"what happened?" Zach asked running up to them.
"Because he likes you..." Mellody insisted. "Come around my place later and i'll show you some proof..."
"Hey..." Mellody whispered in Lana's ear. "you ready to admit you like him yet?"
"Hey Dein!" Zach yelled over to them. "Sorry..." Dein murmered.
Dein opened his eyes slightly and smiled at her. "How much longer?!" Zach moaned still following Tetsu...
hey V, what's new?
ah... ok... well, cya when you get back then
So, how're you?
T-T too late now...
Hey RA!!! =D *hugs back* okay... rock music + headache = BAD... stupid youtube and misleading names... >.<
Hi everyone. I have a major heacache right now, sooo... yeah... >_<
ooc: i'm part of the original 4? and Death... how the bloody hell did you know so much about my life? (i went through the moogles family thread earlier and you knew exactly what my dad was like o.O)
ooc: can we please have a time-skip?
"Just shut it Luna" ooc: hey RA what's new?
"Enough!" Mellody sighed. "Can't you put it aside at least while you're injured!"
"I have to make sure you don't die..."
"Yeah..." Mellody agreed.
Mellody sighed, deep relief coursing thorugh her body as she sat dow n in the ambulance.
"Enough with the self-pity already." Mellody sighed, pushing her into the ambulance. "just get well!"
"Do you ever stop wellowing in self-pity?!" Mellody asked. "THAt is the reason why you're so god damned pathetic, oh poor f*cking you, well how about you shut the f*ck up and stop wellowing in self pity! now get in the damn ambulance!"