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  1. Brooklyn
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 12, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Brooklyn
    Ask again and I'll erase "Get your game on" from your memory.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Brooklyn
    I'm a guy.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Brooklyn
    I swear, if 4Kids makes me a girl in the dub, I'm going to summon three Numbers 33: OOParts Super Weapon Machu Mach in their face.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Brooklyn
    Tea anyone?
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. Brooklyn
    it'll basically be like a dark panther that negates the effects it copies.
    Also, Kaito's blood scene will be edited out of the dub for sure.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 9, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Brooklyn
    And even from that, it was still because you requested to live for one turn.
    if not, I would have exact 0'd you past your monster with Rainbow Neos a few turns back.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 8, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Brooklyn
    Unfortunately, numbers can't be destroyed except with other numbers. If you want to destroy all the Xyz, you're going to have to start using them too.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 7, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Brooklyn
    So you would play a game without the intention of winning..
    to me that would just be boring to both you and the opponent.
    and I don't even understand how it's fun if you're playing a deck that would have been better with three REDMD but you choose to only have one, against an opponent that has three. while your opponent spams out his stuff you're still only summoning once or twice every turn and barely living for another.

    I'll try to explain my point..
    mostly everyone uses what is available to them.
    if saying that REDMD is too powerful and shouldn't be ran at the amount of which it is best used in a deck, then wouldn't using a computer for a research report be "cheap" or "too easy" because you can just google anything you want in a few clicks?
    "No! using a computer is just too cheap, you get information way too easily, I'd rather go to the library."
    what's wrong with using everything that is available to you to do your best on something like building a deck?
    that's also like saying researching wikia for ideas on building your deck is too easy, even though it may make your deck "better".

    Terra is right though, this is probably never going to end so I'm just going to stop here.
    Last thing i'm going to comment on. that picture amuses me.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Brooklyn
    Movie? Where? I see no movie.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  11. Brooklyn
    you've obviously never played seriously..
    if just using three REDMD makes the game feel too easy, then wouldn't going up against a person with three REDMD and JD be too hard?
    they'd summon JD, nuke the field, SS one of those chaos dragons, banish it, SS REDMD, SS a 2200 atk or higher dragon, and you get OTK'd.
    it looks like chaos Dragon has become a pretty popular deck as well.

    It's not "unfair" you're just not using all your resources. that's like doing a research report using only books and you say that the guy sitting next to you who's using a computer is being unfair, even though it's perfectly fine using a computer to get information.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. Brooklyn
    /wasn't doing full hand probability.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. Brooklyn
    There's also a chance of the opponent not getting their hunter out on the first turn.
    They have a lower probability of getting out a hunter than you getting out a Veiler, Maxx "C", or Crow.
    Since they're all unlimited, that means you can have almost 1/4 of your entire deck be able to counter the loop.
    Leaving your opponent with, what? Foolish burial or drawing Hunter with a card that can discard/send hunter to the grave. that's -2 for the Wind-Up user.
    and I know I've already said this, but you'd also need that and the limited Pot of Avarice to do a complete -5 or 6 cards from the opponent.
    So the probability of getting hunter out of a Wind-Up deck on the first turn is.. less than 1/10.
    1/10 vs 1/4 = 1/10 < 1/4.
    So the probability of even conducting the loop would be less than the probability of getting something that can counter it.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  14. Brooklyn
    absolutely no cost? do you even know the loop?
    it tributes all three of your rank 3 Xyz (not named Zenmaines.) to do that.
    or if you apparenly have something else other than your swarm Xyz, you still have to tribute a monster on your side of the field as a cost.
    so it's -1 for me, -1 for you.
    though the evil thing about them is that the monsters come from the deck, so it isn't that much of a negative for the user. it could even be a positive since it thins out your deck too..

    Edit: Oh, and you need Avarice, a limited card, in your first hand to send your opponent's entire hand to the grave. if not, it just sends 3.
    and you technically do a -2 to -1 your opponent's hand, since it's your Xyz and your material that you're tributing.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Brooklyn
    you do realize I can easily kill Holy Marks right?
    set threatening roar, they can't kill me that turn.
    next turn I summon an OOParts and two Moai and hit you for 12,000 damage.
    With Machu Mach.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. Brooklyn
    actually, he can.
    what happens when you negate a hieratic summon?
    no more hieratics to tribute=no more spam.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Brooklyn
    it's splashable, and you don't know how much is slows them down.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. Brooklyn
    Funny how everyone says they're broken and yet this can completely cripple them.
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Brooklyn
    A shark?
    no, that's not me. this is shark.

    But in all seriousness...
    Define shark.
    It just makes little sense to me why someone would call someone else a cartilaginous fish..
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. Brooklyn
    I'm a jerk?
    Post by: Brooklyn, May 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground