If no one said nothing... does that mean someone said something?
Someone please abuse Prime material and gain 100,000 LP in one turn. (all while doing an annoyingly long move.)
Games aren't about winning or losing, it's about having fun. Quoted from the dictionary definition of "Game": game1 n 1. an amusement or pastime; diversion 2. a contest with rules, the result being determined by skill, strength, or chance There's also a saying; Life is like a box of chocolates. You may have had a few that you didn't like, but how would you know what the others taste like if you don't try? I've had a few duels with people who didn't even know how to read. one of my opponent's said that Formula Synchron has you draw on his standby phase, even though the card clearly said "When this card is synchro summoned: you can draw one card.". (maybe not in those exact words, but too lazy to check.) If I had stopped dueling other people on DN because of those people, I would never have dueled the ones that are actually challenging and know the rulings. For example; that one guy who used a skill drain E-Hero deck. That was a pretty interesting deck. Also, you're seeing things in a negative way.
Axel.. I challenge you to a duel on DN.
Yes actually, I'm dueling random people on DN and see how it goes for today.
Wrong. Bakugan was changed from Japan>America to America>Japan. For some reason >.>...
I was simply asking. There is no definite answer to my question though.. You can say the Japanese version is just them releasing it earlier, and the dubbed version is actually on time. or you could say that the dubbed is late and the Japanese version is the one that's on time.
Is the Japanese version "ahead of time" or is the dub just late?
oh, my bad.
Jaden... Would it not be a better choice for you to just find your post a few pages back containing the link to that picture instead of photoshopping like that? (if you call it that...) Edit: Here. http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/7859/judaiisblushingbyasukar.jpg
Yes, that is what I'm saying.
Breaking news everyone... As shown in the new opening: [video=youtube;vO9qe6rXQdE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO9qe6rXQdE[/video] They're going to start dueling on Roller Coasters soon. Next episode soon. At least I think that was what they meant when they said "Duel Coaster!" and showed people dueling on roller coasters in the preview.
About that RP... *wind blows* It isn't going to happen is it.
you're forgetting the "Call Admin" button.
I dueled someone today who summoned Malefic Paradox without Skill Drain or Malefic World up. I told him, "It's destroyed." then he left the duel. This is another reason why I don't care about Ratings because the guy had over 600. I honestly thought people with over 600 ratings would know what is clearly said on the card. Obviously not.
Of course, you had ultimate offering + use of Gadgets. Xyz Veil I think. Edit: yup. ------------------------------------------------------ Breaking news... I just dueled someone who thought Brron could discard opponent's cards as well as your own... Please tell me Brron could only discard the controller's cards >.>
that was mainly just to correct Oak because he wouldn't let me ride my bike in the pokemon center >.>
Oh, but it is. according to the rules: 7. You must take your turn within 24 Hours of when your opponent took their turn or it automatically counts as a forfeit. You must also finish the move you're making within 24 Hours. Protector did not make a move, he simply posted.
It looks like it's been 24 hours since Protector's last move. I declare Lyris the winner! *smashes Protector in the face with the ban hammer*
What does that mean?