He would just need to relax.
Raelyn was so caught up looking into the space around them searching for traps that she hadn't heard anything until someone called out, to what she assumed was her. Busty, it wasn't the first time she had heard that, but she was not too fond of it none the less. Looking over at the person talking to her, Raelyn had a quizzical look on her face as she looked towards the other girl. "Is... is this some odd way of flirting? I mean it is fine, but at the same time, this is not the time for it. We should be trying to find a way out, preferably one without traps." Raelyn pointed out as she turned around, not bothering to jump like she was asked to. Besides the other guy clearly didn't want them to be jumping because it was distracting. Oh if he thought the other girl was distracting, then he wouldn't be able to think at all. The thought was almost amusing as she turned to face one of the boys that was in the cell with her. "Oh um... Yeah. I think... I don't trust a piece of paper to tell me who I am, but as far as I know, my name is Raelyn, or at least that is what the paper said." Raelyn informed him. Not too sure why he was bothering asking. She didn't care that much about her name at this point, but that being said she would rather be called Raelyn, then Busty, so there was that at least. Just as she had that conversation the other girl walked over to the eye on the wall and examined it. As she walked back over, Raelyn noticed what Evie did, the eye started to look around. "Huh interesting, it wasn't doing that a couple minutes ago when I was looking at it. Wonder what triggered that?" She pondered before putting an arm in front of Evie, slowly guiding her away a bit. "But I don't trust it, we should be careful around the thing. I mean who knows what else it can do or who might be watching. We best hurry." The thought of it seeing what they were doing didn't sit well with Raelyn, not when they were trying to escape. Since there was no guards, perhaps that was like a way of guarding them. Shooting her hand out, Raelyn tried to spray water at the eye, maybe she could wash the eye away, hopefully she could. It freaked her out.
Auburn nodded, tears still streamed down her face, but she seemed to be at least attempting to compose herself again. She looked up at him and the his kind eyes, seeing the intent behind them. There was nothing but compassion behind them. Auburn found that strangely comforting. "What about you? What about your job?" Her parents would never leave her home alone, and Auburn had not heard Onyx talk about any other members of his family. What was he going to do if he had to look after her too?
Tellia looked a little worried as she just got up and stepped away, looking in Iridia's direction hoping that the ferry would follow. When they were far enough away that she didn't think he would hear, Tellia started to whisper to Tellia. "You have so much nice magic, are you able to help him fall asleep. I am getting worried." Tellia insisted. He had done this many times lately and she was terrified she would lose him because of it. He could hardly stay awake, especially first thing in the morning and she didn't want to see him get caught off guard because he was tired. When Tellia and Iridia stepped aside, Hedgrit sighed. "I would rather another day of this bullshit, then having to deal with that bullshit alone." He motioned towards Tellia, knowing Zelph would have a good idea what he was talking about. Zelph was really the only other one to help him fight, and if he was nodding off every other minute then they might be screwed, As much as Hedgrit wanted to make it to the city, he started to wonder if the risk was worth it to travel this day.
Tellia looked a little worried but she just took the food and moved to her brother as he started to nod off again. He seemed to be really falling asleep so she sat next to him and started to rub his back, humming softly as she tried to help her brother fall asleep. "I don't know. I think he is just tired. I did make him carry me last night and I don't know how far we went." Tellia tried to answer, but she was a little concerned for her brother and felt like it might be her fault that he was this tired. Tellia found herself wincing at something, but managed to keep quiet, a bit of a sadder look crossing her expression. Hedgrit seemed a little frustrated as he sat down and ate his food . "I guess this means we won't be getting any closer today. Great another day in this bullshit." He complained as he shoved food into his mouth, eating to keep himself quiet. "What is one more day? We made it this long right? And he needs sleep. If you are going to be mad at anyone, be mad at me, not him." Tellia tried to defend her brother as she tucked her teddy into his arms, thinking that it could give him comfort like it did her.
"I feel fine, I swear." Not a hundred percent true, but she was doing okay. She was managing to keep her magic in check, so her magic fever wasn't bad anymore, nothing more than the remnants of what was there threatening her before. Perhaps a little more rest would have been good, but Thea didn't wan't to wait to help people. She really wished that she could help them instead of laying in bed, waiting around. Thea was impatient and sitting still wasn't something that she was good at. Everette forced himself to his feet before Samuel offered him an energy potion. Offering Samuel a hand up, Everette nodded. "I could use one, thank you." He agreed. They needed to at least make it back to the guild before they could pass out. Everette lead the way back to the Chiefs house where he was sure Conrad still was. Being polite, Everette knocked at the door, and waited for someone to answer. "Hey, we were getting ready to leave soon. We just wanted to say goodbye and check on Renza, see if she was doing okay." Everette said as he looked inside a bit for evidence of Condrad and Renza.
