Sinder smiled a little as she looked at the boy. His touch was gentle to her. Her wings came over her a little, as if they were trying to keep her warm. She laid her chin on her crossed arms that were resting on her knees.
of course you are
youre just so funny ^^
*giggles *
*smiles* .
*giggles* .
haha yeah .
yayz! ^^ .
this may be pornographic.... GET OFF!!!
"I know you would..." The dragon continued walking away from the town. Forest soon engulfed her and she came to a waterfall. This waterfall was bigger than the last one she had been to. She had told her deepest secret to someone she hardly knew. Now she just felt cold. Sinder made her way into the water that followed soon after the base of the waterfall, and laid there with her eyes closed.
Sinder stopped and looked towards the sky. "They killed him when They infected me. He was the only thing I held dear." She sighed. "I have no happiness in my life, Toki. You have Rita to keep you happy." The dragon continued walking and exited the town, her head hung low.
"Toki... He is dead..." The dragon slowed a little.
bumpy bump
"I only saved you because of one fact. I knew that if Rita lost you, she would never be the same. She would've lost the thing that she cared for most. A hole in her chest would've developed, and she would know only sorrow and pain..." Sinder paused again. "I know this because... I used to love someone too..." She continued walking.
Sinder stopped walking. "Take care of her Toki. Love her like you will never see her again. She is the only thing that matters greatly to you. If you hold her dear, you will recieve the same. If you truly love her, you will do anything for her."
Aww :cryinganime: byez. Love you too :kiss:
I drew Sonic the Hedgehog :lolface:
guess what ?
Sinder turned from Toki. "You are not sorry. You don't feel sorry for an Infected." She looked into the sky for a moment before walking from him. "I was the one who saved you from dying, Toki. Now I wonder if I should regret it..."
Sinder landed a little ways from the others. Normally she would be wanting to help with what came next. But this time was different. She felt different on the inside.