Your post makes me want to rip out your ovaries.
Otaku isn't exactly a flattering name to call yourself, it's like calling yourself a nigger******
Yes, because the best games on the other consoles are completely original. Metal Gear Solid....4 Devil May Cry...4 Grand Theft Auto....4 Call of Duty....4 Dead or Alive....4 Project Gotham Racing....4 Guitar Hero....4 Elder Scrolls....4 Star Ocean...4 Halo...3 God of War...3 Gran Turismo....5 Gears of War....2 Ninja Gaiden....2 Banjo Kazooie....3 Ratchet and Clank....5(?) Yep, sure is original over there, let me tell ya. Every console maker relies on established franchises to please their fans, get over it.
Eat. Sex. Die.
Hey guys, I'm from the future (2008), and I just thought I'd tell you that in the future you're all going to be posting in a ****** thread pretending you're in the past. Also, the Dreamcast is the greatest console known to man.
Maybe the dingo ate your baby.
Why, do I make you feel (~ºωº)~ ......uncomfortable?
٩(・ω・٩) hugsk?
Good heavens, just look at the time
I read you loud and clear щ(゚Д゚щ) that's sometime soon, right?
I liek teh bb sheeps y or n?
I'm sorry you can't live up to your namesake.
You bet your sweet ass it did.
I think he's trying to convince himself that he's not aroused moreso then he's trying to convince us
For I am but a banana.