And again, I blame the economy!
Games are going down-hill because companies nowadays want to make money. I blame the economy!
I never said you should use it. Fred asked if there was anything that could search Desynch besides Gold sarco or Different dimension capsole whatever its name is.
@ Fred Look at Dark Sage.
I think there are more cards which lets you add a spell card to your hand. I forgot their names, but there are more cards that can search Desynch. I'm not sure how that would work correctly though, but I have yet to try using them.
then Ban it. its already broken enough using 3 tuningware and T.G. Hyper Librarian. Librarian draw 1, tuningwares draw 3, and you do that 3 more times due to having 3 desynchros. meaning you would lose 3 to draw 12! and if that was to synchro summon a Trishula... thats -3 on opponents field, in his hand, and in his grave. it may be hard, but its perfectly possible to use 3 tuningware with T.G. and 3 desynchs.
Thats why I said they should have limited Desynchro than ban Trish.
@ Fred He said "most". I was assuming he meant that those were most of THE support cards for Trish, but really, there's still a lot of support for Trish if you use them right. So me knowing that there's more support for Trish out there, assumed that he meant that those cards were directly connected to Trish. and also, he made it sound like those were ONLY made for Trish and thus made me think that he meant they were directly connected to him. @ Terra Behold! A Trish Support Card! And also an Ojama Support card! Spoiler Summon level 3 tuner, Summon Ojama Black, Ojama Yellow, and Ojama Green with Tri-Wight then DELTA HURRICANE!! and tune them all for Trish. Only takes 2 cards to summon Trish :P Edit: I don't think cards that SS normal monsters are even going to be on Semi-Limited. I know the card I posted above isn't.
Lets say for example, Crystal Beasts can turn into continuous spells. but the perpose of that is to use crystal abundance and to summon Rainbow Dragon, etc. They were not made intentionaly for Hamon and thus not support for it. we could also say that all S/T cards that say to discard is a Fabled support card. but it really isn't, it just helps. We could also say that Fables are Trish support. because they can summon him turn one, it doesn't mean they're support for that card. So unless it was intentionaly made for a specific card, its not support, its just how you use it.
well, actually, I was saying that to make Terra see that it's not actually a "support". Not say that they shouldn't be used with Hamon. we can say that every card can be counted as a "support" card for any monster/deck/archetype in the world according to Terra's phylosophy.
well...if you're running Earth, Venus, and Shine Balls, you should be running T.G. Agents which also use Trish. thats like saying all continuous spells and traps and fiend type monsters are sacred beast support btw. :P or saying any tuner is trish support...or any monster for that matter.
Earth isn't a trish support card. T.G. Striker is too splashable. Spore is the key to a plant engine and can also become any level tuner just by simply removing from play a plant type monster. Glow-up bulb is also splashable and can be used in lightsworns. Trish...I don't know why they banned Trish but i guess it was because of the desynch abuse. though I would honestly limit desynch instead of banning Trish >.>
Attention all Duelists. (and non-duelists... *cough*) Aqua says Hi.
and yet you're not worried about your summons being negated? I guess Torrential adds to those cards.... but you could always use Starlight road :P or side royal decree. Unfortunetaly, the only other level 9 synchros that fit your deck is Mist Wurm and Ally of Justice Field Marshal. :(
how is semi-limiting torential tribute and banning Trish going to kill your deck? o_O you still have your BLS, as you wanted.
T.G. striker being limited is going to kill T.G. decks too... it's like...their main tuner... there's also cyber magician but hes not that splashable >.>
Oh god..not earth... my deck is dead. they limit earth but not reban BLS? what is this? >.>
But... Terra doesn't duel here anymore. or so thats what I heard from him xD
*gasp* a-are you related to NemesisOmega? o_o
*pokes Fred* I challenge you to a duel on DN.