Hey Hey you You're a dick
Possums are cute :x
Nothing much man. How about you?
Guys the title is Name one moderately obscure fact about the member above you What about moderately obscure fact is hard for you to understand
Strong language, but actually sums up my thoughts pretty well.
Sorry, I forgot this. Logically correct? Not hardly. Your fundamental problem here is still that Occam's Razor is a tool of logic meant to be used in scientific experiments, to simplify findings and make more sense of scientific findings. Using Occam's Razor in this debate is treating it like a scientific process, which is pretty much the opposite of a religious debate on a children's videogame forum. Even so, even if the Razor did increase the likelihood of the Atheist Big Bang happening, it would be ineffective as an argument because increasing the probability of an event happening does not mean it happened. In the grade school problem of "There are two red marbles in a bag and four blue marbles in a bag; You draw one," the probability of you drawing a blue marble is not 100% just because it is the more likely solution. You still leave the possibility of there being a god, which you cannot do on the atheist side of a theological argument. It is impossible to prove or disprove the existence of God with scientific evidence. Therefore, the best that can be hoped to be done is to support or uproot Its existence with the best logic and philosophy possible. As long as you leave the possibility that there may be a god, I have won; as far as I know it is not in Atheist beliefs to admit that there "may be a god but I don't follow him". On the other side, I uproot your arguments to there not being God by saying they are based on scientific thought processes (which they are).
In a sentence, this is a story about Bonita Ingénue a 15-year-old, misunderstood young woman who gets rescued from her provincial, boring life and whisked away to a fantastical world of exciting, sensual, magic and erotic, thick, penetrating whimsy. At the beginning of our tale, she leaves her hometown of Backstory, Massachusetts for the excitement and intrigue of Excitetrigue, Colorado. The kids at her new school are all impressed with how one dimensional and uninteresting she is and it’s only a matter of time before all of the popular boys ask her out on romantic dates in the hopes fingerblasting her. Even though Bonnie has her pick of the litter at school, she really has her heart set on Theo, the mysterious boy who lives just outside of town in Dragon Hills. Theo has feelings for Bonnie as well, but he also has a deep, dark secret. A deep, dark dragon secret. He is a dragon. Bonnie accepts Theo for who he is and Theo appreciates how unobtrusive and malleable Bonnie is. Together, and against the wishes of Bonnie’s parents, they get into some pretty graphic dragon-****ing, and it’s a little bit weird, but beautiful if you just open your mind. Eventually Theo has to leave the town (I forget why) and Bonnie goes along with him and abandons her family (because if there’s anything Twilight tell us, it’s that chicks love sitting passively on the sidelines while violent, mysterious men make absolutely every important decision for them). There’s maybe a hunt at some point but otherwise most of the tail end of the book is more aggressive dragonhumping as Bonnie and Theo live out their days in Theo’s tower, blissfully unaware of the outside world as they enjoy a life that’s all sweat, asses and wings. You’ve heard of fire-breathing dragons, well, Theo is a desire-breathing dragon. (He also breathes fire.) I copypasta'd this from cracked.com in case you're still reading.
I'm sure we've all learned a bit about each other in our time on khv gogogo
no dey scry and meen ;-;
but dey scaaaaaaary
scary forest is scary ;-;
Robbie says: *yo *I should drive to your house The Magical says: *Dude Robbie says: *dude *? The Magical says: *Dude *I challenge you *The Magical has challenged you to a battle! Sending 'bhelp' will display commands. Robbie says: *The Magical has challenged you to a battle! Sending 'bhelp' will display commands. *go The Magical says: *Robbie sent forth OCTILLERY! 424HP, 101ATK, 125DEF, 171SPC, 115SPE, WATER type. Robbie says: *Robbie sent forth VENONAT! 480HP, 173ATK, 185DEF, 131SPC, 160SPE, BUG/POISON type. *wait The Magical says: *Goddamnit turn yours off *The Magical sent forth DAMNIT TURN YOURS OFF! 459HP, 158ATK, 107DEF, 143SPC, 159SPE, ROCK type. *DAMNIT TURN YOURS OFF is first. Robbie says: *The Magical sent forth DAMNIT TURN YOURS OFF! 407HP, 140ATK, 195DEF, 194SPC, 184SPE, ROCK type. *DAMNIT TURN YOURS OFF is first. .-.
Mine is better xD
Hey remember forever ago when you wanted me to drum for a band or some ****? Neither do I
I bet I could figure out the reason. If I gave a fuck.
I'll be getting mine into some psuedo-mohawk thing again sometime next week, if not later. It will also be dyed blonde.
Well we'll see where this goes :|
Every Planet We Reach Is Dead - Gorillaz
http://www.kh-vids.net/converse.php?u=6899&u2=42108 What was happening with ewe on Voxli?
Not sure about you guys but I for one think that welding masks are incredibly cool. Spoiler I found this and I'm gonna see if I can keep it. Maybe, like, paint it or use leds in the visor or some ****. I don't know yet. Open to suggestions though.