Like I said, I believe those are all just demons, not "Spirits". I also believe they go away when exorcised by Catholics to convince you that Catholicism is the right church, which it isn't (in my opinion)
Awesome, I'm spiky-haired knife guy. Watch out, imma knife you people
You'd be surprised. I saw a show on ABC a while ago where a man had a burger stand where he gave out burgers for any price and told people to pay what they thought it was worth. Apparently they were pretty damn good. He ended up making more than double what he would have if he sold them at $4 a burger.
I really like this idea and I wish it were viable but there are some very big problems with it. The first, most obvious one is that some games may not make their target price, and then what happens? You have a bunch of pissed off employees that aren't getting paid, that's what. The second is, how are new companies supposed to get off the ground this way? The only way anyone's going to donate to your game is if they know about the company and the kind of games they make. People are probably going to feel really sketchy about donating to a company who they've never seen a game from before and to a game that may never even get released. The last problem is, how does this work internationally? Are they selling the game to the whole world? Because if so they'll need to set the price much higher and it may end up getting disproportionate. I don't think there is a need for a "Solution to piracy". The game companies are doing fine. Valve said in a recent interview that "Piracy just isn't a problem for us". If game companies really want to reduce piracy, all they have to do is release demos of their games and make them DRM free. Oh, and the games should be good and reasonably priced. There are game companies that don't do any of these things (INFINITYWARD) and yet make mountains of money, even though people pirate the crap out of their games.
Sure. This study performed at Duke University shows that DRM increases piracy and that more piracy usually doesn't mean less sales. It's one of many. This is a judge ruling that a shared file is not a lost sale. The charge people get for pirating is copyright infringement, which I find to be bull.
Because there isn't, in most cases. If I cannot afford to buy a game, how does it affect the video game company in any way if I pirate it? I wouldn't buy the game either way. All that can happen is me telling my friends how cool it is. I can show you tons of studies that show that piracy helps game sales in most cases. The U.S. Legal System recognizes that a pirated game does not count as a lost sale. Studies on PC games show that sales tend to go up shortly after it becomes possible to pirate the game, and the games that get the best sales also have the most piracy.
Don't worry about it, I know you don't have any bad intentions.
You have no reason to feel bad for downloading a game that Squeenix chose not to make available for you to buy. When they made that decision they literally decided that they did not want your money.
Hey man, life goes on... those kinds of things just happen but I'm sure God has someone waiting for you. Everything happens for a reason, remember...
I think either one of those constitutes a failed parent, along with several other things. But you can't argue that a defining feature of parenthood is that your kids are supposed to freaking listen to you. Exactly, and if parents refuse to take that measure despite knowledge of it, they have no grounds for crying to the FCC because their child heard a no-no word. Honestly a good parent should be able to expose their kids to that sort of thing and just explain to them that it's not appropriate for those words to be used by kids. That's what my parents did. I've watched rated R movies for as long as I can remember.
Do me! Then have sex with me!
I'm almost 17 years old and I can't say I've really felt this way. Probably because I was raised properly. If your child won't listen to you and watches things you forbid them to, you've failed as a parent. And forgetting that argument completely, parents can take measures that make it impossible to view certain channels.
My belief is that "Ghosts" are really demons. More specifically, I'm a Christian, so I believe that when you die you either go to Heaven or to Hell. The job of demons is to convince you that there is no god, which will cause you to go to Hell. An obvious way for a demon to do this is to convince you that you become a ghost when you die. If people become ghosts after death, then the Christian ideas of Heaven and Hell suddenly become wrong, and all of Christianity is basically invalidated. So I believe demons take on the form of dead people and scare people, causing them to believe in ghosts. I also believe aliens/ UFOs are the same thing. I've never had any experiences with ghosts but I've heard stories.
I am very much against censorship. If you don't want your kids seeing certain things it's your job not to let them watch it, not anyone else's responsibility to make it not exist. Teen Nick is for teens and younger kids shouldn't be watching it, and that's all there is to it.
(I was just grounded for a week) Thanks. But it's kind of not X_x. I'm really REALLY stressed right now. But whatever, how's it going with you? My...
Hey sorry, I'm grounded until Monday....happened a day after I decided I wanted in the project, of course. Sorry, posting from my phone. The show must go on! Sorry if this is inconvenient :( I'll be a good boy in time for Want You Gone though, promise
Oh and another thing...if all you need is a lab and not necessarily a science for your major, it may be a good decision to just take something easy like Zoology or Oceanography.
Oh cool. A Soul Eater Roleplay, this'll be fun. Thing is I may be a little behind on terminology since I watched the English dub and you seem to be using sub terminology (For example in the English dub Demonscythes are just called "Weapons"). Member Name: Slaughtermatic Character Name: Alex Lacari Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance:'s_revenge.png Class: Weapon-meister Allegiance: Lord Death Short bio: Alex is a talented Weapon-Meister who tends not to get along with people due to his cynical nature. However, he's found a great friendship in his Demonscythe, Hawk. He'll often be seen reading during lectures, though he tends to get great marks. Black*Star is the absolute bane of his existence. Other: The DWMA must fall before it's too late. Member Name: Slaughtermatic Character Name: Hawkins White (AKA Hawk) Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Hawk is a tall, built kid, average in appearance. He has messy black hair going down to his blue eyes. Class: Demonscythe (Steel boomerang) Allegiance: Lord Death Short bio: Hawk is an outgoing kid who looks up to Alex because he's so confident in himself, the two are great friends. Hawk often tries to get Alex to be more outgoing with people like he is, usually to no avail. He does well in his classes, but that's only because of Alex's help. His ambition is to be a Death Scythe, and he's confident that he'll do it with Alex's partnership. Another thing: Black*Star's name is supposed to be spelled like that, Black*Star (More properly BlackāStar, but I understand some computers can't read that star character), so I'd appreciate it if we spelled it properly. And I know I'm being unnecessarily **** but those kinds of things just bother me...
Then, I think it would still be a good idea to talk to them again, but instead of "Mom, I want to drop chemistry" you need to approach it as "Mom, I'm dropping chemistry". Explain your reasoning to her and tell her that you hope she can respect your decision but that it's happening no matter what. No matter what you do, good luck.