After sitting down to read the note that they found, both Chrono and Take came over asking about them. Chrono wanted to know about his one, but Take it seemed haven't read any of them. It was easiest for her to just start from the beginning of the notes that they had found. "Well this seems like someones journal... Well not just someone. I think it might be A's journal." Tinarah then realized that he might not know who that was, so Tinarah took a step back with her explanation. "A is the boy who found me first in the other realm.... These notes seem to be his life in this realm. It is funny really since he didn't survive in the other realm, I seemed to take his place." It probably didn't make much sense but as she flipped through the notes she had so far, Tinarah looked back to Take and Chrono, but mainly addressed Take. "It talks about his father, and how the closer the light, the greater the shadow. Then it goes on to tell about the day his world fell. I-I was there. His parents bought us time, and then a chasm opened. I made it over, but he didn't. I guess in this realm Fost found him before he had to make that jump. Then it talks about how Fost told him a bit about the heartless. I think I am missing a few pages because after that it jumps to this newest not I found talking about a girl Chryssa, and how he had been training with Stamatis. He talks about the girl becoming a master and how they were both leaving to train with the council, perhaps joining their ranks." Tinarah explained everything she had so far. Putting the paper away Tinarah just sat there for a moment catching her breath a little more. "I know these are different realms, but I found it surprising that in this entry it talks about Stamatis' students. The one I knew valued the time training students one on one. He never seemed interested in taking more students. I... I appreciated the training, but I wonder if it would have been easier for me returning if I had someone else my age around." Tinarah admitted, a little ashamed of how awkward she was.
Well at least they were now out of the cell that they were and in some hallway. That only helped so much, but Rex was right they needed to be quiet. Whether they were arrested or kidnapped, it didn't mater, they shouldn't be out of the cell and if anyone caught them out, they could be in trouble. And since Raelyn only knew that she could spray water out of her hands and nothing else, not even her name, she didn't really trust herself to get them out of any sort of situation. As they looked around and assessed the situation, there was murmurs down the hall. It seemed that Rex went to check it out, followed by Gale. Raelyn decided to hang back, there was no use cramming too many people down there.In the meantime, Raelyn began to pick at the stuff in her pockets, looking to see what she could find, anything to help her recall any of her lost memories. Like the others, Raelyn didn't find much, but what she did find was a slip of paper. Taking it out she glanced at it, studying the name for a long moment. It seemed like she was trying to decide what the name meant. Eventually she just assumed the same as everyone else and figured that it must have been her name. Turning and looking back down the hallway, it seemed that the murmurs were two more people and they had now been released. Moving a little closer to them, Raelyn looked a little annoyed as she put her hands on her hips. "So what happened to being quiet as we break out of... jail?" She asked in a hushed whisper before turning around and walking back to the symbol on the wall, staring at it for a long moment, taking in the details just in case. She then scanned the area for any traps, or at least anything like the steam pipe that sprayed out at Rex, they needed to be careful and since there was no one guarding with this area, it was easy to assume that there was other ways that they were going to keep the six of them down. Since they left the keys in such an easy place, she assumed nothing else here would be all that easy for them.
Aislinn stood quietly and listened to the conversation at hand. Even here she could tell that males were much more respected than the females were. Though the only thing they really said to him was a sort of insult, so Aislinn couldn't be that offended by it. She was missing home at this point, just thinking of how much more respected she was there as a city guard. Now that she was a master, Aislinn really didn't know what to expect, but this had caught her a bit off guard with how everything was going. Out of respect she let Kel do most of the talking since it seemed that was what they preferred here. Finally when Kocoum left, Aislinn spoke up a bit. "We will see if we can find your daughter." She assured the chief. After all they really had nothing else to do here except see if any of their other comrades landed here, and finding this girl, Pocahontas was a good bet to finding other people. Aislinn liked to believe that the girl was "missing" just because she chose to help some strangers. That being said there was no way of knowing that for sure, but it was worth a shot. Either that or John Smith was making their lives infinitely more difficult, which was also something they would need to deal with eventually.
