"Hey over here!" Mellody yelled waving as the ambulance came to a stop. "Don't worry you'll make it..."
Mellody sighed in relief as she heard an ambulance in the distance.
"Just shut up and let's go..." Mellody ordered, taking a small step forward.
"You can trust me you know..." Mellody muttered. "I need you alive... that alone should give you hope..."
Mellody bit her lip. "Well, all we can do is hope for the best and get you some treatment... leave everything else up to me... ok?"
"Who cares?" Mellody asked, shifting Lana's weight. "We NEED to get you in hospital now shut up and come on!"
"Ok..." Mellody agreed. "Anyway, we have a patient in need of medical assistance in Sobaku Avenue... don't question me just get here!"
"Right..." Mellody grunted, reaching for her phone, and dialing for the hospital. "Hello, we have a patient in need of treatment on... Lana where are we?"
"Don't go thanking me." Mellody muttered. "I'm only heelping because i need you alive, now come on, do you awnt me to call the hospital or do you want to go back to Near first?"
Mellody nodded, running over to Lana and holding her arm up over her shoulder.
"You want some help?!" Mellody yelled to her running back towards her.
Mellody looked back at her, expecting to see her cringing feature, her smirk changing to a face of surprise. "Hey, you okay?!"
Mellody let a small giggle escape her lips but simply walked off.
The Snippet NO, i want you to read my snippet! ----------------------------- Cole sighed, a deep sigh, as his captors slammed the door shut, removing the last trace of light. Cole gulped lightly looking aroudn in the darkness. A small trickle of water made itself known, as Cole's breath started to ice up. As events continued to unfold, a silent trace of realisation pased Cole... he was going to die here... *** Cole opened his eyes lightly, a small light dimming the room. The trickle of water made itself more appearant now, as shilhouted figures seemed to ease their way into his vision. A dark foreboding surrounded Cole as he stood, his eyes shadded by his hair, as the figures continued to walk around, seeming to ignore Cole. A small moment of silence past, as the figures now walked around him, Cole bit his lip lightly, feeling nothing but cold understanding. A momentary pain ripped through his left arm, Cole's gaze now shifting, his eyes widened in understanding, as a cold white shell started to clasp over his arm. He moved his fingers experimentally, gazing at the shell acknowledgement as the shell's fingers moved in unison... A few moments passed, the trickle growing louder and louder by the minute. A small chill had been picked up in the air, as more shapes appeared. Birds, Dogs, Cats and Horses now walking in simliarity to the shilhouted figures. Cote took a single step forward, turning in a silent surprise as one of the hounds now charged at him. Cole sword shined as he went to slash at the creature, a single moment of silence passing between the two as the hound ran straight through his sword, a dust like material rushing through him, as the hound continued on it's track... Cole simply stood there for a few more moments, his gaze now blurred with a light red-iish colour. A small chill of fear was no coursing through his body, as he gazed at his left arm again. A sudden yelp past through his lips as he suddenly leapt away from the shilhouted figures, his eyes looking in every direction the cold fear now completly enveloping him, as his eyes widen in horror as he realised that the shell was attached to his arm. A few more moments of silence, and Cole let out a large scream of terror, his mind racing, his voice going sour and his lips drying up. And then just as suddenly as his fear had appeared, it disappeared, the hound walking away in the same way as before... *** Cyan screamed in surprise, as suddenly a red blur scuired his vision, a sudden presuure shoving him into the ground, as the wall in front of him crumbled, and a large explosion sounded. The door went flying across the room, Cyan's eyes widening in horror, a silent figure stood, silhouted against the light, all but one red eye... Cyan gave one last yelp of pain as his body was slowly rippped apart... ------------------------ not the best but it was on the spur of the moment and i have no story leading up to it *shrugs* i thik it's pretty good under circumstances...
hmm... i'll pick later... now give me a minute, i need to write this snippet...
sure why not...
Destined already got me one :3 Cole... though, now i need a name for the female main character because there's ALWAYS a female main character in all my books... and hold on i'ma gonna post a small snippet of one of the later chapters....
Yeah... Destine'ds helping meh so we'll figure out something :3
it's gonna be scary sh*t... and there are going ot be death ntoe moments... i'ma gonna post a snippet soon, but i need a name >_<
a mix... oh and just to ruin part of it, the main dude has a plit galaxy in which when he's inside of it his left eye is always red his right ear pointed, and he has a white shell that grows over his left arm... also, as the shell develops it starts to appear in the real world, first making it's appearance as claws to which he kills his supposive best friend with...