I certainly hope you're good enough at dueling to back up your words. I've torn apart many a duelist like you before, who talked big but couldn't...
I do like this idea, but with a duelist as skilled as Jaden advising her I'd suggest a stronger opponent. 8D Hi
Hey That's my thing ]:
The **** you talking about? They're both hilarious.
THANKS, WE GOT IT. I'll be with you this evening, P. Busy atm.
You, good sir (sir?), have contributed nearly nothing to this debate. Unitarianism was here and they were wondering WHERE THE HELL LUNA LOVEGOOD WENT. There are things we do not know, yes. I support the first half of this post. This statement is not undeniable, just as it is not the most logical conclusion to come to. But can you honestly say that Occam's Razor, as a logical theory-esque-thing, takes into account all factors and can definitely say that the Atheist belief is most logical and, therefore, correct? Just because it is simpler? Oh god I thought I was weird for this
My honest opinion? I've developed insomnia.I've gotten about a total of 7 hour's sleep since the week started. I'm too tired to care.
Yes .
Personally, they're still overpowered. But, whatever floats your boat.
Yeah, I did. I didn't reply because I'm busy today.
Same here xD
this man speaks truth
Can't complain at the moment. You?
Hey look it's a Rapeliku
And what is it, pray tell, that makes your argument that the Higgs-Boson is eternal and apparently free of decay any more scientifically stable? I don't want to hear you throw Occam's Razor at me again; we have been over it and I'd really like to hear an argument that isn't "because it's simpler" out of you. If you really want to we can go back over it though.
I think I get it; let me try. Rule: Everything must have a start. Exception: God. Logic: The matter of the big bang is not eternal. The only thing that is eternal is god. As everything must have a start, god is the only thing that could come before them, thus he created them. My logic: Make something else (e.g. an enormous block of cheese) the exception, taking god out of the equation. There is scientific evidence (radiation) to support the Big Bang and the God Particle, but as to the cause of everything, I'd have to say that a giant block of cheese did it. Just because something has miniscule scientific support does not mean that you can use it to break the same scientific standards that you had just supported it with. Making the original matter/antimatter eternal is no better than what you say making God eternal is, and just because you substituted one answer for another slightly more scientific-sounding answer does not mean that you have gained any ground. An enormous block of cheese started the Big Bang and we are all to repay His Dairyness in due season.
We changed it to a more admin-able room, due to massive trollage.