"Yeah I am fine." Now that she had a chance to heal some of her wounds she was doing okay, not perfect but okay. The ground shifted and Tinarah struggled to keep balance. When she composed herself again she spotted something floating near Torrin, walking over and grabbing it, it resembled the reports that she started collecting earlier. Not trusting her legs to keep her up for much longer, knowing she needed a rest, Tinarah found herself a seat on the ground as she held up the journal page and began to read it to herself. This one sounded less familiar to her, but she could tell he had been training with Master Stamatis for a long time. What Tinarah did find odd however was the fact that from the sounds of it, Stamatis had more than one student. When she was training with him in the other realm, that Stamatis believed in the value of individual study. That being said she was well aware that her ability to interact with people suffered from that, but she still found the notion of him training multiple students at once a little odd. In the end it did leave her with a little bit of a smile though, thinking of her own send off with Master Stamatis and Uncle Fost, and she wished she had stayed long enough to become a master and echo the same light that the author spoke of seeing in the girls eyes.
Upgrading Esuna to Esunara, and Blizzard to Blizzara And I will take an hp upgrade
As the other male awoke, he offered to try and lift her. Raelyn looked him up and down, assessing him. He didn't look all that strong, did she really trust that he would be able to lift her up? It was a risk, but perhaps a risk that was worth taking. She knew nothing about herself at least she could find them a way out and then figure out what things happened as they went. When Gale asked if they were kidnapped as well, it convinced Raelyn to try and see what was beyond the black grate in the ceiling. If they were really kidnapped she didn't want to sit around any longer than she needed to, and while the other man doubted they were kidnapped, Raelyn wasn't convince. "You never know what are going on in peoples minds, sometimes people kidnap others for other reasons. I don't want to risk it." Raelyn told them before looking back up. "Alright you. Lets try and get me up high enough to reach that. Don't you dare try anything though, if you do I promise there is something else coming for you." Raelyn threatened him. Raelyn then climbed on Gale's shoulder as he lifted her up high enough for her to reach the grate and open it. Raelyn peered in and spotted not a way out but a key. Grabbing it, Raelyn gave Gale a bit of a kick. "You can let me down now." She informed him in a rather mater-of-fact tone. By this time the other girl happened to have awoken and was talking as well. "I don't know anything but the guys who locked us up are complete idiots." Raelyn dangled the keys that she found in front of them. "But no I don't remember anything, not even my name." Raelyn confirmed. "But we can figure that out later, first, there is a door that needs opening." Walking over, Raelyn put her hand through the door and fumbled for a moment before the key found the hole and she managed to get twist it in the lock, "Perfect." She could feel the click and smiled to herself. At least that was one thing going right.
"No." Auburn sat up a bit and looked at him. "No one else wants me. I don't want to be alone." She told him. She just didn't want to move on like her parents never existed either. That was what scared her the most about it all. How did she really tell him all this though? How did she make it make sense to him what she feared. She didn't even want to talk much in the first place, much less explain everything. "I just want my parents back." Auburn wept quietly, covering her face with her hands. Everything seemed so wrong without them. Everything she did and said she felt like it was wrong. There was a hole in her chest and she didn't know how to fix it.
"Well I can't say I know everything that had happened, I passed out part way through the battle. But I nearly was a sacrifice. I should know who was bad and who was good. Izra seemed to try and kidnap me when we first got there, but that was just to get me to safety before the mayor could do anything to me." Thea dropped her voice and sounded sad. "But someone got taken instead. It sounded like she was really hurting when we found her." Selena's scream still echoed in Thea's ear as she curled her knees up to her chest a bit in bed, a little scared still. "We should really help though, I want to help." Thea insisted. Everette's eyes were drooping after they finished handing out the antidotes and taken a seat on the bench, but Everette tried to keep himself functional. "I will be fine for a little longer. We should give Conrad a bit to finish up what we are doing, then maybe head back to the guildhall to rest. Leave this town to their own recovery." Everette suggested, but then he remembered that he wanted to see Renza. "Actually do you want to just head over to the mayors house? Say goodbye to him and Renza?" Everette suggested. He wanted to see the girl before he left, Everette found himself fond of her and blamed himself slightly for her getting sick. While Everette knew that Samuel's remedy would work, he couldn't help but worry.
