So rather then making use of the side/extra decks and not even considering your own, you say that my deck, which Terra survived 5 turns against, is cheap? So are you saying that using any deck affectively is cheap? I guess you've never seen SOME cards out there >.>
You do realize that has nothing to do with my deck right?
Konami's stupidity could be both the cards themselves and the Ban list. He said badly thought out "decks", not archetypes/cards.
That would be "Konami's stupidity". Inzektors suck when they're badly thought out.
Sorry to say, but both of you are wrong. Omega, you don't suck. Star, if a deck is badly thought out, how would it overwhelm a good player?
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here but last thing to resolve is the SS. (or if neither of you SS, the last thing to resolve would be the drawing.) What Fred's saying is true, if a card says "can" in its effect, it is optional, and thus can miss the timing. Cyber Jar destroys->Draw five cards-> SS. Peacekeeper------^ And thus his effect misses the timing.
...why do you have a Rainbow Dragon in that deck?
Everyone, remember Kaiba said "Avatar isn't anime!"? [video=youtube;Zt2h09TrN3A][/video] Skip to 7:24.
@ Fred
it isn't the deck, it's the duelist. *cough* I would grab a link to when Red won with crystal beasts, but I'm too lazy.
Deck type: Scared.
I noticed you already have a character ready, a Light/Wind user was it? Are you going to stick to that age? I mean...even when you're going to be...
Name: Damian. Age: undecided. Appearance: Unknown. Deck Type: Scraps. Personality: Unknown. Alignment: Unknown. My character will be the Wind-Up user’s big brother who doesn't really like his younger sibling and always tells him/her that they're being too silly, still playing with toys. He loves puzzles and building things, and will be often seen close by his friend The Fabled User (Fred's Character). He has never tolerated his younger sibling and has never praised them on anything. His younger sibling always tries to impress him but this has always backfired, causing them to become more and more depressed…Though deep down, he sort of cares for his younger sibling.
but..if it increases the speed of time on said planet, would this mean it would orbit around the star faster and eventually just crash into a nearby planet and/or other stuff in space and be destroyed? I mean...the life forms living on it wouldn't even have time to react. If the moon was outside of the bubble, the planet would also just crash into that as well...
that's -1 for you and +1 for makes no difference.
but...what happens when I negate it with Starlight road?
Why would you restrict Inzektors if all it takes for you to screw them over in the arena is a solemn?
Was that the dub? Yusei also compared Earthbound immortals to Exodia in the dub, though it was never mentioned in the sub.