Let's try this again, then; http://www.gamekyo.com/videoen13236_monster-hunter-3-tri-new-video.html
Let's see how long it takes for someone to get the reference.
I don't think you realize how to recognize jokes, on the internet. Do you want me to write a small paragraph explaining it?
My penis is The One, it can enter The Matrix. Suck it.
Oh yeah? Well, I'd have sex with that post. I'm more enthused then you, take that.
What, are you two going to have sex? Take pictures.
It's like you're in my head or something.
So basically what you're telling me is that you're huge indecisive whore ....do you want a medal?
This is not a replacement for the DS-Lite, it's a different tier of the same system, akin to the Xbox 360 Elite; it's a multimedia-heavy option for those who so wish to have the features, the regular DS Lite model will remain in production simultaneously with the DS-i
You're grounded. Go to your room and I'll be up in a minute.
http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=-7Dr-9VhN4U If this game were a woman I would put my penis in her and then have her make me dinner.
Please die a horrible painful death.
And by that, do you mean the PSP sucks and has no good games? I thought thats what you meant, glad we agree.
What, all 30 of them? All of whom already know of KHInsider and KH-Vids and get their information here anyway because we're entirely better websites that don't steal information like hours or days after it's actually relevant? Yeah. Psst, Yannis, your website sucks.
You should assassinate her.
Haha, this thread is full of funny people with funny and original jokes
Haha, that's funny! Guys, did you see? You see, there's this joke (on the internets) about this character named candlejack and, oh man this is the best part, people joke about how if you say his name then you disappear! Isn't that just the bees knees? So, now that you have acquired this information, you can clearly see what The Joker is doing here (ho ho, did you see what I did there? That's another internet joke, I'll be sure to tell you later!), haha, because I certainly did see what he did there, and I found it quite the knee-slapper! isn't the internet fun? Ho ho, how silly we all are, us kids and our internets
The federal reserve printing 700 billion dollars into existence to bailout the stock market would absolutely destroy the United States dollar, and for what? It's nothing more then a short-fix solution being made in the hopes that those 700 billion dollars would be better invested, all it's doing is delaying a fallout and in turn destroying the worth of the dollar and making the prospect of economic rebound much harder to attain. If corporations invest improperly, then the consequences of those investments need to come to fruition, that's how capitalism works, if your company does something so financially disastrous, then your company needs to die so that another can take your place and not do what you did. The bailout is making it so that corporations don't have to worry about this consequence, because they'll get their buddies in Washington to print out fat sacks of cash and give them a slap on the wrist saying "Don't do bad stuff with the people's money again, ya hear?" Not bailing out the stock market is going to more difficult in the short term, as in the next 2 years, and people are going to have tough times, but an economic rebound can happen much faster through a natural progression of consumerism. With a 700 billion dollar bailout, the economy is still going to crash, and we're still going to have those tough times, the difference is that we just magically poofed 700 billion dollars into existence and the upper class is fine for it, but we absolutely destroyed the worth of the dollar through inflation, which in the end is only going to make everything we buy more expensive for the next decade, instead of a potential rebound in 2 years.
Jesus christ you're all fucking dumb.