They were almost done. One last post and they could do this, she just had to push a little harder. If she did that then maybe they could reduce the threat before it could hurt them more. Thanks to Take, Tinarah was able to hold her own a little bit longer. "Thanks Take." She told him as she tagged him out and jumped into combat, putting her full force into it. Swinging her keyblade around she swiped it into the heartless before ducking and dodging to the next one. One after another she took down heartless and even found herself glancing to Torrin for approval for a moment, like when she was training with him, and still thought he was good. As soon as she did she looked away a little awkward. She had caught him watching her too and wondered if he noticed the same thing she did, their base fighting styles were the same. Perhaps it was something to talk about later, but for now she owed Take for taking the hit for her, and needed to be able to take another hit for herself. She stepped back and cast cure, letting green light envelope her, Take, and Boreas, soothing their wounds. Tinarah Cured Boreas and Take for 35 hp and herself for 20 hp Tinarah took out 5 Darkballs HP: 57/80 AP: 8/58+10 MP: 17/30 DP: 0/3 Enemies Remaining: 5 Darkballs
Why was someone shaking her? Why was anyone in her room at all? She lived on her own... didn't she? Perhaps not, she couldn't remember who she lived with anymore, or really anything about her life for that matter. Finally having enough with being hit, Raelyn snapped awake, going to swat his hand away from her face, however as she swept her hand to the side a shot of water sprayed out at him. What the hell? What just happened? That shouldn't be possible... or she didn't think so, it didn't seem normal at least, everything was a little murky if she was to be honest. Finally getting over the initial shock of everything, Raelyn finally opened her eyes and started to take in the stuff around her. From what she could tell she was in some sort of cell. How she ended up here was beyond her, but she would have to find a way out. Though Raelyn couldn't remember how she ended up here, but she was sure whatever it was that landed her here, she didn't do it and didn't deserve it. Standing up she looked at the man beside her who had been hitting her. "I know as little as you do, but at least I am dry." She stated, as she began to pace the cell, studying the gate in the ceiling. Raelyn then walked over to one of the other people in the cell, kicking the girls foot. "I don't suppose you know any more than we do." She stated blatantly. Raelyn didn't expect a helpful answer at all, but it was at least worth asking. "So is anyone here not scrawny as fuck and can actually lift me up so I can see if I can get any information from that grate, I want to see if I can see anything beyond."
» Username: Aelin » Character Name: Raelyn Hayes » Gender: Female » Sexuality: Bi » Age:24 » Appearance: Bloop » Personality: Outgoing, a bit of a trouble maker, Raelyn likes to just get out there and draw attention to herself in whatever way might work. Whether that is flirting, or causing trouble. Over all though Raelyn isn't a bad girl and if she decides she likes you, isn't hard to be friends with. » Starting Element: Water » Short Backstory: Jumping from foster family, to foster family, Raelyn never really had a family to call her own. The first few foster families didn't pay much attention to her, so Raelyn found herself getting in trouble to draw attention to herself, which ultimately got her kicked out and sent to the next home. As she grew older though she discovered that causing trouble wasn't the only way to get people to pay attention to her. She was a rather attractive young woman, and that also turned out in her favour for drawing attention. It could keep her out of trouble if she was with the right person, or just get her into more trouble. It wasn't until she was 16 that she found a good family that she lived with until she was 20 when she found her own place. In this time growing up however, Raelyn found herself drawn to video games whenever she was locked in the house for the trouble she caused. It gave her an escape, a new life where she was the hero of her own story, important to everyone, so when a new game came out that allowed her to actually be in the game, and not just act on behalf of some ripped guy or the chosen, gifted girl, Raelyn was too drawn to it to pass it up. She found herself in line for the midnight release, waiting to get her copy of the game. » Main Theme: This one » Battle Theme: Right Here
Tinarah grit her teeth against the onslaught of heartless attacks that were battering her. She looked around to see how everyone else was holding up, and while she was bloodied and hurt, everyone else was still standing strong. She felt selfish if she used the little bit of power that Take gifted just for her own sake. She needed to save it for when everyone else actually needed it. Taking a few deep breaths Tinarah found herself pushing through the pain, letting the lessons of older Torrin, pulse through her, along side her own heart beat. Letting the moves and attacks come on instinct. The pain was distracting enough for her not to be thinking quite right, and in all honesty she was starting to regret not having a rest. When things were happening and she felt the need to help, Tinarah often found herself forgetting about how ill her physical body still was, how much it still needed to recover. She would have to take the fight slow and let all the lessons from Master Stamatis and Torrin work through her, let the muscle memory guide her if she wanted to do anything efficiently, but mostly she needed to take up defense. HP: 37/80 AP: 40/58+10 MP: 16/30 DP: 0/3 Heartless Defeated: 1 Darkball 1Neoshadow Heartless remaining: 46 Darkballs (12AP) 31 Neoshadows (16AP)