Pocahontas, so that was the girl that they were supposed to be looking for. What was even better was that John had not seemed to go after her to harm her and now was talking with her on what seemed like a very civil level. She was impressed to say the least. "Nice to meet you Pocahontas. My name is Aislinn, and this here is Kel." Aislinn motioned to the boy standing beside her and smiled slightly. "So it seems that you guys are getting along well. What happened after you ran off, and we were left dealing with the men that ran out of the bushes?" Aislinn asked a pointed question at John Smith.
Apparently the Goofy Movie is rather popular, two songs from that in a row! Time to get started on the next song, Stand Out. If you would like to join please sign up by July 15th, Your lines will be due on July 22nd. Original | Karaoke Spoiler: Lines [Open up your eyes, take a look at me Get the picture fixed in your memory] -1 [I've been driven by the rhythm like the beat of a heart And I won't stop until I start to stand out] -2 [Some people settle for the typical things Livin' all their lives waitin' in the wings]-3 [It ain't a question of if, just a matter of time Before I move to the front of the line]-4 [Once you're watchin' every move that I make You gotta believe that I got what it takes]-5 [To stand out]- everyone [Above the crowd]- 3 [Even if I gotta shout out loud Till mine is the only face you'll see]- everyone [Gonna stand out till you notice me, yeah]- 4 [If the squeaky wheel's always gettin' the grease I'm totally devoted to disturbin' the peace] - 1 [And I'll do it all again, when I get it done Until I become your number one]- 2 [No method to the madness and no means of escape Gonna break every rule, I'll bend them all out of shape]-3 [It ain't a question of how, just a matter of when You'll get the message that I'm tryin' to send]- 4 [I'm under a spell, I'm in over my head And you know I'm going all of the way, till the end]- 5 [To stand out]- everyone [Above the crowd]- 2 [Even if I gotta shout out loud Till mine is the only face you'll see]- everyone [Gonna stand out till you notice me, yeah]- 5 [If I can make you stop and take a look at me instead of just]-1 [Walkin' by]- 2,3 [There's nothin' that I wouldn't do If it was gettin' you to notice]- 4 [I'm alive]- 5,1 [All I need is half a chance, a second thought, a second glance to prove]-everyone [I got whatever it takes It's a piece of cake]-2 [To stand out]- Everyone [Above the crowd]- 3 [Even if I gotta shout out loud Till mine is the only face you'll see Gonna stand out]- Everyone [Stand out, hey] -2 [Stand out!] Everyone [Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!]- 3 [Stand out! Till mine's the only face you'll see Gonna stand out Till you notice me]- Everyone Line: 1- Glen 2- Zelda 3- Aelin 4- Marushi 5- Mish 6-
Tinarah was getting fed up with the magic used against them. She wasn't able to keep up with it and she found herself in pain and stumbling for a bit. There was no more holding off on healing, Take and Chrono were doing alright but they were still a little hurt, they could all use the boost. "Keep going!" She called out as she cast cura on herself and her friends to keep them up and alive. Now that they were refreshed and she was feeling alright. Stepping up she made sure that she was being more than just the healing, she was fighting. Closing the distance between her and the clown, Tinarah took another couple swipes before sweeping down at his legs to try and take him out. From there she was forced to back off a little bit, taking up a defensive position and preparing for another blast. Tinarah Used Cura. Healed Chrono and Take for 35 HP and herself for 20 HP HP: 42/85 AP: 29/58 MP: 19/30 DP: 1/3
"No problem, I got this. Try and keep up Arctus." Karina warned as she turned and walked towards the staircase, not paying too much attention to Shiro or what to say. She just wanted to get this done with. She wanted to make sure that she had the power to protect her friends like she wanted to. "If you have any questions about that thing, ask now, because it will be hard to answer them when we are fighting. And don't expect this to be easy, remember this is a test for me to become a master, it will be challenging."
