*throws hands in air* Don't shoot me! <.< >.> uh....HEY!
In Soviet Russia, deer hunt you. What a scary thought....(can you imagine a deer in a blind using a 'man call' just like we use a deer call??)
Yay For Spam!! 19395
Indeed it does. In Soviet Russia, cats are considered GODS. And the cats walk dogs....0.o
I'm in a trashcan, not a trashcan. BANNED FOR NOT REALIZING THAT! lolz
No, the squirrels are trying to take over, and have their own base.... Yeah, I noticed. Oops... In Soviet Russia, food eats you.
Banned for being number 91 AND 47.
How pleasant -.- In Soviet Russia, TV watches you.
In Soviet Russia, squirrels have an underground secret army base.
Banned for going to see HP tonight.
"Well, we're thinking about checking out some 'Castle Oblivion.'" Xarat leaped down out of her chair while humming some random tune. "I'm bored." She then proceeded to walk outside. There she saw Dexant and two other people.
A crazy Inuyasha fan.
Excuse me while I eat/lick your ear (can't tell if she's eating or licking it 0.o)
Aww...almost everyone's off! Well, I promised CtR cupcakes earlier, and I thought I'd make some for the family. But I didn't >_< I made a cake instead!!! It took forever because the weather here has been crappy and the power went out. So I started baking the cake when it came back on, and when I pulled it out of the oven, I had to leave to go to cross-camp. When I came back, I finished it! Now here is my cake, and you'd better like it (if you don't like strawberries, then I shall bake you no bake cookies!!) http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa196/kat_squatch01/100_4511.jpg I will probably post this again tommorrow so everyone can see it. Edit: NEW SIGGY~!
Banned for having way more posts than me.
0.o Llamas..... Have you heard the llama song? Lllama llama duck! Edit: Well, I must leave to go bake cupcakes now! Let's just hope I don't destroy the kitchen and burn the cupcakes....
Banned for being a professional demon slayer and banning me for saying kitties pwn.
Demyx nodded at Revus. "Ok. Just go over there if you want to sing, and try out the instruments if you want to play one of them." OOC: I hate writer's block. I have to go now to. :( be back later.
Banned for making Sora look small and fat....0.o
Demyx noticed that Kasha looked a little down. Changing the subject, he walked over to a closet and pulled out a few instrument cases. "Now, I'm going to let each of you who want to play instruments try one of these if you want. If you're singing, I'll need to talk to you on the other side of the room." A few students stood up and walked to the other side of the room.