Yayz! :=D:
OOC: Can I PLEASE have a recap? I'm desperate to know whats going on
Hola!!! [IMG]
I love you so much :kiss:
ok goodnight
Me too......
"I am fifteen..." she counted in her head. "Yep." She looked at the ceiling and pondered for a sec. 'Only two years...' OOC: writers block >.<
*holds* I want to too
wut ?
*kisses back*
i think their hate mail inbox will be filled soon
*nuzzles* .
well i gotta go to bed soon :/
Sinder smiled more at Vaughn. "Well there's plenty to eat so help yourself." She sat on the ground next to the bed and looked at the boy. "So how old are you?"
*jumps out of pocket and kisses cheek*
Why thank you, thank you very much :p
*jumps in pocket* omgosh its warm in here :lolface:
"I think electricity likes you," she giggled as she faced Vaughn. She smiled at him. "So are you tired? Still hungry?" Sinder stopped herself from asking too many questions. 'I kinda like him...'
I should hide in your pocket :lolface:
Good for you :lolface: