Male, his has medium brown hair and wears dar kthings... also whenever he's p*ssed his left eye goes red, and his right ear gets pointed...
I can't think of a name for the main character of this book i want to write DX i've wanted to write it for weeks anow and it is litterally the only thing in my way!!!!! >O
i have encountered a powerful issue...
ooohhh... i likey! ^-^
Nice cahpter... why do i get the feeling that that hidden message is going to have a major effect on the storyline...? oh my brains sturring up a storm of theorys so get ready...
wassup? again... I just burn... evil sun... >O
hey everyone... hopefully, Demi didn't tell anyone about the events of last night, but if she did, dad was wasted at the time and he has a major hang-over and me and mum are trying t o chagne his mind and yeah... and with that said, i g2g try and change his mind again... ask Saint if you're confused, cyas!
ooc: a) hi everyone.. again... what didi i miss? b) 5 minutes and counting....
ooc: sorry, everyone got to go bye!
Mellody smiled. "you do like him..."
"Just shut up..." Mellody ordered. "Every time you open that mouth of yours you seem to humiliate L and Near"
"Whatever..." Mellody sighed. "just go back to your boss... i'm sure he'll make it all better..."
"Why were you even in Disney World?"
"really? then how the hell'd you get yourself shot?"
"What a waste of title..." Mellody continued, ignoring her and continuing to walk off. "To think they'd even consider someone like you for the position of L..."
Mellody shook her head. "You're so pathetic..." and with that she walked off.
Mellody tugged her arm away from Lana. "Never touch me again!"
"It's not gonna prove anything sweetie" Mellody continued to taunt, speeding up slightly.
"Nothing for you to worry about, dear." Mellody taunted going to walk off again.
Mellody smiled, looking around slightly, slipping her phone out of her pocket and taking a picture...