Im so sorry to hear about your dog-I really am. I hope for the best for you.
Is correct =]
Likes Pokémon and shows it in the cutest avatar ^^
Likes Mario and The Idea of Mario and Princess Peach being together xD
Yeah but the effort in getting it right xD
O__o Sounds hot xD
Ryoku looked up slowly-His eyes coming out from behind his hair-He tried to hide the fact that he had been crying-He talked calmly with alot of effort "Um-Miteta-" he was breathing heavily again "-I-I cant-" he sighed "-I cant walk..."
M,wahahaha im on Spring Break for two weeks XD and I think its cuz you need sleep and to calm down ur internet O_____o and I like peanutbutter (I guess you know that one without highlighting it xD)
For some reason I can imagine as a total B**** but I have no idea why O___o (No Offence intended)
That sucks! I hope thing work out ='[
Ryoku exhaled and start breathing heavily while staring into space-Things like this dont happen -His eyes where bloodshot. Two to three days? Scátach crossed her arms I hope nothing bad happened... OOC-Yup but not for a while (But everyone thinks he will never walk again)
Ohhhhhhhhhhh...Looks at peoples moods xD
OOC-No-He is now wheelchair bound -_- Ryoku gasped-"W-what is it!?" Scátach squinted her eyes then asked "How long has he been here?"
What happened??
Thinks I need Sleep but I dont know why O__o
An Anime Convention =P
Likes cats and is quite Colourful.
Probably not ^^
Ryoku wondered what he meant for a second but then something struck him "H-Hay C-can I walk?" he asked hopefully Scátach looked at Miteta and bit the inside of her lip "Tell me what happened" she demanded.
I blame the economy -_-