Hark nodded and set off into the direction he heard Mya. Mya continued to fish, but felt uneasy for a reason.
Mya smiled happily as she rowed back to the center of the lake. She then frowned as a huge school of fish swam past her quickly. Strange. I don't think fish do that normally...
Mya sighed and nodded. Yes she is fine. All she needs is a little rest.
Hark caught the spear and stood up. Well then. Think we should look for them? Mya tossed Dementrio a huge bag of fish. I'll be back for more alright?
Mya scratched her arm. Don't worry. You won't. She looked at the sky. It was already sundown. Well since you're here already, why don't you sleep here? It's cheaper than an inn. OOC: I gotta sleep now :3
Mya scratched her head. Umm...well...sorta. I had to knock her out and stuff.
Mya smiled. I'm very skilled. Haven't lost a battle yet.
Mya leaned againt the rail as well. They never attack us. They want to capture it. So practically, try always lose. Even the British don't want to damage this ship.
Mya continues to show him around the ship. After showing him everything, she met him on the deck. Well what do you think?
Mya knelt next to Zee. Cmon Zee. Time to get up.
Mya led Blade to her ship which was bright red and brown with an eagle clutching another eagle. Well here's the Sky Cloud. She's beautiful isn't she? Cmon I'll show you around. She stepped onto her ship waiting for Blade.
Mya stepped into the room. That's enough Haru! You didn't cone here to slanderize! Get out if you already said what you wanted!
Mya frowned as she heard some fighting in the room and examined the room seeing what was going on.
Mya smiled at Shiira. She was impressed that she could hold out in such a hellish place. Mya stepped up. I respect you Shiira. Living in a place here. I wouldn't know. I lived in a forest for my whole life. For my whole life, I was believed that you were scums. How wrong what I believed in.
Also check Sky Sailing. It's a secret album made from the same maker of Owl City.
Mya placed Sasha on her bed and headed back to Zee's room.
Nah you post first Every song is beautiful and some actually made me cry (Vanilla Twilight and Saltwater Room)
I LOVE Owl City. My most favorite band (or person) to listen to ^^
Sasha shook her head. Please, leave him alone! He didn't do anything wrong! Mya grabbed Sasha and dragged her out of the room.Sorry Sasha. She smacked her on the back of the head, knocking her out. Figure this out Zane. I don't want her to wake up to him dead.
It's all good ^w^ It says Owl City Ocean Eyes