Tinarah could feel Take's attention for a moment and she shifted her weight. Whatever he was thinking, she felt like he was judging her for whatever she said. She didn't know how he was judging her though, was he thinking her weak for what happened when she ran away, stupid for what she decided? Was he just first hearing about her mothers death? Whatever was going through his mind, Tinarah decided that she didn't want to know as she averted her gaze from him, staring into the darkness once more at the nothingness beyond. Hopefully whatever they were hunting for would show up soon, if for no other reason to have a reasonable excuse to move on from everything that was happening. Just as she was wishing that there was a voice in the darkness, and a creepy laugh. Tinarah got on guard as the figure continued to talk to them before he realized they weren't who he wanted. That didn't stop him from attacking anyways however. Even though Tinarah was well aware that she couldn't block against magic the same way that she blocked a weapon, she found herself throwing up her arms, using her forearms and keyblade to protect more vital parts such as chest and face. She winced against the pain, only now remembering the less than ideal state she was in coming down here. The talk had distracted her from that fact, but now she was really feeling the bite of the lighting as it's sparks still lingered. Take took the lead in casting a protection spell on all of them, and while Tinarah thought about healing, she decided to make use of the time she had to fight more forwardly. Taking the offense for the first round while Take and Chrono got their barings before inevitably moving back to support them as they carried the rest of the battle. "Sorry but I think your plans are going to be delayed a bit." There was no way she would let him take this world too. She had seen too many worlds fall, she was going to fight this time and she was going to stop it. Taking a deep breath and mustering all the courage that she could gather, Tinarah stepped forward to attack. Her keyblade swept down towards the clown as he dodged back, seeing an opening she brought the keyblade around catching him in the side as she brought it back up again. As the clown staggered for a moment, Tinarah took that as a safe opening to step back, switching out for her brother to take over for the moment. HP: 47/85 AP: 25/58 (+10 blitz) MP: 28/30 DP: 1/3
Aislinn still looked a little concern as Luna responded. She nodded to Kel, but didn't think she needed to add anything to what Luna was saying. She pretty much already covered everything, so there was no need for much more conversation. Luna however seemed to want to continue talking but stopped herself before she finished her thought. Aislinn wondered why as she changed the subject. Was it okay to pry? Right now didn't seem like the best time for it, surely Luna would share when she was good and ready to, anytime before that it wasn't her place to ask. "Yeah lets keep searching. But Kel, you have a home with your friends here now. I don't think you need to concern yourself with your dads shadow anymore. It seems that you are doing well enough on your own, making a name for yourself." She told him before continuing forward scanning the area like she would when on patrol duty in town. Still in the back of her mind as she walked around, she kept glancing back at Luna. It was hard not to check up on her again, but at this point Aislinn knew that she was not going to help anything by prying further. "So do you suppose the woman diving off the waterfall is the one that we are looking for?"
"But I don't want to stay with you and know you are alright." Tellia protested. "I can take care of you like like mommy did for me. I will even sing for you if you want." Tellia stayed sitting holding her bear close to her. She worried about her brother and just wanted to do anything she could to help. Since she generally wasn't allowed out walking around by herself, it felt like it was the best way that she could help him.
It was a couple months past when Onyx took on raising Auburn. After those couple months he found himself standing in Professor Ospin's office needing to have a serious chat with his old friend. It was something he had been contemplating since he took Auburn under his wing, and now it was time to face the reality of the situation.
