Mya smirked and tossed a banana at him. Oh trust me, there are some things not meant to be seen.
Mya smiled and walked over to her clothes. It's about time we got out for a bit.
Mya yawned and hugged her pillow. He won't eat us right?
Mya grinned. Oh I have many talents. She finished up her dinner and brushed her hands.
Mya narrowed her eyes and hit the floor. She then extended out her legs and attempted to trip Alec. She whipped out her staff, hoping something would come out of it. OOC: Its a bow, not a crossbow BTW.
Mya smirked at his "best Quetzal" comment, but shook her head and smiled. Yep that's me. She brushed her hair and pulled out her sandwich. Anyways, what do you and Kisa have in common?
Mya smiled and bit into her meat. So surprised aren't you? This is nothing.
Mya groaned from the tapping noise and saw Zane's falcon. Ugh. What does he want? Sasha was still fast asleep, hugging her pillow.
Mya smiled and sliced the meat in half. She tossed one half to Dementrio. Hope it gets easier from now on.
Sasha let out a small groan and ran her hands along his back.
Mya frowned at the guy that passed by. How strange. She looked back at Zelos. Yea I'd love to have lunch with you. She walked into the cafiteria and sat on an empty bench.
Sasha kissed him back, gently biting his lip.
Sasha smiled and held his hand. With me of course.
OOC: Yea imma switch backto blue since everyone else is using purple :P BIC: Mya yelped as she started spoutin out words for revenge and stuff. Ack! Don't do that Kisa! It's alright. I already gave that girl something to wander about. The last thing I need is more trouble. She sighed and stood up. Thanks for caring though. It's not that bad.
Sasha shrugged. I don't want you to mess up your arm though. One more day please? I hate to see you in a sling.
Mya nodded and nervously looked away. Yea...exciting. She felt so awkward. So...umm...Lightning and Snow. They're from the past right? She now felt stupid asking such obvious questions.
Mya stared at his horse. Don't worry about him. She placed the staff kn her back for now and pulled out her bow. Since she was afraid of seriously injuring him, she replaced the iron heads of the arrows with leather tips. She then aimed at Alec. As you wish. She started to fire each shot towards his direction.
Avvy: 6.5 Sig: 9 :3
OOC: Curse this auto spellcheck >.< BIC: Hark sighed and looked around, wonderig how Mya and Dementrio are doing. Hope they're safe.
Sasha smiled happily. Thank you Zee. I'm glad I met you. She kissed him passionatly.