You should be banned for being a fellow fangirl. Hi, by the way. *sparkle, sparkle*
Okay, your secrets safe with me. Anyway, Me: He he.... Axel: *huddles in corner dripping wey with towel draped over shoulders shivering* Me: Aw, Axie! *cuddles next to Axel*
GOOD MORNING! *squeaks rubber duck* 21474
Me: *grabs a water Bazooka and shoots you* Axel: *runs away*
Me: *giggles, and pushes Axel in the pool* Axel: *flails around like a...something that flails until i pull him out*
I like staying up, too.... but im going to bed soon, im going to the rodeo tomarow.
Ya. But i cant drive it... My daddy gave me 91 camero, but i cant drive it until im 16 *frowns* Oh well, i still get to sit in it!
Im here! ((apparantly))
O.o, I get it! *huggles Axel* I had the hardest time spelling huggles.... Im having a...moment..
I can change my shirt in the dark, talk on a non-portable home phone, AND suck on a sucker, all at the same time!
You should be banned cuz Roxas is only cute, while Axel is smexy :DDD How so?
I luvs the faces! *steals faces and puts them in my car* THEY WONT ALL FIT!!
O.o. I forgot about that.... SORRY, AXIE!! *gives sweet, innocent, puppy-girly face*
I honestly dont mind gay marriage... After all, its a free country.. we should be able to marry who we want, no matter the gender. I honestly dont see why it is such a problem... and besides, gay boy couples make me giggle :D Repliku, do you REALLY expect me to read that?? XD
YAY! A POOL PARTY! *gets into swim suit and jumps in.. Pulls Axel in, too*
You should be banned for making fun of me for loving Axel!!
I dont ramble that much.. i just say the most random things, randomly.
lolololoololololoollol.... I like the lip gloss song! *whines*
No, its fun rap music....... ITS THE LIP GLOSS SONG! *dies*