"Mom's murders aren't there anymore." Tinarah whispered quietly, thinking back to when Choma saved her. "When I ran away from home I had no idea where to find you, but I figured you wouldn't be in town. I tried to stow away on a cargo ship, and I was inevitably caught, but not until it was too late to turn around. The captain dropped me off at the next place we went by and gave me a letter, I was supposed to give it to a colleague of his that was heading back towards our home the following day, but I was determined to find you. I started to wander around town just looking for answers until it got dark and I had no where left to go. I found a covered area beside a building that was just finishing the last touches of being built. I was scared, crying when someone found me. It was him... I guess they lost most of the business in the town over lawsuits and rumours, so they were moving the company. He blamed us for it and thought he might hold up on his threat." Tinarah took a shuttered breath. "He tied me up and locked me in essentially a walk in safe in the basement of the building. That is where I got these." She held out her one wrist that still had the faded markings of a scar. "It was that night that my keyblade came to me. It just appeared in my hand and unlocked the door for me. I tried to run but must have set off an alarm. I barely made it out of the building when I was cornered again, shortly after Choma found me." She recounted the story. "I wish I remembered the name of that place, but I don't. They shouldn't stop you from going home though, they aren't at home, not anymore." Tinarah informed Chrono, even though she had a feeling that he still didn't want to return. While Chrono might have thought it was easy to just start again, she didn't know. She was working on it she supposed and that was a work in progress but she was seeing the progress already, but how he planned to support her as a brother when she felt like she should be a stranger to him essentially. She had changed so much, even if he hadn't. Perhaps that was just the love of an older brother. She didn't really know what to say about any of this but eventually she just nodded. Who was to say he couldn't try. She still didn't know how to talk or act around her brother who should be much older than her but was now only around a year older. And honestly she found she wasn't looking up to him the same way she used to and that was a major thing that made it hard to adjust and treat him like her brother again. Everything she thought about her brother changed and now he was maybe a friend at most, but even then she felt like Take and Aria had been better friends since she got back, and she didn't know Take before she left, not really.
"And what do you want me to say?! What do I do? I am sorry that I am five years older? I am sorry that I was thrown into a situation I couldn't control and had to learn to live without my family? I- I am sorry I ran away from home and... and I can't return... ever..." Tinarah started to seem more upset than anything at that moment. "That I would give my father a heart attack and honestly... he tried and I love him but I don't think I should go back, even if I was still 12. I don't know what to do about family anymore. I feel like I don't have a family and... I told you this already Take but I want to go back to that realm if I could, when I can train with Stamatis, stop Torrin. How do I make amends or step in a direction that would just lead to pain later. What is the point? I can barely forgive myself for all that happened." Tinarah blurted out. She did not know what to say to Chrono because it wasn't about Chrono, it was about her and she had no clue how to "work things out" since there wasn't that much with him directly that needed to be worked out. She just needed to figure her own crap out... but even that she didn't know how. "I am sorry about your brothers Take, but this isn't the same. I am not the same Tinarah Chrono knew, it is like starting from scratch again. When he left home I wouldn't leave my house out of fear of getting hurt. Look at me now. In the heart of the world, trying to lure out a great darkness within. Sometimes I feel like I don't even know myself anymore. I don't know what snapped in that dungeon, but it wasn't good and I am still figuring it out. It might have helped get my own keyblade back, but I don't even know who I am anymore, and that isn't something you just talk out and things go back to the way they were. That will never happen." Maybe Take would understand, maybe he wouldn't but she hoped to get him off her back for even a little while.
Aislinn listened patiently as Luna took her time to getout what she was trying to say about what was on her mind. When she finally managed to say what she wanted to say. Aislinn couldn't help but ponder that for a moment as she walked a little bit faster. "I guess we have to hurry up then. Pocahontas sounds important. Last place we we saw John was also the closest idea we have to wear to start. There was that girl who was jumping over the water fall." Aislinn suggested as a starting point. "Now was that so hard to say?" She also asked Luna not sure why that was so hard for the girl. "I guess it is my turn." Aislinn said as she walked. "I was thinking about how jealous I am of everyone's relationship here. All the friendships among all you guys that I will never be a part of. And I was wondering if I should be heading home after this or staying to grow stronger. Does being named a master make that much of a difference in the long run in saving my world? Perhaps I need more experience, and if I do go home is anything going to change? Will I ever find friendships like this at home or will I just hide behind my job and my sister." Aislinn offered up perhaps more than she needed to, but hopefully it made Luna feel a little bit better about sharing.
