Characters could be any age over 15, all characters would be OC's, but you would have to pick a "Class". This RP would involve a war and you'd have to pick a side, what classes are available are different depending on which side you picked. One side has: Mage (Staff, magic, etc.) Warrior (Sword) Thief (Knife, tricks, etc.) Archer The other has: Launcher (Large gun that shoots various projectiles) Alchemist (Mix potions with various effects) Engineer (Operate a large robot) Knife Thrower Given that you seem to be the only person interested however, this probably will not happen.
Being concerned for her well-being is one thing, having it lower your opinion of her is another. That's a bit harsh. You have to give the girl a break, she lives in Long Island and it seems like the fault lies with her culture. Besides for all you know it could just be a phase; it's perfectly normal to explore drinking when you're able to. The only thing I can equate this to is that one of my friends is a very liberal Democrat. I don't agree with him, but that doesn't make me think less of him. He was raised that way and his opinions don't affect me in any significant way. Does Catherine's behavior affect you in any significant way, really? Because if I'm reading correctly, before she got you that job (A really cool thing for a friend to do by the way), you didn't even know I think you may be playing holier-than-thou a little here. I respect your decision not to drink and I'm sure Catherine does too, but her choices do not make her like "Everyone else in this town". If she really was like that, would you have wanted her as a friend in the first place? It may not be a good idea to throw away what could be a great relationship over something that (it seems to me) hasn't even affected you and for all you know could be temporary
You DO know that you can choose not to accept players using a certain banlist, right? And the only reason they're releasing that is because...
Yeah, I like it. Much less awkward. I'm still bitter we didn't get "tribute" changed to "release"
[color=6b28e]If worst comes to worst you can backup your save with an NDS Adaptor Plus, then buy an Acekard, download the ROM, and use the save you backed up.[/color]
Your parents really can't put up with you until August? аssholes
I was involved in something like this on a different forum a long time ago and I thought it would be cool to try something like this here. I just want to make sure that people would be interested first, hence this thread. Basically, this would be an RP with an actual turn based combat system involved. You'd pick a class, which would affect your abilities and stats, which affect battles. Any combat- be it between players or just a monster- would use this system. Simple formulas would be used to decide your damage. Here's an example. This fight is one on one but most would probably happen in teams, this is just to give you a general idea of the combat. Greg's Posts are in red: Greg approached a cupcake that he really wanted to eat. But some meaty ******* came up and tried to steal it. Greg decided that the only solution was to fight to the death! "I shall kill you for this cupcake!" He declared. Bob's posts are in blue: "Very well then!" Bob retorted. He was very much looking for a fight [color=6b28e]Slaughtermatic's posts are in purple A fight is commencing! Standings: Greg: Mage LV 1 HP: 100/100 MP: 215/215 Bob: Blademaster LV 1 HP: 210/210 MP: 40/40 Greg goes first![/color] Greg knew he was going to have be careful and end this quickly. He'd have to use his magic to survive. "The cupcake will be mine! Take this!" Greg raised his staff and shot a fireball at Bob Greg used fireball Greg uses 15 MP for fireball The move connects. Bob takes 36 damage. 2 turn cooldown for fireball starts now. Greg: 100/100 200/215 Bob: 174/210 40/40 Bob goes next! Bob tried to get out of the way, but the fireball flew to him far too fast and he took the damage completely. "You'll pay for that, you scrawny mage!" Bob channeled his rage through his body and to his sword, allowing it to strengthen him. Bob used Furious Soul Bob paid 10 MP for Furious Soul. The move succeeded. Bob's Strength increases by 60 for 3 turns. Greg: 100/100 200/215 Bob: 174/210 30/40 Greg goes next! Greg didn't even answer Bob's taunt, he was already focusing on what spell to use next. He hadn't quite mastered the freezing spell yet, but he figured he'd try it; if it succeeded he'd get a huge advantage. Greg used freeze Greg uses 30 MP for freeze The move missed! Nothing happens. 