Ryoku heard Miteta-got up and grabbed his guitar-He was going to die with his music. He ran into his bedroom-lied down on his bed and put the vile to his lips...
Nah-I feel Ryoku needs a drastic change-something to put his life into perspective.
Grrr...*Gives into eyes* Okay-he will drink a small portion of poison but Mitera stops him-but he ends up paralysed from the waist down-Happy?
Ryoku wiped his tears and got up-Forgetting his keys he kicked his door in-Walked over the threshold and then locked the door behind him-He reached under his bed and pulled out a vile labeld 'My Gun' in Japanese-He held it in his hands for a few seconds and took out the cork from the vile....
I do-its sorta suffocating-in a way XDD So Ryoku is gonna go into his room-drink some poison-while he is dying he tells Mitera how much he...
Okay-When I was a baby bands like Nirvana and Guns'n'Roses where always played around me-I'm 13 and I haven't heard the album Nevermind by Nirvana in 10 years and I was amazed when I found I could almost recite the whole album! I was like "Dude! I know this song-even though im pretty sure i've never heard it before!!" So Basically I think its down to the Subconscious and how it sorta 'Bookmarks' things like music and it can silently live on for like 10 years and stuff-So did you ever come across something like this?? And If you did please tell ^^
Yami walked over a hill while taking out his MP3 player and earphones-He tilted his head slightly-Haven't seen a sight like this in a while..he smiled.
Ryoku was outside his room-he took out his keys-He suddenly thought again-I wish I would have never bumped into Ryoku-He dropped his keys and fell to the ground-He sat up against a wall and began to cry-How could I have said such things to her? His face was in his hands-He was barely breathing-He didn't know what to do...Except....My Gun....
Yeah but if it gets all romeo and juliet two characters are gonna die-And why would he fake it? He has more reason to kill himself than to keep...
Yup-Im thinking Suicide-Shooting himself-Witha Kurt Cobain-y Vibe.
Okay-Ryoku is gonna actually leave the Tread-He's gonna die lol So which way do you think it should happen???
I wish I would have never bumped into Ryoku-Ryoku swallowed and decided-"Have a nice life together...seriously." He said without any emotion and walked away-heading to his dorm,Tears rolling down his cheeks-But he was happy that Miteta was happy...
Ryoku continued to walk away "You wasted two years of my life..." he shouted back "-Take that one to heart!!!"
Oh well it works either way lol
Hes dead remember-Ryoku killed him-thats why he had to go into the asylum?? XDD soz g2g lol
"Put yourself in my shoes-" he said calmly without looking back while stopping "-I was put into An Insane Asylum for killing a man who tried to harm you-I was abused,Beat up and raped and I attempted Suicide several times in there-" he sighed "-But I never regretted a thing because I knew it meant you were safe-" he swallowed "But we bump into each other coincidentally-And your with a guy I try to Respect-He goes mad cuz im not sure how I feel when I finally run into you...He tries to kill me-Now-" he slightly turned his head "-How would you feel?" OOC-XDD g2g
Quite-Why???-lol-Pappy Academy is getting awlkwardly exciting XDD
Looks kwl-send me a link of your profile lol
Ryoku pulled his arms away from Miteta-he turned away "...Why do we need to talk?-you clearly got over me a long time ago if your planning to have a child-" his back faced her "...Im just your ex who obviously just didn't get over you-" he began to walk away "-But dont worry-Your nothing to me anymore..."
Ryoku shook his head "Ya'know what-Just stay togerther-Dont ruin your life on account of me-Stay together-you obviously love him and he obviosly loves you..." he started to walk away but then looked back "...I dont love you." He said harshly-he contined walking without looking back.If you would have stayed in that asylum where you belong, none of this would have happened!