xDD Oh quite random-Is that because of genetics or is dye been fed to it??
Ryoku turned his head after letting go of Neoph-"W-whats going to happen?" he looked around the emergency room-sort of afraid...
O_O Wow that was really random xD Whats it look like???
Ryoku grabbed Neoph's shoulder and pulled him down towards him-he looked straight into his eyes and said "Look man-I'm sorry..."
In Irish!! -_- Please dont mix me with them again please and Im serious-im not sucking up or anything-all the American girls I know are smart and...
In my opinion (now this is coming from a Marilyn Manson fan so I think you can probably understand) I think most Pop is pure bullshit!-I mean what the **** is it? A load of 12 year olds singing about how they 'love' this ****tyy girl they have nevr met?? But in fairness there have been Really good songs in that genre-I actually secretly have acquired a taste for Lady GaGa and Lily Allen-but thats only cuz there weird in a nice way xD
I've never even heard of him-does that count for anything?? XDD
If we were alone in the Universe-Wouldn't out there be a massive waste of space?
The person-In Michaels case-Lives on as people remember him-I dont believe in Angels or Demons -_-
-Stick out tongue- Hay when ur dad shook his head that time-was it out of disappointment?
Ryoku swallowed-He was shocked by how he snapped at someone like that and he was even more shocked at Neoph's response-His response made him feel horrible for some reason-While he held Miteta's hand he knew that was that. "So...um-I'm gonna need to get to-a-um-hospital. that was strong poison..." he said trying to sit up but giving up knowing there was too much weight in his legs.
OOC-Okay what exactly is happening right now XDD
Ryoku was frustrated "Oh fuuck you-being an Insecure Jock!" He pulled himself up with his arms-his legs unmoving "You think you can so this to Miteta?" tear fell down his face "Being a drama Queen-storming out of a room just cuz you dont get to kill someone!?" he wiped the tears "Huh?-Wait-W-What do you want to happen?-What like-yo-you storm off and you-you want Miteta to run after you?-" he sniffed "-Dude-Your just one of those guys who want girls thinking their lucky to be with you!!!-" he calmed slightly-put his torso upward was still shakey "Miteta deserves better than you..." that was one thing for sure.
Im not gopnna be on later cuz my dads being an arsehole so seya whenever-Bye XDD
"Dude-I just cant move my legs-It doesn't mean im gonna die!" he was panicking
American Girls seem to Understand and communicate with others more positively as opposed to girls in Europe-It is to my knowledge that they are...
Ryoku looked up at Miteta-He tasted the poison on his lips-he drank a small portion of the viles contents-He gasped "M-Miteta..." He tried to sit up but he couldn't.
Im not suppost to be on now-but ill be on officially in a few hours XD
Nope -Looks at you in an 'im not gonna change my mind' sorta way-