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  1. Always Dance
    Have you considered talking about it with your parents before you make a decision like that? I think that will lighten the blow significantly. In my family it would be a huge act of disrespect to make a decision of that magnitude without at least talking with your parents
    Post by: Always Dance, Oct 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Always Dance


    Awesome, I get to be the only person in the thread to say this: I do think that homosexuality is wrong, and I say that as a Christian, but also as someone who struggles a lot with homosexual thoughts. I don't believe you can control homosexual thoughts or urges; I believe those appear as a matter of environment or experiences (I suspect my own problems stem from my childhood molestation), but you can choose not to act on them, as I do, and I believe that's the right choice to make.

    Of course not everyone has this viewpoint and they choose to be active homosexuals. I don't have a problem with that, why wouldn't they do what they want? As I said, I believe homosexuality is wrong, but I don't have an actual problem with homosexuals themselves, a lot of them are really nice people.

    I do, however, have a strong hatred for the "Gay Pride" crap. What the Hell is that, why do they get a parade? I hate the ones that hold themselves higher than other people, that think that they're so awesome because of their sexual preference. I hate that with a burning passion.
    Post by: Always Dance, Oct 4, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  3. Always Dance
  4. Always Dance
    I AM SO IN!
    I'd like "I'm not even angry" Up to "I was so happy for you". I'll try to record tomorrow
    Post by: Always Dance, Oct 3, 2011 in forum: KHV Chorus
  5. Always Dance
  6. Always Dance
    I really, REALLY want to play this but I'm not breaking my oath about Sony products. I just have to remember that someday it'll be emulatable...
    Post by: Always Dance, Sep 23, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  7. Always Dance
    Do you use them a lot without stopping? My Wii batteries run out pretty quickly if I go on a big playing spree
    Post by: Always Dance, Sep 23, 2011 in forum: Technology
  8. Always Dance
    The problem is not with the corporations themselves, but with the government for allowing monopolies to rise in the first place. The corporation is taking advantage of the governments flaws to get a leg ahead of the competition. Why would I hold that against them? That's capitalism. The corporation earned their place by doing what nobody else would.
    First of all, I disagree with that but I'm going to go with it for the sake of argument.

    So, the law exists to increase profits and reduce losses. But surely, it's impossible to create a law that does this for every single person, correct? Especially when there exists cases like Down's Syndrome and generally unintelligent people.

    In that case, you can only fairly judge a set of laws based on the ratio of how many people are surviving to how many aren't. So if people around you are surviving while you starve, how is it fair to blame it on the law? If someone with similar conditions to yours can survive and you can't, the problem is you.
    Post by: Always Dance, Sep 23, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  9. Always Dance
    We're on the same page with this one. I agree with you completely.

    This is where I disagree. If you are unable to survive in a decently governed society, you are the problem, not the law. If you are too stupid for anyone to hire you, it doesn't give you the right to fuсk everything up for everyone else. The only just path those people can take is to starve and die. And for those who'll break the law and fuсk everyone else, that's what the law is for.
    Post by: Always Dance, Sep 23, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  10. Always Dance
    For some reason Social Darwinism was given negative connotations after Hitler, even though his acts were based on just plain Darwinism, not Social Darwinism. He did things like killing cripples to get them out of the gene pool. That is not Social Darwinism. If a cripple can make enough money to sustain himself, Social Darwinism has no problem with him.

    The underlying belief of Social Darwinism is not that society is perfect, but that it takes something to be successful. If someone is working for Amazon and hates it, it's because they literally lack the ability to do better for themselves. Now the president of Amazon? He has that ability that the shipping guy lacks. And no amount of social programs is going to change that. You see, we don't decide what it takes to be fit enough to decide, but our circumstances do. You need the ability to adapt to those circumstances. If you don't have it, you'll die.
    Post by: Always Dance, Sep 23, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  11. Always Dance
    Drug trafficking, human trafficking, murder, none of these things are right. No matter how low you get it takes a certain amount of malice to resort to them. I don't have it.

    I'm not arguing that you can't do that. I have all the empathy in the world for the workers, but the fact is we are in a terrible economic state and we don't have money to spending on social programs to help them. We need to leave them alone, let Social Darwinism run its course.
    Post by: Always Dance, Sep 23, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  12. Always Dance
    I think of intervention as interaction that is not between companies and workers, i.e. from the government or private social programs. I didn't say I favored monopolies, but if one were to happen it would only be economic progress by way of Social Darwinism- just like it would be when said monopoly inevitably ends.

    That's a pretty weak argument. We live in a world that doesn't care about us, working for people that don't care about us, under a government that doesn't care about us, every single day-no matter where you live. How we choose to deal with that is our choice. And the weak, the stupid, pick E.
    Post by: Always Dance, Sep 23, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  13. Always Dance
    Is the basis of Social Darwinism, which I advocate strongly. Someone who dislikes their working conditions can either

    A) Deal with it
    B) Protest
    C) Get an education and then get a real job
    D) Starve and die

    No matter what the pick, they will advance the social order accordingly. Our job is to let these things happen on their own. By intervening we only hinder our economic progress.

    It's harsh, but it's life.
    Post by: Always Dance, Sep 23, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  14. Always Dance
    [color=6b23e]Sorry, but I don't see a problem here. They don't have to work there if they don't want to. They have bad working conditions because the workers put up with it.[/color]
    Post by: Always Dance, Sep 22, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  15. Always Dance
  16. Always Dance
  17. Always Dance
    Today, I saw my old middle school, where I went...I think 4 years ago. And God, has it changed. In the worst possible ways. It's like it's been abandoned. It's fallen into complete disrepair. There's weeds growing everywhere, even up through the sand. Cracks and holes in the blacktop, paint fading away, spiderwebs all over the place. It was definitely not like that when I went there. It's depressing. Hell, it's downright creepy.

    And yet that's where I had all my best friends, so many good times, my first kiss...

    I feel sorry for the kids who go there now...assuming it hasn't been abandoned.
    Thread by: Always Dance, Sep 18, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Always Dance
  19. Always Dance
    Who is the father of Toph's kids?
    For U=<3, 8, 4> and V=<9, 2, 0>, what is U X V?
    Will Obama be reelected?
    Will I ever get laid?
    What 3DS games are you looking forward to the most?
    How do you feel about the Slide Pad extension to the 3DS?
    What makes you so awesome?
    What in the freaking hell happened to this?
    Post by: Always Dance, Sep 15, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Always Dance