So looking around waiting for it to come to them was not working, like at all. Tinarah sighed as she continued to just wander around for a little bit with Take and Chrono, mostly surrounded by uncomfortable silence. Part of Tinarah wanted to grab out her violin just to end the uncomfortable silence, but she didn't want to be the one to break it either. Given that Tinarah was forced to continue forward with the awkward silence, fidgeting with her necklace along the way. When they got back she would be able to talk to Stamatis, it was not her Stamatis, but at least maybe it would feel a bit like old times, or at least work out where she sits in all this now. She didn't know who to consider her keyblade master anymore. Stamatis, Choma, or maybe even Thallasa. After all the latter was who was with them teaching and helping them now, but Choma was her original master in this realm and Stamatis was not the same as the one she knew before, but he had been her teacher for five years. Tinarah was completely lost in this thought process when Take stopped and turned to them. If their keyblades weren't enough to lure the thing out, then perhaps noise would help. Tinarah nodded her agreement until Take continued to talk. She was a bit taken aback and unsure what to do when he brought up what they should talk about. Tinarah's eyes darted from Take to Chrono and then back to Take. "Are you seriously? I.. I don't even know what to say why put us on the spot like this?" Tinarah pressed looking a little panicked. It had been easier for her to go along barely acknowledging Chrono, and now Take felt the need to point it right out and put the conversation out there. "It isn't the time for this. Seriously Take." Tinarah sounded like she was in a bit of a panic as she backed off from both of them. She didn't want to face this, didn't know how and here was not the place she wanted to try.
Tinarah bit her lip as Take turned to her and asked if she knew anything from the time she had spent with Torrin. He clearly wasn't too fond of talking about it either, but she supposed that she could try and help, although she didn't know how much help it would actually be. "Well... when I was with him I wasn't allowed to use my keyblade because it attracts heartless and makes them more aggressive. So if I had to guess, if we walk around long enough, whatever this darkness is will come to us. I get the feeling that it isn't something we can just track easily." It didn't feel like she was being helpful, but maybe she was right, and maybe this would all go fine, she hoped it would. "Either way keep your eyes out. Who knows if this thing will try and sneak up on us." She wouldn't put it past the heartless and Tinarah wasn't about to die in a place as dark as this one.
Well at least something useful came out of the conversation, as long as she sprayed water on those marks, then they couldn't be used anymore. Raelyn tucked that bit of information away for later. Whoever put that mark up, she figured he might come up again at some point. That being said it could have just been someone practicing his magic, after all, this was the starting area wasn't it? He could have found his way out and put the mark there for fun. Raelyn wanted to believe that theory, but she was still going to be cautious. From there it was talked about how many people were in the game. Raelyn couldn't understand why everyone was surprised, after all, this was a game, and they weren't going to be the only ones in the world interested in the game. There were bound to be other people around, though Raelyn was surprised that there wasn't more in the starting area. Then the bot thing went and said one of the most obscene things Raelyn thought she had ever heard. "Wait... Wait... did you just say an NPC just triggered an alarm? A programmed creature meant to help us only damned us more for existing to help us? What kind of piece of **** game is this? How many bugs does it have? First not able to see like half the stuff we are supposed to, then the floating robot triggering alarms to get us killed? There is something terribly wrong here." It was more than a little clear that Raelyn was not impressed about the situation. Taking a moment to flip through the spell book that she could now actually read, she skimmed mostly about how combat worked and how she would be able to defend herself against these so called Detainer Golems that were now coming for them. Magic, Magic, she could do that, she already had an okay grip on her water magic. She could see them coming towards her and Raelyn too one last look at the instructions before sticking her hand out, palm towards the creatures as she looked in her spell book to recite an incantation. The words flowed from her like they were well known to her. Small bullets of water sprayed from her hands towards the enemies, before she shifted positions, her hand now facing down as she moved it in a circle, reading out another incantation just as a tornado of water started to emerge from the ground around them. After those were done, Raelyn found herself standing back to see how she had done with her attempts at fighting these things off. Raelyn used Aqua Stream, and Water Tornado.
Aislinn looked over at Kel, then Luna. Luna was not very convincing with her lie, not with that nervous laugh of hers. "You don't sound fine. You know Luna sorry to say but you aren't the best liar. So what is up? You know you can trust us." Aislinn encouraged sounding more concerned for Luna than anything as they walked back they way that they came. While Aislinn didn't know for sure, didn't even know what this girl they were trying to find looked like, she remembered a figure diving off the waterfall before they ran into the Indians. It was at the very least a starting point. "Tell you what, I will trade you a thought for a thought. You tell me what is on your mind and I will do the same in return."
