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  1. SoraUchiha
  2. SoraUchiha
    Ryoku turned his head after letting go of Neoph-"W-whats going to happen?" he looked around the emergency room-sort of afraid...
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. SoraUchiha
  4. SoraUchiha
    Ryoku grabbed Neoph's shoulder and pulled him down towards him-he looked straight into his eyes and said "Look man-I'm sorry..."
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. SoraUchiha
  6. SoraUchiha
    In my opinion (now this is coming from a Marilyn Manson fan so I think you can probably understand) I think most Pop is pure bullshit!-I mean what the **** is it? A load of 12 year olds singing about how they 'love' this ****tyy girl they have nevr met?? But in fairness there have been Really good songs in that genre-I actually secretly have acquired a taste for Lady GaGa and Lily Allen-but thats only cuz there weird in a nice way xD
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 28, 2010 in forum: Music
  7. SoraUchiha
    I've never even heard of him-does that count for anything?? XDD
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 28, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. SoraUchiha
    If we were alone in the Universe-Wouldn't out there be a massive waste of space?
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 28, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. SoraUchiha
    The person-In Michaels case-Lives on as people remember him-I dont believe in Angels or Demons -_-
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 28, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. SoraUchiha
  11. SoraUchiha
    Ryoku swallowed-He was shocked by how he snapped at someone like that and he was even more shocked at Neoph's response-His response made him feel horrible for some reason-While he held Miteta's hand he knew that was that. "'m gonna need to get to-a-um-hospital. that was strong poison..." he said trying to sit up but giving up knowing there was too much weight in his legs.
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. SoraUchiha
    OOC-Okay what exactly is happening right now XDD
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. SoraUchiha
    Ryoku was frustrated "Oh fuuck you-being an Insecure Jock!" He pulled himself up with his arms-his legs unmoving "You think you can so this to Miteta?" tear fell down his face "Being a drama Queen-storming out of a room just cuz you dont get to kill someone!?" he wiped the tears "Huh?-Wait-W-What do you want to happen?-What like-yo-you storm off and you-you want Miteta to run after you?-" he sniffed "-Dude-Your just one of those guys who want girls thinking their lucky to be with you!!!-" he calmed slightly-put his torso upward was still shakey "Miteta deserves better than you..." that was one thing for sure.
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. SoraUchiha
  15. SoraUchiha
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by SoraUchiha for MandyXRiku4ever, Mar 27, 2010
  16. SoraUchiha
    "Dude-I just cant move my legs-It doesn't mean im gonna die!" he was panicking
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. SoraUchiha
  18. SoraUchiha
    Ryoku looked up at Miteta-He tasted the poison on his lips-he drank a small portion of the viles contents-He gasped "M-Miteta..." He tried to sit up but he couldn't.
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. SoraUchiha
  20. SoraUchiha