The first one. I saw a link to it and I was just reminiscing about back then. ...I really sucked back then, didn't I? XD
Wow is that a blast from the past. I never got to see how that show ended. I'll definitely be watching this.
Suggesting: And we totally need to do Making Christmas when it's Christmas time
I would like these three please: The first
Solution to all of your problems: Stop using Elemental Heroes
I won't be 18 for another year :(
The enrichment center would like you remind you that you have an awesome username.
At Disneyland. He's an official manchild now.
Now you've proven that companies spend money to make games and can make that money back by selling them. You still haven't proven or implied any loss caused by piracy. You're literally ignoring your own point. They're both suing each other because both of them believed the other violated their intellectual property. When in reality neither of them created the smartphone, or touchscreens, or tablets, yet they are allowed to claim those things as intellectual property. No, I don't choose what evidence is real and what isn't, it seems you do. Evidence is by definition objective, "dismissing" any of it discredits you so much I don't even see the point of continuing this debate. Firsthand experiences do not dispel scientific studies. If they did, we wouldn't have scientific studies. An agreement taken by paying customers not to distribute copies of what they brought. I engage in no such contract when I pirate a game, and even if I did I would break no such contract because I do not distribute games I pirate. No, I got more detailed ignorance, arrogance, and disregard for objective facts. Which sets a contract with that particular piece of software. I am breaching no contracts. I don't care that I'm breaking the law, and you need to look up the definition of "Rip Off" Once again, I've not agreed to any "Rules". I haven't accepted any such contract. Not relevant to the argument. First of all, I am aware that video games are a luxury item, and I never said it was a "right" to own them. But if you cannot afford a luxury item, and a way exists for you to enjoy said item without any loss to the company who made it, why wouldn't you take advantage of that? Second, your logic is severely flawed. Is it wrong for a friend to buy a video game for me, because since I can't afford it I should learn to live without it? And lastly, spell-check. Use it.
"Whoa!" Hawk gaped at the sight of the beautiful DWMA campus. "It's freaking huge!" Alex shrugged. "So it is." "Are you kidding?" asked Hawk in disbelief. "This doesn't impress you?" Alex smiled, admiring his partner's enthusiasm for something so mundane. "I see it every day, Hawk. So do you." "Yeah, but not this close! Look at this! We finally get to actually go here!" "I'm afraid I have seen pictures of it this know, in books." Hawk let out a laugh. "Books? What are those!?" He gave his friend a punch on the shoulder, and they set off into the castle. "So, I don't suppose you've read our schedule? Asked Alex, though he knew full well what the answer would be. "Nope!" Answered Hawk, as he put his hands behind his head. "I didn't think so. Well, we've had a stroke of luck. We have Maka Albarn for homeroom." "Who?" Alex stopped dead in his tracks and put up an arm which Hawk had to stop abruptly not to run into. "Hawk. Think hard. Remember, or I'm going to be really, really pissed off. You know who the Hell Maka Albarn is." Hawk gulped. Alex usually put up with Hawk's general tendency not to remember things, but when he got like this, he knew it was really important. It usually served as a good way to know what to remember. Now, who was she... "Oh! I remember now. She helped beat the Kishin! She's Lord Death's wife." "Good," said Alex as he put his arm down and continued walking. "She's a really big deal, so I want you to try your hardest in her class. And try not to embarrass me, please." Hawk chuckled. "You've got it, but no promises on the embarrassment. I hope she has some cool stories about her past" "Don't you dare ask her! Alex snapped. "I bet she hates that..." Alex continued walking, trying to come up with a comprehensive list of things not to say.
Fantastic, we have an infallible person in our midst, everyone! First of all, all this does is prove that companies spend money to make games. Delightful. It doesn't prove or imply any kind of loss caused by piracy. Second, intellectual property is a fallacy in and of itself, and I don't believe it can be used to fairly justify or protect anything. Why do I think that? Look at Samsung and Apple, that's why. That's your problem, and nothing you said "Defuses" the argument. This is only ignoring a scientific study for no good reason. Yes, piracy is illegal. Wonderful. If you listened to any of our pro-piracy arguments, you'd know that we don't really care, and that we have good reason not to. You did no such thing. Incorrect, as your definition of a moral violation seems to imply breakage of the law. The law has nothing to do with morality and if you'd read any of my arguments you'd know that I don't see breakage of the law as immoral. I will not, because intellectual property is a logical fallacy and I don't believe there to be any "Good guy" or "Bad guy" in piracy. Nice Attacking The Person Fallacy. I have a code of morals and it has nothing to do with the law. This is the most arrogant post I have ever seen on this website. Not being able to afford is a game is different than not thinking it's worth buying, but again you'd have already read that if you read any of my arguments. Thanks, oh infallible one.