"Am not. The little one is at least half an inch shorter!" Hedgrit protested with a huff and a sigh. "Your hair doesn't count." Tellia countered as Iridia tried to tell her again to listen to Hedgrit, getting her tired brother on her side. "That is unfair. He isn't even awake." Tellia countered Iridia but huffed as she just went to sit next to her brother instead of helping out. "Sheepy Sheepy go to sleepy." She whispered to him. "Getting supplies filled wouldn't be a bad thing. I think we could use more food, and water is always a need when you are out of commission." Hedgrit pointed out. They had enough of both, but at the same time it didn't hurt to have extra, it never hurt, so he thought it would be for the best if they were staying put the day to make sure that they were stocked up.
One Ice Coffee coming right up. Do you want room for milk? Or flavouring in it? Sugar won't dissolve well when it is cold, but perhaps some nice vanilla syrup, or hazelnut is quite delicious as well.
Well here we are. One Goofy Movie song down, and now two more pop up, as well as two different songs. What has you getting ready for summer? What do you want to do this month for the Chorus? You have until July 8th to get your votes in. History Maker full song | instrumental Stand Out - Goofy Movie Original | Karaoke Good Time full song | instrumental I 2 I - Goofy Movie Original | Karaoke
"And why should we be concerned about ruining peoples art, when the art just sparked. I mean art shouldn't do that when you put water on it, and the same art shouldn't be watching us. This is just crazy." Raelyn snapped at Rex. She was nervous about this entire situation and she didn't mean to come off so harsh, but she wouldn't apologize for it, nor did she have to when a weird orb thing floated into the room. Raelyn was cautious of it, she wasn't too sure how to handle the thing, but she was ready to spray water at it at any moment. She didn't know exactly what that would do, but there was only so much that she was capable of in this situation. Taking a step back as everyone spoke, she listened. From what she could gather they were in some sort of game that had locked them in. Virtual reality, they had left their real bodies behind and were now here. Raelyn couldn't help but wonder if this was what she looked like in the real world, or if it was some sort of avatar that she created for herself. Chewing on her lower lip she waited for everyone to be done talking before she spoke again herself. "And do you mind filling us in on what the hell are with the creepy eyes on the wall? So as my friend her so eloquently put it." Raelyn motioned to the girl who asked her to jump earlier. "What the FUCK is going on?" Still on edge and ready to fight, Raelyn was not stupid enough to focus solely on the talking orb in front of them. Something had been watching them, and Raelyn wasn't about to let this thing distract her so it could get the drop on them. Moving around the group, she found her way closer to where the orb came from, keeping her eyes out that way while still listening to what was being said a bit behind her. If this was a game, she figured even the tutorial wouldn't be that easy or else it wouldn't be a fun game. They were not going to be able to walk out of here without any problems.
Torrin didn't seem to think what she found was important, but Tinarah still found it interesting. She studied it for a moment longer, before the shaking of the earth made her shoot to her feet, just in time to avoid the flames that shot from the ground. Tinarah looked terrified as she tucked the paper away and moved away from the wall of flame. From the other side she could hear Torrin talking to them. it sounded like they would be on their own for a while. Perhaps that wasn't a bad thing. After all they couldn't always rely on Torrin could they? As much as she wanted to trust him, part of her thought maybe in the future those dark motives might still surface and they would have to be careful. Either way none of that mattered now, not when they had bigger issues on their hands. "Where do we even start looking?" Tinarah asked Take as they started walking. She didn't really know what was going on. Part of her had the bad feeling that whatever it was that they would have to deal with, would find them before they found it. Either way they should at least start to walk. Tinarah summoned her keyblade back to her hand, preparing for anything that could come before she started wandering. From the sounds of it, Boreas and Torrin had already left the area, so it was now time for them to head out as well.