*yawns* .
*looks at sky*
Holas how is you?
*bouncy glomps you*
Sinder moved away from Toki. She didn't want to be touched by him. "You don't know what it feels like to be me... human..." The words rolled off her tongue with a harshness. "The Infected cannot feel many emotions, including the one that you feel for Rita. My life is filled with pain and hate." She paused for a moment. "I can only watch as the things I can't possess unravel before me."
OMG yayz!!! :lolface:
Sider backed away from the boy. "No. It's not ok." She looked at him with glazed eyes.
I lol'd .
Sinder's hate turned into sadness. She let out a sorrowful screech as she raised her haed toards the sky. Tears rolled down her face and she closed her eyes. The dragon was crying now. 'I love her,' was what rushed through her mind as on constant replay. Toki's words hurt her.
How is you??? :D
The dragon kept walking to the couple. Angry tears started to flow down her face. And a snarl curled her lips. "I should've never saved you...Toki..."
Oh darn XP Love ya too :kiss:
The dragon's claws dug into the earth. A fierce gaze was struck into Toki's eyes. She hated that she could not feel what they felt. She envied them. Her fire dripped from her mouth as if it was lava. Then she started her way towards them.
Hows my person doin?
Go if you want to, no one is forcing you. If you have fun then good for you!
youre on!!! =D
I like how its very simple yet gives all the necessary details. Good job
Very nice colors, but I dont like the white line in between the faces and those color square things where the eyes are
Hehe she's a lot better now ^^