I may not look it, but I have been under that tree for 500 years.
Yes we are pizza. This is for the cookie obsessed CtR....
Xarat looked at her feet and then back at Kyr. "To be honest, I just got here a while ago, but we're thinking about investigating some castle called 'Castle Oblivion.'" Xarat kicked the ground. "But we don't exactly have permission quite yet and we don't even know where it is."
Time to kick someone's...wait, can't do that with this styrofoam keyblade.
Um...on Google? <.< >.> The only thing I like about this is the kitty, I hate it when people put clothes on animals!!
"AXEL! Get out of here, this is my class!" Demyx jabbed his finger into Axel's chest. Yuffie laughed at Revus, until she saw Axel, and then she frowned. That's when the fire alarm went off. "Um...I guess we're supposed to evacuate?" Demyx said as more of a question than a statement.
I'm looking for adorable kitty pictures on google and I think I'm about ready to squeal because of the cutness. 'Tis a Katsquatch XD
I hope you feel better soon! Stupid jelly fish. It wasn't big was it? I saw one on a beach in Florida that was a tad smaller than my head. Thank goodness it was dead. Get better soon!
Well on that little note, I shall post a happy picture (I am a little picture obsessed today....0.o)
"If I knew where it was I probably wouldn't be here," Xarat said. She stretched her arms and sighed. Then she walked over to Kyr. "Hey I'm Xarat. Who're you?"
Scary am I right?? And that is NOT me.
Giant squids the size of a man.... <.< >.> It's worse than Jaws....
Larxene saying "Why did I get a haircut like Saix's again...?"
LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~ *does kitty dance* I am going to spam this thread! Yay for spam! And kitties! 19563
Yeah, I had to beg my dad not to finish it before I got home. Stupid weather made the power go out so I didn't get to start baking until 7 p.m. and when I took it out of the oven I had to go to cross-camp. And it's finally done! But I don't like straberries so I just ate ice cream XD
Demyx looked at Kasha and shrugged. "That's Axel. He thinks he's cooler than us, but he's not." Yuffie saw Revus with a guitar and came up with an idea. She pushed the gong up behind him and ...... BANG!
ZOHMG I FINISHED IT!! CtR I didn't make cupcakes >_< I made a cake instead!
CtR you are on!! About time lolz. *tackles*
I AM! AND NOW I'M NOT! I've got to go to tennis practice. I'll be back later. bye byes!
NEVER!! :star-wars-smiley-02