3 turn cooldown for freeze starts now. Greg: 100/100 170/215 Bob: 174/210 30/40 Bob next! Bob felt a sharp chill and saw what appeared to be a cloud of mist surrounding him. He quickly rolled out of the way of the cloud, and it didn't follow him, much to his relief. "You'll have to better than that!" I'm ending this now, Bob thought to himself. He lifted the hilt of his sword to his chest and began to focus his energy for his next attack. Bob begins charging Crushing Blow Bob is charging Crushing Blow. All standings are the same. Greg goes next! Greg saw that Bob was charging a strong move and decided he would have to use one of his own. Greg begins charging Thunder Shot Greg is charging Thunder Shot. All standings are the same. Greg may go again! To his relief, Greg felt that he had charged enough energy for a strong hit before his opponent had. He decided instead of continuing to charge, he'd capitalize on this opportunity. Greg releases Thunder Shot Greg used 50 MP for Thunder Shot. The move landed. Bob suffers 89 damage! Standings: Greg: 100/100 120/215 Bob: 85/215 30/40 The electric shock hurt Bob badly. He shook the static off with vigor. It hurt, but it'd be worth it: Bob had finished charging his attack. This would end now. Bob unleashes Crushing Blow Bob paid 30 MP for Crushing Blow. The move landed! Bob scored a critical hit! Greg takes 132 damage! Bob has won this battle! Bob dashed to his opponent, lifted his blade about his head, and struck down, hard. The sheer power of this move combined with with raging power of Furious Soul proved too much for his foe's armor. As his opponent fell to the ground, knocked out, Bob took his cupcake and ate it proudly I've got a story and stuff lined up as well, but before I pour any more effort into this I just want to know how many people would be interested.
Make a Bison burger. **** is delicious.
CRAP. Sorry XD
"I guess I'll go to bed too. Good night," said Zack, and he headed out. None of this makes any sense, Zack thought to himself, if Voldemort is alive, why attack Hogwarts? What does he want? And if he's not, then just what the Hell is doing this? "Pa-" "Love Potion," Zack interrupted the Eagle. "Hmph," grunted the Eagle as it swung open. I guess I'll know more tomorrow...I'd better get to bed.
"Let's hope so," Said Zack, "They'd better not try to play this off. I may just take matters into my own hands." Zack, of course, meant every word.
Yeah tummer I'm not quite understanding you either. I get that you're saying Voldy might want to return because Harry's dead, but you're also saying the Ministry would keep track of his you mean Harry's or Voldy's?
"Yeah, well, it's also hard to believe that anyone could torture two people into insanity, isn't it? Pardon my French, but that bitсh was crazy. And crazy people are hard to understand. Can't rule anything out."
OOC: Le facepalm BIC: It took all of Zack's energy to be a nice person and not yell at Olivia. How dare she imply that he would say something that stupid? "I mean, Olivia," began Zack, grinding his teeth ever so slightly, "That You-Know-Who may have had a child on accident. If the Chamber has indeed been opened- and we may be jumping to conclusions saying it is- it was certainly no accident."
OOC: I meant Voldy might have had a love child, on accident.
"I guess it is," said Zack, putting his hands behind his head. "Seems kind of unlikely though. I mean, You-Know-Who wasn't even pureblood, he probably wouldn't want to have any more 'mudblood' kids. Or it could have been an accident. Who knows?" I guess we will soon...., Zack thought to himself.
"Think about what you're saying," said Zack, getting rather frustrated. "By using Horcruxes, he literally split his soul into pieces. Having everything that held those pieces- plus his actual body be destroyed- nobody could possibly survive that. I'd be more inclined to believe he had some sort of love child with a Death Eater that's doing this." He waved his hair and chuckled again.
Zack smiled at Tybalt's words. The two of them almost always saw eye to eye. "And let's not forget," said Zack, "That it wasn't even really He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named that opened the Chamber last time. It was a piece of his soul- a Horcrux. And Potter destroyed all of those."
That's fine with me.
"You guys are being ridiculous," said Zack, "There's no way he's back. we've all heard the stories. There was a period of time where everyone thought that he was dead and he wasn't- sure, but it wasn't a hundred years! Harry Potter killed him, after he had already exhausted his revival method. He's a goner. Besides, even if he did come back, what would he do? All of his followers are dead! Well...except maybe for Ro. I'm kidding!" Zack chuckled.