Id be scared, KAIRI person..... Oh... i gets it....
R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Thats the main thing. (( besides following the rules)) ---oh yeah, you should be scared of Arc.... and Cronoking XDD
*pokes siggy* you love Kairi in a...unhealthy..way? Like, the way in which I like axel?
I am.... but mom wont let me get it pierced *frowns* but oh well... NYXIE + BARREL RACING + BELLY BUTTEN PIERCING = DISASTER i guess.....
thank,you...... *looks at tummy* I worked all sumer for this flat tummy, and i intend for it to stay that way, lol.....
Axel gave a sideways glance at Lucy. Strange... how she could change temperments that quick... almost exactly like Nyxie... He shook his head, shook away the thoughts. Nothing. You remind me of someone.... just, never mind. I doubt you even care. Few people do. He replied, and kept walking. OOC-now hes sad...... *huggles Axel kitty* im thinking about bringing in a Nyxie kitty so Axel doesnt commit suicide or anything.....
yus. My daddy bought me a quarter horse, so i am really going to try for it.... *palmface* Once again, i forgot the numver... 21482
Axel's smirk dissipated as she spoke. Her attitude wasnt appealing. The only one who, in his eyes, had been able to succesfully pull of that kind of attitude was Nyxie, who wasnt here right now.... he looked around... nope. Not here. Axel looked back at Lucy. Pleasure meeting you, lucy He sneered, before turning around and walking away. OOC-yeah, hes being a royal pain in the butt, and im sorry. *smacks Axel* APOLOGIZE!! *axel runs away* UG!
Axel smiled. ((time for obnoxious saying!!)) The names Axel. A-X-E-L. GOT IT MEMORIZED?? He replied, and smirked. He had never missed an opportunity to say that.
yes... but you have to use SMALL word with me..... S-M-A-L-L. ((time for obnoxious saying!!))GOT IT MEMORIZED???
Oh, i sorry.... bic: Axel looked up, and noticed another cat who just took a face plant. He ran over. Are you okay, girlie? He asked, and sat in front of her.
Its a little after 3 here..... Im not old enough to work... so i training to barrel race.
*backs away from stalker person* no, jk... I want to name it... NYXIE!! no, jkjkjk.... But ya, i want to feminitize her.... but i wanna get an Xbox too... *is sad*
THANK YOU!!! I will! its at four in the evening, so that gives me exactly..... *counts on fingers* 9 hours of sleep, and four hours to get ready.... 21478
*dances in circles singing girlie song*
AXEL?! DID YOU SAY AXEL?! TEHEHEHEHHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!! Anywho....Hmm....... It would be a girl with shoulder length layered strawberry blonde hair, rich brown eyes, and a sweet smile. She has a cute, girlie voice, and is a flirt. :kiss:
But how can i still see- oh, nvrmind. I am soooo bored!
lol, ya, shes pretty hot. Shes a coal black z28 and she has new rimz... *grins* I like her. But she has no name D:
It was great! My daddy took me shopping ALL DAY, and then we came home, had lots of cake, icecream, and PIZZA!! No cookies, though.... But tomarow were going to a rodeo..... wait, I mean today. Im confuzzled. Oh yeah, 21476