You're avoiding the question. Nothing you said has any bearing on whether the law is a moral standard, and it's not. And as Makaze said, I will disregard any law that doesn't exist to prevent harm to anyone but myself. And that's not immoral, because the law has NOTHING to do with morality. Also, the part that I bolded is a logical fallacy. I don't quite remember the name of it though, maybe someone could help me out on that. But it's very, very untrue. I pirate, but I don't murder. You are once again ignoring the question, you didn't even quote the main part of my argument. You have proved that a record company spends money to make CD's. Fantastic. That does not prove or even imply loss caused by pirating. There is no wealth being transferred. They had the CD, they keep the CD. I didn't have the money to buy it, I still don't. They had X amount of money, they leave the situation with X amount of money. No transfer of anything. Makaze answered this perfectly, so you can read her response to it. Well, we differ there. I don't see breaking the law as morally wrong, you do. That isn't going to change. And you once again avoid the point. The record companies don't pay the musicians CRAP. They make almost nothing from record sales. I just said that they make their money from concerts, and that's a fact. I am not trying to "Justify" (again I don't believe it's wrong in the first place) piracy due to the companies' wealth, all I'm saying is I won't hear any sob story you want to give me about how they're losing money. Because no matter how many pirates there are, there will ALWAYS be little girls who want Justin Beiber CD's, and there will ALWAYS be the parents who don't know how to so much as turn on a computer who will go to Walmart and buy twenty. That's why record companies are so rich right now. Scarily rich, in fact, to the point where I'm uncomfortable with it, but that's another argument.
---------- I must be getting names mixed up, then. Sorry for bothering you. ---------- Don't worry about it, I'd be curious if it were me....
The names don't ring a bell, but again I'm pretty sure it was a different forum- GBATemp to be exact. If by "Breaking" you mean installing custom...
I think the vast majority of people making the argument about not being able to afford them are people like myself, kids. I didn't buy the consoles that I have, my parents bought a Wii for my little brother that they let me use. They refuse to buy me games for it because they see it as a waste of time. I own a 3DS that I bought for myself when I DID have a job- a time during which I never pirated anything. Lastly I have a PC, which my dad bought for me, for school. I can't pay for anything myself and my parents refuse to buy anything for me. I pirate. I have no intention of pirating when I can actually afford games.
I don't think so. The argument about the statue isn't my own, I was paraphrasing somebody else, but I'm almost positive it was a different forum....
Piracy is not stealing. Stealing is defined taking another's possessions with no intention of returning it. The definition implies loss. There is absolutely no loss if I pirate a game I cannot afford. If my neighbor builds a statue and I like it, and I take a rock and make a statue that looks like his, is it stealing? My neighbor lost absolutely nothing- I just had the information to make my rock look like his rock. That's exactly what piracy is. If I know how to make the bumps on my CD look like the bumps on your CD- how could you possibly call that stealing? Wow, I never, ever thought I would meet someone who would use something as immoral as the law as a moral code. So if something's illegal, it's morally wrong to you? Not putting on your seat belt is morally wrong? Owning incandescent light bulbs is morally wrong? In most states, gay marriage is morally wrong? Think about what you say before you say it please. Oh okay, we're just disregarding scientific studies now. Cool. Hey everybody, remember that study about how McDonald's makes you fat? It doesn't matter now! Scientific studies don't prove anything according to this post! Let's go eat all the McDonald's we want! Sorry idealist, but this isn't possible for everyone. Have you seen the economy lately? I live in a rural area, I don't have neighbors. And if they did, I doubt they would pay me to wash their car. Actually, there are plenty of artists who support downloading their music. System of a Down, The Cancer Bats, MC Lars, I could go on. In the end musicians do NOT make money from record sales. Most of the money when you buy a CD goes to the record company- and don't you give me any crap, those people are loaded. Musicians only really make money off of concerts, which you can't pirate. And once more, not being able to afford a game is different than not thinking it's worth paying for. Yes.
This. I don't like watching anime that's just about yaoi because they want anime about yaoi. Some pairings, however, (Looking at you Roxas/Axel) just work better than straight ones.
This is why it's a terrible idea to trust wikis. He didn't say that. He actually said "Thanks for your thoughts. Ruby and Sapphire are important games to me. I will consider your request."
I adore Community, it's one of my favorite shows. The only one that's ever made me laugh until I literally cried.